Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.6 using the installer

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.6 and related components like Events module, AEM, telephony adaptors, and database using the installer.

You can upgrade your existing supported Adobe Connect installation by running the installer. To prepare for migration from a previous version and for the available upgrade options, see Preparing to migrate.

  1. Verify that the computer is connected to the Internet.

  2. Log on to the computer as an Administrator. By default, Adobe Connect installer requires a different local administrator account, than the one you are logged in with. Keep the credentials of a local administrator account handy, using which you want to upgrade Adobe Connect.

  3. Close all applications.

  4. Extract the files from the Adobe Connect ESD file to a location on your hard disk. [extract-dir] denotes this location.

  5. Double-click the install.exe file. Adobe Connect 9.6 installation file is available at [extract_dir]\Connect\9.6.1\Disk1\InstData\VM\install.exe. In DVD, double-click the install.exe file at [DVD Drive]\Connect\9.6.1\Disk1\InstData\VM\.

  6. Select a language and click OK to continue.

  7. On the Introduction screen, click Next to continue.

  8. On the License Agreement screen read the agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and click Next.

  9. Upload a new license.txt file containing a license when prompted. Ensure that the license is updated for Adobe Connect 9.6.

  10. On the Deployment Options screen, select Deploy Adobe Connect to install Adobe Connect. Provide the credentials of a local administrator account, than the one logged in, to install Adobe Connect.


    Ensure that the local administrator account has the rights to install services. For more information, see Add the Logon as a service Right to an Account.

  11. Select Perform pre-deployment tasks in the background without affecting the live server. If you select this option, the installer starts to install Adobe Connect and other selected components without deploying them. To deploy them, run the installer again later, and select Deploy Adobe Connect. You can run the installer with both the options selected, if necessary.

  12. On Choose Products screen, select one or more products as follows:

    • To upgrade Adobe Connect Server from a previous version to 9.x, select Adobe Connect Server.

    • To upgrade an existing installation of AEM Author Server or to install a new instance of AEM Author Server, select AEM Author Server.

    • To upgrade an existing installation of AEM Publish Server or to install a new instance of AEM Publish Server, select AEM Publish Server.

    • To install a telephony adaptor, select the necessary adaptor.

  13. On the Updating Existing Install screen, the existing installation directory is automatically identified. Take a backup of your database and click the check box to confirm.

  14. On the Database Connect screen, provide the database details and the credentials of the database administrator. Click Next.


    If you are using an earlier version of the embedded database (Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition), it is upgraded to the later version of the embedded database. Adobe Connect installer does not upgrade an external database. If you are using an external database that is not supported, separately upgrade it to the supported version.

  15. If you choose to upgrade AEM server, the Adobe Connect Admin Settings screen is displayed. This screen is not applicable when installing AEM server for the first time. Provide the host URL and port of the existing Adobe Connect installation.

  16. If you choose to upgrade AEM servers, follow these steps. These steps are not required when installing a AEM server for the first time.

    1. On the AEM External Host Settings screen, provide the URL and port of the AEM server and cookie prefix. For a cluster behind a load balancer, provide the URL of the load balancer. This screen is applicable only when upgrading AEM server, while upgrading Adobe Connect.

    2. If you choose to upgrade the AEM server, on the AEM Admin Settings screen, provide the credentials of the administrator of the AEM server.


      If you do not have the AEM server's administrator credentials handy, click Skip Password Verification to skip upgrading the AEM server. To upgrade AEM server later, follow the instructions available in this article.

  17. If you are installing AEM servers for the first time, follow steps 22-25 of Install Adobe Connect using the installer.

  18. If you choose to install any telephony adaptors, provide the details of the selected telephony adaptors.

  19. If the files in your existing installations are customized, Migration screen displays a list of the files and whether these files migrate or not. Deselect the files you do not want to migrate. Click Next.

  20. On the Pre-Installation Summary screen, review the changes you selected. When satisfied, click Install. To change settings, click Previous and edit settings.

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