Secure transport layer

Transport layer security vulnerabilities are among the first threats to any Internet-facing or intranet-facing application server. This section describes the process of hardening hosts on the network against these vulnerabilities. It addresses network segmentation, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) stack hardening, and the use of firewalls for host protection.

Limit open endpoints

An organization can have an external firewall to restrict access between an end-user and AEM Forms publish Farm. The organization can also have an internal firewall to limit access between a publish farm and other within organization elements (For example, author instance, processing instance, databases). Allow firewalls to enable access to a limited number of AEM Forms URLs for end-users and within organizations elements:

Configure external firewall

You can configure an external firewall to allow a certain AEM Forms URLs to access to the internet. Access to these URLs is required to fill or submit an adaptive form, HTML5, correspondence management letter or to login to an AEM Forms server:

Adaptive forms
  • /content/dam/formsanddocuments/AF_PATH/jcr:content
  • /etc/clientlibs/fd/
  • /content/forms/af/AF_PATH
  • /libs/granite/csrf/
HTML5 forms
  • /content/forms/formsets/profiles/
Correspondence management
  • /aem/forms/createcorrespondence*
Forms Portal
  • /content/forms/portal/
  • /libs/cq/ui/widgets*
  • /libs/cq/security/
AEM Forms App
  • /j_security_check*
  • /soap/services/AuthenticationManagerService