- Creative Cloud Libraries in Bridge
- Create PDF contact sheet in the Output workspace
- View and manage files in Adobe Bridge
- Work with metadata in Adobe Bridge
- Work with the Adobe Bridge cache
- Use keywords in Adobe Bridge
- Start Adobe Bridge
- Adjust Adobe Bridge Content panel display
- Preview images and edit capture time
- HEIC and HEIF image files support in Adobe Bridge (Windows)
- Use collections in Adobe Bridge
- Stack files in Adobe Bridge
- Automate tasks in Adobe Bridge
- Workflow Builder
- Preview dynamic media files in Adobe Bridge
- Create web galleries and PDFs
- Work with Bridge shared cache
- Manage media cache
- Quick Actions
- Content Credentials
- Bridge User Guide
- Introduction
- Bridge and other Adobe apps
- Export and publish
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Adobe Camera Raw
- Troubleshooting
The Content panel displays thumbnails, detailed thumbnails, or a list of the files and folders in the selected folder. By default, Adobe Bridge generates color-managed thumbnails and displays them in the Content panel with file or folder names as well as ratings and labels.
You can customize the view in the Content panel by displaying detailed text information with thumbnails or viewing thumbnails as a list. You can also resize thumbnails and specify thumbnail quality. Choose Horizontal Layout or Vertical Layout from the Content panel menu to position scroll bars. Choosing Auto Layout ensures that Adobe Bridge switches between a horizontal and vertical layout as needed.
Choose a view mode
As Thumbnails to display files and folders as thumbnails with file or folder names as well as ratings and labels.
As Details to display thumbnails with more text information.
As List to display files and folders as a list of filenames with associated metadata in a column format.
Show Thumbnail Only to display thumbnails without any text information, labels, or ratings.
Click the buttons in the lower-right corner of the Adobe Bridge window to View Content As Thumbnails, View Content As Details, or View Content As List.
Specify thumbnail quality
Adobe Bridge allows you to choose from various display options for image thumbnails.
For faster browsing, choose a folder and then select the Browse Quickly By Preferring Embedded Images () icon in the Adobe Bridge application bar.
To display higher-quality thumbnail previews, click the Options For Thumbnail Quality and Preview Generation () icon in the Adobe Bridge application bar and choose one of the following options - Preview Size, Preview Quality, Preview Generation, and Preview For Zoom. The recommended settings will work for most of the workflows. However, if there is a need for higher-quality preview, you can change the settings based on your specific need.
Preview Size
- Embedded (Fastest): Prefer this option to use the low-resolution thumbnails embedded in the source file for faster workflows. These thumbnails are not color-managed. This option is equivalent to choosing Browse Quickly By Preferring Embedded Images.
- Standard (Recommended): Use embedded thumbnails until you preview an image, at which time Adobe Bridge creates color-managed thumbnails generated from the source files.
- Monitor Size (For HiDPI Monitors): Monitor-size previews generate previews based on the resolution of your monitor. With monitor-size previews enabled, images appear sharp in the preview panel or fullscreen view.
Preview Quality
- Standard (Recommended): Use this option for faster creation of normal previews.
- High (Uses High CPU): Use this option to generate higher-quality previews. Selecting this option will consume high CPU and take longer preview generation time.
Preview Generation
- On Demand (Generate Preview Only When Needed): Use this option to generate color-managed thumbnails and previews only when you require them. For e.g. viewing in a fullscreen window or preview panel.
- Alway Generate (Recommended): Use this option to always generate color-managed thumbnails and previews for all images.
Preview for Zoom
- Always Generate 100% Previews (Uses High CPU, Storage): Use this option to create 100% previews of images in the background for the Loupe tool and zoom in Slideshow/Fullscreen views. This option speeds loupe and slideshow operations but uses more disk space and slows initial browsing. See Use the Loupe tool and View images as a slideshow.
Display monitor-size previews
Monitor-size previews generate previews based on the resolution of your monitor. With monitor-size previews enabled, images appear sharp in preview panel or full screen view.
To check monitor size previews for your assets, do any of the following:
- Go to Edit (Win) / Adobe Bridge (Mac) > Preferences > Advanced and enable Generate Monitor-Size Previews.
- Click the Options For Thumbnail Quality and Preview Generation (
) icon in the Adobe Bridge application bar and choose Monitor Size under Preview Size.
Adjust the size of thumbnails
Make thumbnails smaller so you can see more of them at once, or enlarge them to see thumbnail details.
- Drag the Thumbnail slider
at the bottom of the Adobe Bridge window.
When you resize the Adobe Bridge window in Auto Layout mode, thumbnails in the Content panel also resize. To avoid this behavior, choose Horizontal Layout or Vertical Layout from the Content panel menu.
If you don’t see the filename or other metadata with an image thumbnail in the Content panel, drag the slider to the right to make the thumbnails larger.
- Click the Smaller Thumbnail Size button at the far left of the Thumbnail slider to reduce the number of columns in the Content panel by one. Click the Larger Thumbnail Size button at the far right of the Thumbnail slider to increase the number of columns in the Content panel by one. Adobe Bridge automatically maximizes the size of the thumbnails for the number of columns displayed.
Lock the grid
Lock the grid so that Adobe Bridge always displays complete thumbnails in the Content panel. When the grid is locked, thumbnails keep their configuration if the window is resized or panels opened or closed.
Choose View > Grid Lock, or click the Grid Lock button
next to the Thumbnail slider at the bottom of the Adobe Bridge window.
Show additional metadata for thumbnails
The Additional Lines Of Thumbnail Metadata preference specifies whether to show additional metadata information with thumbnails in the Content panel.
Choose Edit > Preferences (Win) or Adobe Bridge > Preferences (Mac), and click Thumbnails.
In the Additional Lines Of Thumbnail Metadata area, choose the type of metadata to display. You can display up to four extra lines of information.
Limit file size for thumbnails
You can limit the file size for which Adobe Bridge creates thumbnails (displaying large files can slow performance). If Adobe Bridge can’t create thumbnails, it displays the icon associated with that particular file type. Adobe Bridge disregards this setting when displaying thumbnails for video files.
Choose Edit > Preferences (Win) or Adobe Bridge > Preferences (Mac), and click Thumbnails.
Enter a number in the Do Not Process Files Larger Than box.
Customize the List view
You can customize the List view by sorting and resizing the columns, and by choosing which metadata categories to display.
Choose View > As List.
Do any of the following:
Click any column header to change the direction of the sort order.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) any column header to choose a different metadata category, close the column, insert a new column, resize the column, or return to the default configuration.
Note:The Name column is always the leftmost column.
Drag the vertical divider bar between two columns to make them wider or narrower.
Double-click between two-column headers to automatically resize the column to the left.