Customizing the visual properties of a project in Adobe Captivate

Customize slide-level properties

Add any slide, for example, Conversation, to a project. Select the slide. The Visual Properties to the right of the screen let you perform the following actions:

  • Solid background: Select the color picker and change the slide's background color. You can also select the Solid background dropdown and select a Linear, Radial, or Image background.
    • Linear background: Shades from the starting point to the ending point in a straight line.
    • Radial background: Shades from the starting point to the ending point in a circular pattern.
    • Image background: Add an image as a background. You can pick the image from the Asset Panel or from a location on your computer.
  • Border: Select the checkbox to add a border to the slide. You can change the type of border, such as solid, dotted, or dashed. Also, you can change the size and color of the border.
  • Design options: Design options allow you to make your slides view exactly how you imagine by choosing responsive text or media blocks, and editing the appearance, style, layout, color, object shapes, and many more.

Design options at the slide level are available for layout slides only, not for custom slides.

Edit slide-level properties
Edit slide-level properties

Customize block-level properties

A block in Adobe Captivate encompasses several components. For a block, you can change the following:

  • Alignment and spacing: Adjust the width of the content for the block. Add padding to the top and bottom of the content. Also, you can select the Autofit height checkbox, which enables you to adjust the height of the content block to fit it optimally. If there's any space available, the top and bottom padding are added accordingly.
  • Design options: Design options allow you to make your slides view exactly how you imagine by choosing responsive text or media blocks, and editing the appearance, style, layout, color, object shapes, and many more.
  • Components: Add components, such as title, caption, body, image, and many more, in different content blocks.
  • Appearance: Give your content block the appearance you want. Change the block's background, add a border, or apply a shadow.

Customize grid-level properties

For an image block, for example, you can change its properties. See Work with images for more information.

Customize component-level properties


In Adobe Captivate, states are different visual representations or conditions that a component can have within a project. States allow you to define and control the appearance and behavior of objects in response to user interactions or events.

Image filters

Add an image on a slide and change its filters, border, shadow, and source.

Replacing an image

In the Image source section, select the Folder icon to replace the image on the slide. Pick an image from the Asset panel or on your computer.

Replace an image
Replace an image from the Asset Panel.

Changing the appearance of text

Change the font of a text component, apply a preset, change its color, and many more.

Out-of-box Google fonts

Choose the Google fonts you love without having to log in to Google. Use these fonts available out-of-the-box with Adobe Captivate and apply them across your courses to make a polished, easy-to-follow experience for learners.

Customize the properties of a quiz slide

Add, for example, a multiple-choice question slide. In the Properties section, you can change the following:

  • Slide type: Select from Graded or Knowledge check. If you select Graded, you can view your grade at the end of the quiz. By selecting Knowledge Check, you're not grading your learners but simply testing what they've learned by attempting the questions.
  • Multiple answers: Select if you want more than one answer in the answer options.
  • Attempts: Select the number of attempts to finish the quiz.
  • Points for correct answer: Set the number of points a learner achieves if they answer the question correctly.
  • Penalty for wrong answer: Set the number of points a learner loses if they answer the question incorrectly.
  • Time limit: Set the time limit to answer the question.

Also, add the navigation buttons, for example, Skip, Clear, or Back.

Changing quiz properties
Changing quiz properties

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