Adobe Licensing Toolkit


The version (or later) of the Adobe Licensing Toolkit cannot run on packages created before 04/07/2019.


In this document, the terms license or licensing, refer specifically to Feature Restricted Licensing unless otherwise called out.


Adobe's Licensing Toolkit is a command-line utility that provides the following functionality that you can use when working with feature restricted licenses:

Generate unique client codes for Isolated activation packages

To install licenses for Isolated activation packages, Adobe provides a Licensing Toolkit that is used to generate unique client codes. Use these codes when you create Isolated activation packages.


Unique client codes are not required for Offline or Online activation, but they are required for Isolated activation.

  1. Download the Toolkit for macOS or Windows:

    1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Packages > Tools.
    2. Use the download links on the Licensing Toolkit card.
  2. To generate a client code:


    The generateChallengeKey switch described below is case-sensitive and must be entered in camel case.

    Single computer

    For a single computer, run the following command with admin privileges:

    For Windows:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --generateChallengeKey

    Short form:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -c

    For macOS:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --generateChallengeKey

    Short form:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -c

    When the command is run, the code is displayed as output. Note this code, you need this when you create the Isolated activation package for a single computer.

    Multiple computers

    For multiple computers, run the following command with admin privileges:

    For Windows:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --generateChallengeKey --filePath <absolute path ofchallengekey csv file>

    Short form:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -c -f <absolute path ofchallengekey csv file>

    For macOS:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --generateChallengeKey --filePath <absolute path ofchallengekey csv file>

    Short form:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -c -f <absolute path ofchallengekey csv file>

    When the command is run on each computer, the code is appended to the .csv file that you reference in the --filePath switch.

    For the first computer, when you provide the absolute path of the file, the command creates the file at the specified location. When you run the command for every other computer, the codes are appended in the file if you specify the same filename.

    Use the .csv file when you create an Isolated activation package for multiple computers.


    The CSV file you create must not be larger than 2 MB.

Install licenses for license-only packages

After you create a license-only package in the Admin Console, follow these steps to install this license to end-user computers (for Online, Offline, or Isolated activation packages):

  1. Download the package from the Admin Console.

  2. Extract the contents of the package.

    The license-only package contains a .json file (that contains the licensing information) and the Licensing Toolkit utility:

    • For Windows: adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe
    • For macOS: adobe-licensing-toolkit
  3. To install the license, run the following commands with admin privileges:

    For Windows:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --precondition --install --filePath <absolute path of the .json file>

    Short form:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -p -i -f <absolute path of the .json file>

    For macOS:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --precondition --install --filePath <absolute path of the .json file>

    Short form:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -p -i -f <absolute path of the .json file>

The license is deployed on the computer. The user is now licensed to use the installed Adobe apps.

Remove single license from a computer

Follow these steps to remove a license (for OnlineOffline, or Isolated activation packages) from a computer in the following scenarios:

  • The package is a license-only package.
  • The package includes the license and apps, and the apps are uninstalled using the OS-specific uninstall procedures (for example, Add-Remove Programs on Windows).

For Online activation packages, if you wish to decrease the count in the Admin Console, you must use the Update license usage on Admin Console 

  1. Ensure that the package for which you want to remove the license is available on the computer. If not, then:

    1. Download the package from the Admin Console.
    2. Extract the contents of the package.
      The package contains a .json file (that contains the licensing information) and the Licensing Toolkit:
      For Windows: adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe
      For macOS: adobe-licensing-toolkit
  2. To uninstall the license, run the following commands with admin privileges:

    For Windows:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --precondition --uninstall --filePath <absolute path of the .json file>

    Short form:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -p -u -f <absolute path of the .json file>

    For macOS:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --precondition --uninstall --filePath <absolute path of the .json file>

    Short form:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -p -u -f <absolute path of the .json file>

The license installed via this package is uninstalled from the computer. The Adobe apps installed via this package will no longer be licensed on this computer.

The uninstall command removes the license from the computer. It may not update the license count in the Admin Console. You must use the deactivate command to reliably remove licenses from the computer as well as decrement the count.

