Reactions in Adobe Connect room

Learn about non-verbal feedback and reactions feature in Adobe Connect.

The reactions feature in the Adobe Connect room allows participants to provide non-verbal feedback to the host and other attendees without interrupting the flow of the session. For example, when a presenter asks participants for their opinion on a topic, participants can quickly indicate their opinion using the agree or disagree status. The presenter can then view the agree and disagree counts to gauge the overall consensus of the room.

Send reactions during session

Select Reactions     from the top menu bar and select a reaction to send from the menu. You can select from the following reactions:

Reactions in top menu bar
Reactions in top menu bar

  • Thumbs up
  • Laughter
  • Heart
  • Applause
  • Wow
  • Agree (Status)
  • Disagree (Status)

Behavior of Reactions (other than Agree and Disagree)

Selecting a reaction (like laughter, love, applause, surprise) will show the reaction animation to all the attendees in the room.


Reaction animations will not be part of recordings.

Behavior of Agree and Disagree

  • When an attendee selects the agree or disagree reaction, their status updates to reflect this choice and the reaction icon changes to the agree or disagree emoji. The emoji and status remain until the status is cleared.
  • Agree or disagree will not show up as an animation to all attendees.
  • Attendees can clear their agree or disagree status by selecting the emoji from the menu bar.
  • Hosts can clear the attendees' agree or disagree status by selecting the reactions icon and selecting Clear for all from the menu.
  • Hosts can individually clear the agree or disagree for an attendee from the Attendees pod.

View attendee reactions

The sent reactions appear in the List view of the Attendees pod for 5 seconds against the name of the participant who sent the reaction. The List view is available to hosts, presenters, and participants.

Agree reaction in Attendee pod
Agree reaction in Attendee pod

The host can view the latest reaction from the participant in the attendee pod. Select Status in the attendee pod to view the participants' reactions to Agree and Disagree.
After clicking agree or disagree, the reaction remains in the menu bar until it's selected.

View attendee status

The attendee statuses are available in the Status view of the Attendees pod. Based on their current status, attendees are placed in one of the three status accordions (agree, disagree, raise hands). The Status view is available to hosts, presenters, and participants.

Attendee Status
Attendee Status in Attendee pod

Availability of reactions inside the room

Hosts can control the availability of reactions inside the room using the room preferences. To enable or disable the availability of reactions:

  1. From the room menu  , select Preferences.

  2. Select the Menu bar from the side panel in the Preferences dialog box.

  3. Select Allow attendees to use reactions to control the availability of the reactions inside the room.

    Preferences for reactions
    Preferences for reactions

Enable reactions from Adobe Connect Central

Admins can control the availability of the reaction feature at an account level from Adobe Connect Central. If disabled, the feature will be removed from all rooms and hosts can not enable it individually for select rooms. Use the following steps to control the availability of the reaction feature at an account level:

  1. Login to Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Select the Admin tab from the top menu bar.

  3. Select the Compliance and Control tab.

  4. Select Pods Management tab.

  5. Select Disable reactions to disable the reactions feature across all the rooms in the account.

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