Create the following in the maker.ini file:
Adobe CQ=Standard, Adobe CQ, FMCQ-Client.dll, allConnect to the content management system
About Adobe CQ as a CMS for FrameMaker
With the FrameMaker connector for CQ, you can connect to Adobe CQ and use it as a Web Content Management System and use its Digital Asset Management (DAM) capabilities.
With CQ DAM, digital assets are easy to find, share, comment on, revise, and publish. CQ DAM uses globally accessible repositories for shared, permissions-based access to digital media assets. It uses web-based shared workspaces for workflow-based sharing of ideas.
Metadata XMP
FrameMaker provides you support for editing and updating CQ meta data of DAM FrameMaker assets, which simplifies file and version management. XMP metadata is platform independent and you can customize it to meet your CMS needs. For more information about XMP metadata, see Adobe XMP website.
Both FrameMaker and CQ support XMP. When you upload a FrameMaker binary file (.fm, .mif, or .book) to CQ using DAM, the file info (File > File Info) of the file is added to the CQ metadata of the file.
Once you add file info to a FrameMaker binary file and upload it to CQ DAM, you can right click the asset and see the file info included as its metadata.
Set up FrameMaker 11 to work with CQ
Complete the following steps to set up FrameMaker to work with CQ:
Download, unzip, and copy the CQ DLLs to the folder that has framemaker.exe. The framemaker.exe file is usually at the following location:
..\\Program Files\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11
In FrameMaker, select CMS > Connection Manager.
Choose the connection type as Adobe CQ.
Specify the connection details, such as server name, user name, and password to connect to your CMS. Also, specify a unique name for the connection.
Observação:The value in the Name field uniquely identifies each connection. All connections are added to the favorites list. The list can store a maximum of eight favorites. If you try to store the ninth connection, the first connection on the list is removed to accommodate it. The connection list works in a first in, first out manner.
Specify the name of the CQ Workspace to which FrameMaker will connect using this connection.
Click Connect.
The Repository Manager lists the contents of the selected server.
The CQ folder structure includes a DAM folder (Content > DAM). To use Digital Asset Management capabilities of CQ, upload the assets into this folder. You can manage your content using folders other than DAM, but folders other than DAM do not support DAM features and workflows.Dependent Files
Adobe CQ understands FrameMaker file dependencies, such as book-chapter relations, cross references, and conrefs. While checking out a file, FrameMaker gives you an option to check out dependent files.Dependent files for a book (*.book) file are:
- Chapter files in the book
- Generated files in the book (such as table of contents and Index)
- Files connected to any of the files in the book through cross references, and text insets
- Dependent files for a chapter file are the files connected to it using cross references, text insets, graphic insets, posters, and JavaScript snippets
When checking out a file in Adobe CQ, a dialog allows you to check out all the dependent files.
Option to do the same on dependent files?
Check in
Check out
Check out and edit
Cancel checkout
Upload file
If you are uploading a book, its dependent files are uploaded as well. (not optional).
Open read-only
Manage CQ preferences
You can change the following CQ preferences using the CQPreference.xml file (located at FMHome, for example: InstallDir\Program Files \Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11):
- ShowOnlyDam: Display only DAM related assets in the repository manager or not
- SuppressAlert: Display CQ alerts as alert messages or in the FM console window
- FileNameRestrictions: In the filenames, allow all characters or only the alphanumeric and specified special characters
To set up CQ preferences:
Open the CQPreference.xml file (at FMHOME).
Locate the following section in the file:
<ShowOnlyDam value="true" folders ="/content/dam"/> <SetUserArea folders=""/> <SuppressAlert value="false"/> <FileNameRestrictions anyChar="false"> <AlphaNumeric/> <SpecialChars values="-_"/> </FileNameRestrictions>
Edit the following values:
Default Value
true displays only the DAM related folders\assets for which you have read permissions in Repository Manager.
false displays all the folders in Repository Manager.
For example, if this field is set to true, and folders is set to "content,apps" FrameMaker displays only two folders in the content repository: content and apps. If this field is set to true and folders is set to “content/dam” the content repository displays content as top level folder and dam as a sub-folder.true
SetUserArea folders
Mention the CQ application folder where all the FrameMaker files are downloaded from CQ to the local disk.
This field is blank by default. When you do not edit this field and keep it blank, the default folder is:
true suppresses the alert messages, such as missing dependent file alerts while uploading/checkin/checkout files, and displays the message content in the FM console window file.
false does not suppress the alert messages.false
FileNameRestrictions anychar
true allows all the characters and special characters in the filenames in the repository.
false lets you specify the allowed characters in the repository filenames using AlphaNumeric and OtherCharsSpecialChars values.By default, Unicode is not supported in filenames. To enable Unicode characters in new folder and filenames, switch off the restrictions. (set FileNameRestrictions anychar = true).
