Configuring Access to Workflows

Workflow models inherit a default access control list (ACL) for controlling how users can interact with workflows. To customize user access for a workflow, modify the Access Control List (ACL) in the repository for the folder containing the workflow model node:

For information about using CRXDE Lite to configure ACLs, see Access Right Management.

Apply an ACL for the specific workflow model to /var/workflow/models

If the workflow model is stored within /var/workflow/models then you can assign a specific ACL, relevant to only that workflow, on the folder:

  1. Open CRXDE Lite in your web browser (for example, http://localhost:4502/crx/de).

  2. In the node tree, select the node for the workflow models folder:


  3. Click the Access Control tab.

  4. In the Local Access Control Policies (Access Control List) table, click the plus icon to Add Entry.

  5. In the Add New Entry dialog add a new ACE with the following properties:

    • Principal: content-authors
    • Type: Deny
    • Privileges: jcr:read
    • rep:glob: reference to the specific workflow


    The Access Control List table now includes the restriction for content-authors on the prototype-wfm-01 workflow model.


  6. Click Save All.

    The prototype-wfm-01 workflow is no longer available to members of the content-authors group.