Remove all licenses from a computer

If you have installed multiple licenses to an end-user computer, follow these steps to uninstall all these licenses from that computer (for OnlineOffline, or Isolated activation packages):


For Online activation packages, if you wish to decrease the count in the Admin Console, you must use the Update license usage on Admin Console 

  1. Ensure that the Adobe Licensing Toolkit is available on the end-user computer. If not, then download the Toolkit for macOS or Windows:

    1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Packages > Tools.
    2. Use the download links on the Licensing Toolkit card.
  2. To uninstall all licenses from a computer, run the following commands with admin privileges:

    For Windows:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --precondition --uninstall --all

    Short form:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -p -u -a

    For macOS:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --precondition --uninstall --all

    Short form:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -p -u -a

All licenses are uninstalled from the computer. All Adobe apps installed via packages will no longer be licensed on this computer.

The uninstall command removes the licenses from the computer. It may not update the license count in the Admin Console. You must use the deactivate command to reliably remove licenses from the computer as well as decrement the count.

Update license usage on Admin Console ( Online activation only)

If you remove a license (using commands described above) for an Online activation package, the license usage displayed under Admin Console > Overview is not always decremented.

However, the update on the Admin Console requires an Internet connection to the Adobe licensing servers. If you removed the license while unconnected or if an error occurred connecting to the Adobe servers, the updated license usage may not be reflected on the Admin Console.

In this case, follow these steps to update the license usage on the Admin Console:

  1. Ensure that the Adobe Licensing Toolkit is available on the end-user computer. If not, then download the Toolkit for macOS or Windows:

    1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Packages > Tools.
    2. Use the download links on the Licensing Toolkit card.
  2. For Windows:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --deactivate --npdId <Unique ID of Preconditioning Data described below>.

    Short form:

    adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -t -n <Unique ID of Preconditioning Data described below>

    For macOS:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --deactivate --npdId <Unique ID of Preconditioning Data described below>

    Short form:

    sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -t -n <Unique ID of Preconditioning Data described below>

    Use the --displayAspnDetails option, described below, to view details of the packages on a computer. The output includes the Unique ID of Preconditioning Data required for this command.


    The npdId used in the above command, corresponds to the Package License ID for the package in the Admin Console. See, how to view the Package License ID for a pacakge on the Admin Console.

View license information

Use the licenseInformation command for details of the licenses installed on a machine.

For Windows:

adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --licenseInformation

Short form:

adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -l

For macOS:

sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --licenseInformation

Short form:

sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -l

Sample output:

Adobe Licensing Toolkit ( 
License Details 
NpdId          : MWVjZGNlMzMtZGU2Yi00ZmNlLTkzZTktY2MxMjBhZmFiZjg1 
AppId          : Photoshop1 
CacheExpiry    : 03/06/19 20:01:56 India Standard Time 
LicenseId      : 511F26523959D15EBD9B 
LicenseExpiry  : 03/06/21 20:01:56 India Standard Time 
NpdId          : YjZiOGU0ZTItYTkxNy00NTFlLWFkOTItZTljNTc2M2U2OTgx 
AppId          : Animate1 
CacheExpiry    : 03/06/19 20:01:56 India Standard Time 
LicenseId      : 511F26523959D15EBD9B 
LicenseExpiry  : 03/06/21 20:01:56 India Standard Time 
Operation Successfully Completed

The NpdId displayed in the output above, corresponds to the Package License ID for the package in the Admin Console. See, how to view the Package License ID for a pacakge on the Admin Console.

View package details

Use the displayAsnpDetails for brief information of the licenses activated on a client computer.

For Windows:

adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --displayAsnpDetails

Short form:

adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -d

For macOS:

sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --displayAsnpDetails

Short form:

sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -d

The following output displays the apps installed via packages on this computer.

Adobe Licensing Toolkit (
ASNP Details

App             : InDesign1
OperatingConfig : SW5EZXNpZ24xe30yMDE4MDcyMDA0-NTcwMTI5NTUtNGQyNC00ZmJjLWE4NGEtOTZjZjNmMzBlYmYx-90-stg.operatingconfig
Asnp            : TlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4e305YjI3YzBmNi01MGU3LTRmNDMtOWY4Yi0xMThjNzVhMzQwYWU.asnp

App             : Photoshop1
OperatingConfig : UGhvdG9zaG9wMXt9MjAxODA3MjAwNA-NTcwMTI5NTUtNGQyNC00ZmJjLWE4NGEtOTZjZjNmMzBlYmYx-90-stg.operatingconfig
Asnp            : TlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4e302MDA0NmRhOC0wZTE1LTQwNDktYjFmNy1mM2UxMGViODQxZDc.asnp
Operation Successfully Completed

Use the displayAsnpDetails option, with the optional verbose flag, to view all available details of the licenses activated on a client computer.

