Dreamweaver CS5 hangs while opening documents

Dreamweaver CS5 stops responding when you try to open a document

When you try to open a document in Dreamweaver CS5 or CS5.5, it takes anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes for Dreamweaver to open it. Dreamweaver stops responding until the document opens.

Solution: Disable the Resolve to IP Address feature

Disable Dreamweaver's Resolve To IP Address feature using the instructions for your operating system.

Mac OS

  1. Quit Dreamweaver.
  2. In the Finder, navigate to /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences. 

  3. Open the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Prefs file (CS5) or the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Prefs file (CS5.5) in TextEdit.
  4. Locate the [REMOTE DOWNLOAD] section in the file. It looks similar to the following:

  5. At the bottom of this section, add a line that says: resolveremoteurltoipaddress=FALSE

    The [REMOTE DOWNLOAD] section now looks like the following:

  6. Save the file, and then quit TextEdit.


Disclaimer: These steps require you to modify the Windows registry, which contains critical information about your system and applications. Before modifying the registry, always make a backup copy of it. Adobe doesn't provide support for problems that arise from improperly modifying the registry. For information about the Windows registry, see the documentation in Windows or contact Microsoft Technical Support or your computer's manufacturer.

  1. Exit Dreamweaver.
  2. Choose Start > Run (Windows XP) or click Start (Windows 7/Vista).
  3. Type regedit and then press Enter.
  4. In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to one of the following registry keys:

    CS5.5: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5.5\Remote Download

    CS5: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5\Remote Download

  5. Click to select the Remote Download key on the left.
  6. Choose Edit > New > String Value.
  7. Name the new string value: ResolveRemoteURLToIPAddress
  8. Double-click the new ResolveRemoteURLToIPAddress string value.
  9. Enter FALSE for the value data, and then click OK.
  10. Exit the Registry Editor.

Additional information

When you open documents that contain remote URI references in Dreamweaver, it contacts a DNS server to qualify each remote URI to its IP address. With some network configurations, it can take several seconds or longer, causing Dreamweaver to become unresponsive until it receives the response from the DNS server. If the document contains one or more invalid URIs, it can take longer to receive the response from the DNS server.

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