You can't install extensions after uninstalling Dreamweaver CC (13.0) or Dreamweaver CC 2014 and installing it again.
- Open Adobe Extension Manager CC. The extensions are grouped separately under respective Dreamweaver versions.
- Manually remove the extensions corresponding to the Dreamweaver version that you have reinstalled.
- Restart your computer and then try to install the extensions.

This issue occurs because Adobe Extension Manager CC continues to list the extensions even after they are removed from the computer.
Earlier, each version of Dreamweaver had a corresponding version of Extension Manager with a shared preferences file (XML file). So, when Dreamweaver was uninstalled with Remove Preferences option selected, the removed extensions were deleted from Extension Manager too.
Now, Dreamweaver CC 13.0 and Dreamweaver CC 2014 can coexist on a computer and both versions use Adobe Extension Manager CC. If a single Preferences file is used, uninstalling one version of Dreamweaver would remove extensions from the other Dreamweaver version as well.
To avoid such conflicts, Adobe Extension Manager CC is configured to *not* use the Preferences file. As a result, when extensions are removed from the computer (by uninstalling one version of Dreamweaver), the changes are not reflected, and the extensions continue to be listed in Adobe Extension Manager CC.