Before you create a Dreamweaver extension, go to the Adobe Exchange website at to see if the extension you plan to create already exists. If you do not find an extension that meets your needs, you then perform the following steps to create the extension:
Determine the type of extension you want to create. For more information about the extension types, see Types of Dreamweaver extensions.
Review the documentation for the type of extension you plan to create. To become familiar with creating that type of extension, it’s a good idea to create the simple extension example in the appropriate topic.
Determine which files you need to modify or create.
Plan the user interface (UI), if any, for the extension.
Create the necessary files and save them in the appropriate folders.
Restart Dreamweaver so that it recognizes the new extension.
Test the extension.
Package the extension so that you can share it with others. For more information, see Working with the Extension Manager.