In the timeline near the top of the panel, the current‑time indicator lets you start playback or recording at a specific point.
- Audition User Guide
- Introduction
- Workspace and setup
- Digital audio fundamentals
- Importing, recording, and playing
- Multichannel audio workflow
- Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition
- Importing with the Files panel
- Extracting audio from CDs
- Supported import formats
- Navigate time and playing audio in Adobe Audition
- Recording audio
- Monitoring recording and playback levels
- Remove silences from your audio recordings
- Editing audio files
- Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
- Session Markers and Clip Marker for Multitrack
- Generating text-to-speech
- Matching loudness across multiple audio files
- Displaying audio in the Waveform Editor
- Selecting audio
- How to copy, cut, paste, and delete audio in Audition
- Visually fading and changing amplitude
- Working with markers
- Inverting, reversing, and silencing audio
- How to automate common tasks in Audition
- Analyze phase, frequency, and amplitude with Audition
- Frequency Band Splitter
- Undo, redo, and history
- Converting sample types
- Creating podcasts using Audition
- Applying effects
- Enabling CEP extensions
- Effects controls
- Applying effects in the Waveform Editor
- Applying effects in the Multitrack Editor
- Adding third party plugins
- Notch Filter effect
- Fade and Gain Envelope effects (Waveform Editor only)
- Manual Pitch Correction effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Graphic Phase Shifter effect
- Doppler Shifter effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Effects reference
- Apply amplitude and compression effects to audio
- Delay and echo effects
- Diagnostics effects (Waveform Editor only) for Audition
- Filter and equalizer effects
- Modulation effects
- Reduce noise and restore audio
- Reverb effects
- How to use special effects with Audition
- Stereo imagery effects
- Time and pitch manipulation effects
- Generate tones and noise
- Mixing multitrack sessions
- Video and surround sound
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Saving and exporting
Monitoring time
In the Editor panel, the following features help you monitor time:
In the lower left of the panel, the time display shows the current time in numerical format. The default time format is Decimal, but you can easily change it. (See Change the time display format.) The same format is used by the timeline.
Bemærk:To show the time display in separate panel, choose Window > Time.
Features that help you monitor time A. Current‑time indicator B. Timeline C. Time display
Features that help you monitor time
Position the current‑time indicator
In the Editor panel, do any of the following:
In the timeline, drag the indicator
or click a specific time point.
In the time display at lower left, drag across the numbers, or click to enter a specific time.
At the bottom of the panel, click one of the following buttons:
Bemærk:To display these buttons in a separate panel, choose Window > Transport.
Temporarily stops the current-time indicator. Click the Pause button again to resume playback or recording.
Move CTI to Previous
Places the current-time indicator at the beginning of the next marker. If there are no markers, the current-time indicator moves to the beginning of the waveform or session.
Shuttles the current-time indicator backward in time.
Bemærk:Right‑click the Rewind button to set the rate at which the cursor moves.
Fast Forward
Shuttles the current-time indicator forward in time.
Bemærk:Right‑click the Fast Forward button to set the rate at which the cursor moves.
Move CTI to Next
Moves the current-time indicator to the next marker. If there are no markers, the current-time indicator moves to the end of the waveform or session.
Preview audio by scrubbing
To scrub audio (producing an audible preview as you shuttle across a file), do any of the following:
Drag the current-time indicator
Press the Rewind
or Fast Forward
Press the J, K, and L keys to shuttle backward, stop, or shuttle forward. Repeatedly pressing the J or L key gradually increases shuttle speed. (To change the default, set JKL Shuttle Speed in the Playback preferences.)
Play audio linearly or in a loop
To quickly start and stop playback, press the spacebar.
In the Editor panel, position the current-time indicator, or select a range.
(Optional) At the bottom of the panel, right-click the Play button
, and select one of the following:
Return CTI to Start Position on Stop
Reflects the behavior of Audition 3.0 and earlier. (Press Shift+X to toggle this option on and off.)
Play Spectral Selection Only
Plays only frequencies you’ve selected with the Marquee
, Lasso
, or Paintbrush Selection
(Optional) Click the Loop Playback button
if you want to fine-tune a selected range or experiment with different effects processing.
To start playback, click the Play button.
By default, the Editor panel scrolls when playback extends beyond the visible section of a waveform. In the Playback area of the Preferences dialog box, you can disable auto-scrolling.
Synchronize the current‑time indicator across files or views
In the Waveform Editor, you can maintain the position of the current‑time indicator when you switch between files—a useful technique when editing different versions of the same waveform. In the Multitrack Editor, you can maintain the position of the current‑time indicator when you switch to the Waveform Editor—a useful technique when applying edits and effects in both views.
Synchronize the current‑time indicator between files in the Waveform Editor
Choose Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Adobe Audition Preferences > General (Mac OS).
Select Synchronize Selection, Zoom Level, and CTI Across Files In The Waveform Editor.
Synchronize the current-time indicator between the Multitrack and Waveform Editors
Choose Edit > Preferences > Multitrack (Windows) or Adobe Audition Preferences > Multitrack (Mac OS).
Select Synchronize Clips With Waveform Editor.
Change the time display format
By default, all audio files and multitrack sessions use the same time display format. To customize the format for an open file or session, choose Window > Properties, expand the Advanced settings, and deselect Synchronize With Time Display Preferences.
Decimal (mm:ss.ddd)
Displays time in minutes, seconds, and thousandths of a second.
Compact Disc 75 fps
Displays time in the same format used by audio compact discs, where each second equals 75 frames.
SMPTE 30 fps
Displays time in the SMPTE format, where each second equals 30 frames.
SMPTE Drop (29.97 fps)
Displays time in the SMPTE drop‑frame format, where each second equals 29.97 frames.
SMPTE 29.97 fps
Displays time in the SMPTE non‑drop‑frame format, where each second equals 29.97 frames.
SMPTE 25 fps (EBU)
Displays time using the European PAL television frame rate, where each second equals 25 frames.
SMPTE 24 fps (Film)
Displays time in a format where each second equals 24 frames, suitable for film.
Displays time numerically, using as a reference the actual number of samples that have passed since the beginning of the edited file.
Bars and Beats
Displays time in a musical measures format of bars:beats: subdivisions. To customize settings, choose Edit Tempo, and set the following options in the Properties panel.
Specifies beats per minute.
Custom (X frames per second)
Displays time in a custom format. To modify a custom format, choose Edit Custom Frame Rate, and enter a number of frames per second. Valid values are whole numbers from 2 to 1000.
Jump to time
Use the Jump to time shortcut to set the focus to the timecode display. This allows you to enter a timecode to position the play-head. To enter timecode, follow these steps:
In the time display at lower left, drag across the numbers, or click to enter a specific time.
The timecode is highlighted. Enter the time to jump the play-head to.
Press Enter. The timecode moved to the specified time.