Code font indicates code fragments and API literals, including class names, method names, function names, type names, scripts, SQL statements, and both HTML and XML tag and attribute names.
Italic code font indicates replaceable items in code.
The continuation symbol (¬ ) indicates that a long line of code has been broken across two or more lines. Due to margin limits in this guide’s format, what is otherwise a continuous line of code must be split. When copying the lines of code, eliminate the continuation symbol, and type the lines as one line.
Curly braces ({ }) that surround a function argument indicate that the argument is optional.
Function names that have the prefix dreamweaver. (as in dreamweaver.funcname) can be abbreviated to dw.funcname when you are writing code. This manual uses the full dreamweaver. prefix when defining the function and in the index. Many examples use the shorter dw. prefix, however.
The following naming conventions are used in this guide:
You—The developer who is responsible for writing extensions
The user—The person using Dreamweaver
The visitor—The person who views the web page that the user created