The best and most effective way to contact Adobe Social Customer Care is to use Social. Click Help in the upper-right corner, then click Contact Support. Use the fields in the pop-up window to explain the issue and attach any applicable files. Include the following information to ensure the fastest resolution of your issue:
- Explanation of the problem: A quick summary of the issue.
- Time/date the issue occurred: 7:00 AM/PM PST (specify timezone).
- Impact to business: Provide us with the impact the issue has to your business.
- Steps to reproduce: For most issues, Customer Care or developers must be able to reproduce your issue to troubleshoot it or devise a fix. Click-by-click directions are the best way to ensure that Customer Care has all the correct steps to reproduce the issue.
- OS: Are you using a Windows, Mac, or a mobile device? If mobile, which type of device?
- Browser: Occasionally, results vary browser-to-browser. Let us know what version of which browser you're using and if you've tried multiple. For example, "I'm using Firefox 25."
- Any filter settings, tags, keywords, or date ranges: To make sure that Customer Care sees exactly what you're seeing.
If applicable, include the following:
- Exact error message (if there is one)
- Facebook/Twitter/G+ page affected: The social property name is required for troubleshooting/testing
- Links to affected social media pages/posts/tweets: Links and URLs help us troubleshoot and test as quickly as possible.
- Information included in the email notification you received (failed post, unable to moderate, and so on)
Most importantly attach screenshots that you think are useful, annotate the screen shot if needed. Include the entire window where the issue occurs including the address bar at the top, not just a close up of a small section. If there is a particular file involved, attach it for review.

Specific details to include for components of Adobe Social
Please feel free to copy and paste the below templates into the description of your support request with ALL details provided.
Mobile/Tablet Support:
- Device
- Generation
- Operation System: iOS
- Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
- Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
Adobe Social Desktop
a. Marketing or Moderation Overview:
- Name of the report: ex. Social Buzz, Post Performance, Campaigns etc.
- Filters selected
- Report Suite selected
- Date range
- Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point*
- Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
b. Analytics:
Social Campaigns
Custom Reports
Social Buzz
Posts (Post Analytics)
Social Campaigns:
- Date range
- Social Campaign name
- Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point*
- Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
Custom Reports:
- Report Name
- Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
- Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser*
Social Buzz:
· Date range
· Filters used
· Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
· Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser*
· Filters used
· Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
· Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
Posts (Post Analytics):
· Date range
· Filters used
· Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
· Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
c. Publisher:
- Content Calendar
- Publisher
Content Calendar
- Name of the social property or audience
- Filters used*
- Error message, if applicable.
- Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
- Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
- Name of the social property or audience
- Error message, if applicable
- If link, link URL
- If image post, attach image
- Schedule
- Now
- Later
- If Later, then date and time
- Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
- Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
e. Moderation:
o Unified Moderation
o Unified Moderation Rules
o Unified Moderation Workflow
· Date range
· Company Name:
· Report Suite:
· User & Username:
· Time of Event: i.e issue occurred at 7:00am/pm PST (Specify time zone)
· Filters used
· Name of the social property
· Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
4. Noticed error or can’t proceed forward
· Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser
· If data specific:
o Listening Rule
o Example Tweets *If data loss is suspected
o Filter configuration
e. Settings:
o Properties
o Listening Rules
o Social Tags
o Page Groups
o Facebook Audiences
o Users & Groups
o Marketing Cloud Users & Groups
o Publishing Workflows
o Facebook Permissions
o (Social) Campaigns
o (Google+) Circle Manager
o SAINT Classifications
o Scheduled Reports
o Link Shorteners
o Competitors Pages
· Detailed description of the issue with numbered steps you took to get to this point
· Screenshots of the whole tab/window where the issue is occurring including URL bar at the top of the internet browser