Disable startup screen and Makerkit in FrameMaker on UNIX

You can prevent start-up messages, the splash screen, and the Makerkit from appearing when Adobe FrameMaker for UNIX starts. There are several ways to do this, as described below.

To suppress the start-up message, "starting maker . . . ," start FrameMaker with this command:

maker -log_file_only

To suppress all start-up messages (redirecting them to /dev/null), start FrameMaker with either of these commands:

(maker >logfile) >& /dev/null

maker -log_file_only -console_log /dev/null

To disable the splash screen, Makerkit, and the start-up message,"Before using FrameMaker for the first time. . ." do the following:

1. Exit from FrameMaker.

2. Do any or all of the following:

-- To disable the splash screen, add the following X resource to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file:

Maker.SplashScreen: False

-- To disable the Makerkit, add the following X resource to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file:

Maker.ViewerIsServer: True

-- To suppress the start-up message,"Before using FrameMaker for the first time . . . ," add the following X resource to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file:

Maker.expertMode: expert

3. Log out and on, or run

xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults

For further information and additional command line arguments, see the online manual "Customizing FrameMaker Products" in $FMHOME/fminit/$FMLANG/OnlineManuals.

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