Get add-ons for deprecated features in Dreamweaver CC

With Dreamweaver CC, Adobe focuses on modern web technologies such as HTML5 and jQuery. Therefore, the user interface is revamped to remove features that support web technologies that are no longer relevant for most Dreamweaver users. 

To help users of previous versions of Dreamweaver transition to the new version, Adobe has made the following features available as extensions:

  • Server Behaviors panel
  • ASPNet support
  • ASP JS support
  • JSP support

Dreamweaver CC 13.x

The extensions for the above mentioned features are available at C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC\configuration\DisabledFeatures.

You can install these extensions and use the features in Dreamweaver just like the way you did in previous versions.

Dreamweaver CC 2014

The extensions (now called add-ons) are moved to the Creative Cloud Add-Ons page. Search for the required add-ons on this page and install them to use in Dreamweaver.

(You can also access the add-ons page by clicking Window > Browse add-ons in Dreamweaver)


Note: The extensions that you installed for earlier versions of Dreamweaver don't work in Dreamweaver CC 2014. Explicitly install the add-ons from the Creative Cloud add-ons page to use them in Dreamweaver CC 2014.