Make your annual report a story with Adobe Stock and Spark Video.

Find videos related to your industry

Search Adobe Stock for videos that relate to the aspects of your company’s products or services. Once you locate some videos, download them to your computer directly from the Adobe Stock website.

Upload videos into Adobe Spark

Create a new video project in Adobe Spark, then add a new slide to your project. Click the plus button in Spark and choose video option. Locate the Adobe Stock video on your computer to begin the uploading process.

Once uploaded, choose the section of the video you’d like to use by setting both the in and out points with the visual editor.

Add text to your video

Click the plus button over your video slide to add new content over your video. Choose Text as the new object and type in your message.

Choose the Continue option from the Edit icon of the slide to continue the video on a second slide. On the new slide, add another Text object and type in another message.

Add video to your presentation

Once you have completed customizing the video and messaging for your video, click the Download button to save a video to your computer.

Back in PowerPoint, import the video to your slide using the Movie from File from the Video button in the Insert tab.

Start your PowerPoint slideshow and click on the video to play it for your audience.

The final result

Now you have an annual report that will be informative and memorable.

Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.


