Removing fonts from the subscription library

What does it mean when a font is removed? Why would a font be removed?

We are occasionally obligated to remove fonts from the font library, typically at the request of the foundry.

Removals may happen for a variety of reasons, including when a typeface is no longer available for licensing and distribution or when the font family has significant updates. For example, Alverata PE from TypeTogether was overhauled, retired, and replaced by the family Alverata.

What happens if I open a document or project that uses fonts that have been removed from the library?

When you open a file that uses removed fonts, Creative Cloud apps will show a missing fonts warning message and use a default font from the program in place of the font from Adobe Fonts. You would need to purchase a new font license and install the fonts on your computer to continue to display and edit these files.

Please note that the same missing fonts message is displayed for any font that is missing from a document. The message will not specify if the font was previously included in the Adobe Fonts library.

What happens to my websites?

Adobe continues to serve the fonts to any published projects, so existing websites will not be affected when fonts are removed. However, removed fonts are not available to use in new projects, and if you delete the font from an existing project, you cannot add it again.

What happens to my added fonts?

At least thirty days before the font is removed, we’ll put a notice on the font family page with the removal date and any other details, such as the name of a replacement font family.

After we remove the font, it will automatically disappear from your list of added fonts, the Fonts menu of the Creative Cloud desktop application, and the font menus of your mobile apps and software.

Can I keep using files I created with fonts that have been removed?

Yes and no. Any file which embeds the font data, such as PDF, image, or video formats, and any text that has been rasterized or outlined, will continue to display correctly. These types of files may be reproduced and distributed even if the fonts have been removed from Adobe Fonts.

Documents that reference fonts on your computer, such as an InDesign or Word document, will show a missing fonts warning and use a default font from the program in place of the one from Adobe Fonts. You would need to purchase a new font license and install the fonts on your computer to continue to display and edit these files.

What if I want to use the same font for new projects?

If there is no updated version of the font that suits your needs and could be substituted, you can contact the foundry or visit their website to see if the fonts are available for purchase.

What happens to Adobe Stock templates that use removed Adobe Fonts?

Adobe Stock templates that reference fonts that have been removed will show a missing fonts warning and use a default font from the program in place of the one from Adobe Fonts. You would need to purchase a new font license from the specific foundry and install the fonts on your computer to continue to display and edit these files.

What happens to fonts I have purchased from Marketplace?

Any Marketplace fonts you have purchased will remain on your account for both web and desktop use.

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