Elements Organizer crashes at launch

Reset preferences

  1. Do one of the following:

    • (Windows) Use Explorer to browse to the folder:
      %appdata%\Adobe\Elements Organizer\<version>\Organizer.
    • (Mac OS) Use the Finder to browse (Finder > Go > Go to Folder) to the folder:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Elements Organizer/<version>/Organizer.
  2. Rename the following files:

    • psa.prf to psa_old.prf
    • status.dat to status_old.dat
  3. Start Elements Organizer.

Create a catalog

  • Launch Elements Organizer while keeping the Shift key pressed to open the Catalog Manager.
  • In the Catalog Manager dialog, click New to create a catalog. Provide a name for the catalog, and then click OK.
  • Start Elements Organizer.

Repair or optimize a catalog

  1. Launch Elements Organizer while keeping the Shift key pressed to open the Catalog Manager.
  2. In the Catalog Manager dialog, select a catalog and then click Repair. When an Elements Organizer dialog appears that indicates no errors were found, click Repair Anyway.
  3. Start Elements Organizer.

Reset Online Service preferences

  1. Do one of the following:
    • (Windows) Use Explorer to browse to the following folder:
      %appdata%\Adobe\Elements Organizer\\Organizer.
    • (Mac OS) Use Finder to browse (Finder > Go > Go to Folder) to the following folder:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Elements Organizer/
  2. Rename the folder OLS to OLS_old.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • (Windows) Use Explorer to browse to the following folder:
    • (Mac OS) Use the Finder to browse (Finder > Go > Go to Folder) to the folder:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe
  4. Rename the folder Online Services to Online Services_old
  5. Start Elements Organizer.

Reset saved preferences

  1. Launch Elements Organizer while keeping the Shift key pressed to open the Catalog Manager.
  2. In the Catalog Manager dialog, click New to create a catalog. Provide a name for the catalog, and then click OK.
  3. Launch the Preferences dialog (Ctrl/Cmd + K).
  4. In the Preferences dialog:
    • In the Media Analysis tab, deselect all checkboxes.
    • In the Files tab, deselect the checkboxes:
      --Automatically Search for and Reconnect Missing Files
      --Automatically Generate Thumbnails for Video Files
  5. Start Elements Organizer.
  6. If Organizer launches without any issues, switch back to your older catalog.

Administrator rights (Windows only)

  1. Locate the file PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe in the following folder:
    • (Photoshop Elements 13) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements 13 Organizer
    • (64-bit Photoshop Elements 12 and earlier): C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Elements Organizer
    • (32-bit Photoshop Elements 12 and earlier): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements Organizer
  2. Right-click the PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe file, and select Run as Administrator.
  3. If the Windows User Account Control (UAC) screen appears, click Yes.
  4. Launch Elements Organizer.

Compatibility mode (Windows only)

  1. Locate the PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe file in the following folder:
    • (Photoshop Elements 13) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements 13 Organizer
    • (64-bit Photoshop Elements 12 and earlier): C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Elements Organizer
    • (32-bit Photoshop Elements 12 and earlier): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements Organizer
  2. Right-click the PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe file, and select Properties.
  3. In the Properties panel, click the Compatibility tab and do the following:
    1. In the Compatibility mode area:
      --Select the checkbox Run this program in compatibility mode for
      --From the compatibility mode dropdown, select Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
    2. In the Privilege Level area:
      --Select the checkbox Run this program as an administrator
    Click OK.
  4. If the Windows User Account Control (UAC) screen appears, click Yes.
  5. Launch Elements Organizer.

Install the latest update of Photoshop Elements

Elements Organizer 14 might fail to start on older Mac computers that have Intel core 2 duo processor, which does not support the SSE4 instructions set.

To fix this problem, install the latest update of Adobe Photoshop Elements. You can install Adobe Photoshop Elements 14.1 update in any of the following ways:

  1. Launch Photoshop Elements Editor 14
  2. Select Help > Updates and install the latest Photoshop Elements update.


In Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 editor, click the Update Availability Announcement icon, and then click Install Now or Install on Exit.

Reinstall your application

If all the solutions listed above fail to enable Elements Organizer to launch normally, you must reinstall your application. Perform a clean uninstallation (remove preferences if prompted to), and then reinstall your application (Photoshop Elements or Premiere Elements).

Delete color profile file (Mac OS only)

Elements Organizer can crash on launch if the color profile information in any PSE or PSD files in your catalog does not load correctly.

To confirm that the crash is caused by this issue, open the crash report that is generated when Elements Organizer crashes and look for the crashed thread. If the crashed thread includes the text com.adobe.psl, PSLGetPixelsByChannel, the crash is caused by the color profile information not loading correctly.

To fix the issue, delete the Color Profile file that is causing Elements Organizer to crash, as follows:

  1. Use the Finder to navigate (Finder > Go > Go to Folder) to the folder
    ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Settings
  2. Do one of the following:
  • If you see a folder named Recommended inside the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Settings, delete all the contents of the Settings folder except for the Recommended folder.
  • If you do not see a folder named Recommended, delete all files with the .csf extension in the following folder:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Settings

If the above steps do not work, delete all the subfolders inside the following folder:

~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color

After deleting these subfolders, launch Elements Organizer.

Elements Organizer 2024 crashing on launch

If Elements Organizer 2024 displays the splash screen for Elements Organizer 2025 and then crashes, please reinstall Elements 2024 to resolve the issue.

After reinstallation and relaunch, you should see the correct splash screen for Elements Organizer 2024.

Download the installer here:

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