Follow this procedure to troubleshoot linting and Bootstrap issues that occur in Adobe Dreamweaver 2015.
- Unable to lint the code. Dreamweaver displays an error in the Output panel: "Cannot lint the code." On Mac 10.10, the output panel displays "Linting operation timed out".
- Unable to create a Bootstrap document. Dreamweaver displays the error, "Cannot create a new document as Bootstrap customization failed."
Assign a specific port for the services from the node server (including linting). Ensure that this port is not blocked by your system administrator. To do this, create a file NodePort.json, and specify the port number in the file in the following format:
“toolingport” : <portnumber>
“toolingport” : 8010
If you have already created a NodePort.json file with a key value pair in it, use comma to separate the new key value pair or specify the new key value pair in a separate line.