Download the file
On macOS, the Edit In command in Lightroom Classic opens a copy of Photoshop from a back-up location.
For example, an external hard drive back-up created using Carbon Cloner, SuperDuper! or Time Machine. This can result in the following behaviors:
- macOS presents an error dialog stating Application Moved - The application has been moved, and its path has changed. To update the product configuration, click Update.
- Photoshop launches but the image selected in Lightroom Classic does not open.
Solution: Install the "ps_picker" plug-in
Double-click the file to unzip it.
Launch Lightroom Classic and select File > Plug-In Manager.
Click Add to install the plug-in.
Select File > Plug-In Extras > Select Photoshop for Edit in Photoshop.
Click Select and navigate to the version of Photoshop running on your main (boot) drive.
Click OK to dismiss the dialog.
Relaunch Lightroom Classic for the change to take affect.
Starting with the April 2023 release of Lightroom Classic (version 12.3), the ps_picker plug-in has been archived, and you can select the versions of Photoshop using the External editing options in Lightroom Classic.