- Getting started with Adobe ColdFusion Builder extension for Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio code plugin update 4 release notes
- Visual Studio code plugin update 3 release notes
- Visual Studio code plugin update 2 release notes
- Add a ColdFusion server
- Project Manager
- Work with ColdFusion code
- Profile preferences
- Debug applications
- Refactoring
- Services Browser
- RDS support
- PMT Code Profiler integration
- Security Analyzer report integration
- Known issues in this release
Set and manage your preferences for various features in the extension using the Profile Preferences options.
To launch Profile Preferences, hit Ctrl+Shift+P to launch the command palette. Search for Profile Preferences and hit Enter.
An editor profile lets you group and save the following editor preferences under one profile.
Create a profile
Editor profiles are useful when you have different editor preferences for various development needs. For example, you can select a set of preferences like Code Assist, code colorization, and keyboard shortcut preferences and save them under a single profile.
By default, ColdFusion Builder provides three active profiles:
Default - Sets the extension’s default editor preferences.
Dreamweaver - Sets editor preferences like Dreamweaver editor preferences.
CFEclipse - Sets editor preferences like CFEclipse editor preferences.
To create a profile,
- Click the button Click New Profile.
- Enter the name of the profile.
- When you select the profile from the Active Profile drop-down list, you have an option to set the new profile as the currently active profile.
- Make the required profile changes and click Apply to save the changes.
Editor preferences
- Display editor toolbar: Display or hide the toolbar in the editor. The editor toolbar contains buttons that are user interface shortcuts to frequently used commands.
- Collapse CFML function folding on opening a file: When enabled, all functions appear in a collapsed state when you open a CFM or CFC.
Code Assist preferences
- Code Assist Dictionary Version: Choose the required language dictionary while creating a project. Choose any version from the list.
- Filter Proposals Containing Text: Filter proposals based on the text you specify. All proposals that contain the filter text are listed with a selection set to the proposal that starts with the specified text.
Formatter preferences
Specify if you want to maintain the case currently used for tags and attributes or change it to upper or lowercase.
Append /> at the end of the tag, for example, modify <cfargument …. > as <cfargument …. />. Specify the tag to which you want to append /> and then click Add.
Place the closing tag for cfoutput (</cfoutput>) on a new line only if the content spans across multiple lines.
Indentation: Specify the indentation details and the name of the tags for which you do not want to apply indentation.
Add white space based on your selections.
Add blank lines based on your selections.
Specify the number of blank lines that you want to retain.
Specify the number of attributes in a line within a tag and set the column width.
Choose the various constructs for wrapping.
Specify if the curly braces are placed in the same or new line for component and function declarations and switch, if, else, and try/catch blocks.
Outline preferences
The Outline view displays a hierarchy of elements in the file that is currently open in the editor. For example, it displays all tags or some chosen tags in the view.
You use Outline view to inspect and navigate the structure of your CFML file and see a hierarchical view of the code structure of the page.
Syntax Checking preferences
- Enable Syntax Checking: Syntax checking is enabled by default. When this option is enabled, the extension displays all or any syntax errors while writing the code.
- Enable Quick Fix: Quick Fix recognizes the usage of methods, classes, and CFC/CFM files in the code and helps generate them. For example, if you type a UDF myFunc() that is not defined in the page or any other page, Quick Fix generates the function. The function call is inserted in the file.
- Display Syntax Errors Only on File Save: If enabled, you can only see the syntax errors after you save the file, not while writing the code.