This preference is relevant only when AllowedCharInFileName anychar is set to false.
true allows alphanumeric characters in filenames.true
SpecialChars values
This preference is relevant only when AllowedCharInFileName anychar is set to false.
List the other characters that are allowed. For example, to allow “-” and “:” in the repository filenames set the value of this field to: “-:”.none
ShowProgressBar valueq
true shows a progress bar for displaying the progress of operations, such as check in, check out, download.
false does not display the progress bar.false
Restart FrameMaker or restart CQ session.
The new settings have taken effect.
Advanced search in DAM assets
To search for a DAM asset:
Select a folder with DAM assets and click Advanced Search.
The Advanced Search dialog appears.
Enter one or more of the following search criteria:
- Full Text: Enter title of the document to search (You can use wildcard symbols).
- Path: This field has the path of the folder you selected for searching the DAM assets. To select a different DAM folder, edit the path or click browse to select a DAM folder.
- Modified From and To: To search for assets modified during a period, specify the From and To dates. To search for assets created after a particular date, specify the From date. To search for assets created before a particular date, specify the To date.
- Filetypes and ellipsis buttons: To specify the filetypes to be searched for, select Filetypes and select one or more of the four filetypes, FrameMaker Files, Images, Multimedia, and Documents. For the selected filetypes, click the relevant ellipsis buttons to select further filetypes. By default, all the subtypes of the selected filetypes are in the include list. Move items to the Include scroll list. To move an item between scroll lists, select the item and click an arrow or double-click the item. To move all items from one scroll list to the other, Shift-click an arrow.
- Other types: To search for the filetypes other than the ones covered under FrameMaker Files, Images, Multimedia, and Documents, specify the mime-types of the file types separated by commas. For example, application\FrameMaker is mimetype for FrameMaker documents.
- Tags and ellipsis buttons: To search using the metadata tags, select the metadata tag categories, such as Business, Industry, and Lifestyle. Click the relevant ellipsis buttons to select the metadata tags. Move items to the Include scroll list. To move an item between scroll lists, select the item and click an arrow, or double-click the item. To move all items from one scroll list to the other, Shift-click an arrow.
- Other tags: To search using the metadata tags other than the ones covered under the given categories, specify the metadata tags (using full qualified names/CQ TAG IDs) separated by commas, such as stockphotography:business/business_travel.
Click Search.
The Search Results dialog appears with the matching results.
Manage folders, files, and properties
The CQ folder structured includes a DAM folder (Content > DAM). To use Digital Asset Management capabilities of CQ, upload the assets into this folder. You can manage your content using folders other than DAM, but folders other than DAM do not support DAM features and workflows.
Add a folder
Right-click a folder and select New Folder.
Upload a file
Right-click a folder and select Upload Document. FrameMaker uploads the file and all its dependencies.
Upload a folder
Right-click a folder and select Upload Folder. Only one version of each file is created. File having dependency, is uploaded more than once, but CQ Connector creates only one version.
Delete a file or folder
Right-click a file or folder and select Delete. While deleting a file, you can choose to delete its dependent files. If you try to delete a file that has a dependent that is locked, the delete operation fails.
Cut/Copy, and Paste a file or folder
Select a file or folder, right-click, and select Cut or Copy. Then select the intended parent folder in DAM, right click and select Paste. The file\folder is inserted as a child. You can copy any asset in DAM, but you can cut only the ones for which you have modify permissions. to paste an asset in a folder, you need to have modify permissions.
Review checked out files
Right-click a folder and select Show Checkout Files.
View Properties
Right-click a folder or file and select Properties. FrameMaker displays the attributes (Properties) panel.
Show Metadata
Right-click a file and select Show Metadata. FrameMaker displays the Metadata panel.
Simple Search
You can perform a simple search on node-name by entering search string in the search field in Repository Manager and clicking search or pressing Enter. You can also use asterisk (*) in search for filenames.
When you upload an asset (file\folder) already present in DAM, FrameMaker creates a minor version of the asset. This happens only if the present asset in DAM is not locked by a user.
Known issues
- A file locked by Adminin in DAM cannot be copied by a user. Expected: A locked file can be copied by other users.
- Keyboard shortcuts for Cut, Copy, and Paste (Ctrl X, Ctrl C, and Ctrl V) do not work in the CQ Connector UI.
- For NT (non DAM) files, if you check out a file and restart the CMS session (log out and log in), cancel check out does not work.
- Error “Cancel Checkout Failed: Precondition Failed” occurs in the following scenario:
- Checkout a file that has dependents without its dependents.
- Restart the CQ session (Log out and log in).
- Edit the checked out file.
- Cancel checkout for the file.