Domains to be allowed for Adobe apps & services to function correctly

Applies to enterprise & teams.

Read on to find URLs and domains that must be accessible on ports 80 and 443 for relevant Adobe applications and services to function correctly.

The minimal allowlist

If you are looking for a minimum set of domains to be allowed, allowing the following top-level domains will get you going:

Adobe hosted domains:

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *

Amazon Web Services:

  • *
  • gocart-web-prod-*
  • *.kinesisvideo.*
  • *

Other third-party domains:

  • *
  • firebase*
  • wss://
  • *

Read on to find exhaustive lists of fully qualified domain names that are required to run specific Adobe services.

Downloadable allowlist

You can download the complete list of fully qualified URLs and domains here.

Download Network endpoints

The downloaded file has the timestamp in its name. So each time you download it, you can save the file and use it later to compare it (using any file comparison tool) to a newer version. The comparison will give you a list of domains that Adobe has added or removed.

Following is how you can compare two files to know what has changed:

  1. Download the allowlist. Save it for future reference.

  2. When you notice a change in the last updated date of the page (mentioned below the page title at the top of the page), download the list again.

  3. The downloaded files have a timestamp in their names.
    Use a file comparison tool (like Notepad++) to compare the latest file with the one you used or referred to last.

    The difference you see between the two files is what has changed since you last downloaded the allowlist. Domains that are not present in the previously downloaded file, consider adding them to your allowlist.

    You may also consider removing or disallowing any domains that Adobe has removed from this list.


If you maintain your own certificate store, ensure it is updated with the latest Amazon Root CAs. Learn more here.

Downloadable endpoints matrix

The following matrix (available for download in Excel format) contains the endpoints detailed in the following sections of this article.

The matrix is arranged by:

  • Adobe apps on the horizontal axis.
  • Adobe hosted Services and the corresponding endpoints on the vertical axis.

Exhaustive allowlists with fully qualified domains

All Adobe services

Services accessed from Creative Cloud applications

Click the required Adobe-hosted service to see the domains you must allow:

Creative Cloud services accessed from browsers

Click the required browser-based service to see the list of domains you must allow:

Third-party domains

These domains can be accessed by one or more of the Creative Cloud creative applications. They are optionally included to complement a user’s experience with Creative Cloud.

Regional domains

Many of the domains listed above use geography-specific aliases or IP addresses. Ensure that your firewall supports aliases.

Also, Adobe services are hosted redundantly across several servers in different regions. These hosts are subject to change for various reasons, such as system load. We do not recommend the use of IP addresses for allowing or blocking access. The IP addresses will likely be incorrect quickly after implementation - potentially within hours. In addition, the IP address information will vary depending on geographical location, and any records used will be incorrect from another location.

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