Päivitetty viimeksi
24. toukokuuta 2023
Koskee myös seuraavaa Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5
When uploading an image to Behance from Lightroom 5.6, you receive the following error: "Failed to upload a WIP update to Behance: invalid permissions or request type."
Update Lightroom 5.6 to Lightroom 5.7.1 or later.
Mac OS
- Quit Lightroom.
- Download the file WichitaFoundation.agtoolkit.zip below.
- Double-click the downloaded file to unzip it. The resulting file is WichitaFoundation.agtoolkit.
- In your Applications folder, control-click on the Lightroom application file, and choose Show Package Contents.
- Choose Contents > Frameworks.
- Drag the unzipped WichitaFoundation.agtoolkit file into the Frameworks folder.
- If you are prompted to authenticate, click Authenticate.
- When you are prompted to replace the file, click Replace.
- Enter your system password if required.
- Open Lightroom.