For Windows:

adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --displayAsnpDetails --verbose

Short form:

adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -d -v

For macOS:

sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --displayAsnpDetails --verbose

Short form:

sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -d -v

The following output displays the apps installed via packages on this computer. For each app, the output also displays the following details:


JSON object of all activation data.


Package activation mode for OnlineOffline, and Isolated activation methods.


The Creative Cloud app installed as part of the activation.    


Unique package identifier. Used when removing an Online Activation package license from a computer. See above.


The npdId, corresponds to the Package License ID for the package in the Admin Console. See, how to view the Package License ID for a pacakge on the Admin Console.

Adobe Licensing Toolkit (
ASNP Details

App             : InDesign1
OperatingConfig : SW5EZXNpZ24xe30yMDE4MDcyMDA0-NTcwMTI5NTUtNGQyNC00ZmJjLWE4NGEtOTZjZjNmMzBlYmYx-90-stg.operatingconfig
Asnp            : TlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4e305YjI3YzBmNi01MGU3LTRmNDMtOWY4Yi0xMThjNzVhMzQwYWU.asnp

        "asnpData" :
                "adobeCertSignedValues" : null,
                "customerCertHeaders" :
                                "header" : "eyJjb250ZW50U2lnbmF0dXJlQWxnIjoiUlM1MTIiLCJ0cnVzdGVkQ2VydEZpbmdlcnByaW50QWxnIjoiU0hBLTUxMiIsInRydXN0ZWRDZXJ0RmluZ2VycHJpbnRJbmRleCI6MywiY2VydGlmaWNhdGVEZXRhaWxzIjpbeyJpZCI6IlFVWTVSVFE1Tmpjd09FSTJNekU1UlRZelJqWTFSVGhETlRrM1JEQTBNVGciLCJzdWJqZWN0TmFtZSI6IkFkb2JlIENvbnRlbnQgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgMzItNiIsImhleFNlcmlhbE51bWJlciI6IjE3NmI2MjUyIiwic2hhMUhhc2giOiI0MjI1NTA5MUMzMjhCMkRGQjBCN0NDNkYxNTUxOURGMjc3QzMxMEE0Iiwic2VxdWVuY2UiOjEsImRvd25sb2FkUGF0aCI6IlFVWTVSVFE1Tmpjd09FSTJNekU1UlRZelJqWTFSVGhETlRrM1JEQTBNVGctTlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4LmRlciJ9LHsiaWQiOiJOa1EyUkVVd01rUXhNa013T0RKR01qWkVRakU0TURSQk1FWTJSa1V5TVRrIiwic3ViamVjdE5hbWUiOiJBZG9iZSBJbnRlcm1lZGlhdGUgQ0EgMzItNCIsImhleFNlcmlhbE51bWJlciI6IjhmMTFmY2QiLCJzaGExSGFzaCI6IjA1MjY3Qjk5MDI1QUQwMjQyODU0NzY2QzBBNDhFNDFFQTA3QTI4QzQiLCJzZXF1ZW5jZSI6MiwiZG93bmxvYWRQYXRoIjoiTmtRMlJFVXdNa1F4TWtNd09ESkdNalpFUWpFNE1EUkJNRVkyUmtVeU1Uay1OVGN3TVRJNU5UVXROR1F5TkMwMFptSmpMV0U0TkdFdE9UWmpaak5tTXpCbFltWXguZGVyIn1dfQ",
                                "signature" : "{{customerSignature1}}"
                                "header" : "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",
                                "signature" : "{{customerSignature2}}"
                "customerCertSignedValues" : null,
                "templateId" : "TlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4e305YjI3YzBmNi01MGU3LTRmNDMtOWY4Yi0xMThjNzVhMzQwYWU"
        "branding" :
                "name" : "SKD Branding name"
        "deploymentMode" : "FRL_CONNECTED",
        "id" : "27175704-bba8-4910-88c2-054e871e9bff",
        "nglAppId" : "InDesign1",
        "npdId" : "NTcwMTI5NTUtNGQyNC00ZmJjLWE4NGEtOTZjZjNmMzBlYmYx",
        "npdPrecedence" : 90,
        "profileRequestPayloadParams" :
                "appParams" :
                "deviceParams" :
        "profileServerUrl" : ""

App             : Photoshop1
OperatingConfig : UGhvdG9zaG9wMXt9MjAxODA3MjAwNA-NTcwMTI5NTUtNGQyNC00ZmJjLWE4NGEtOTZjZjNmMzBlYmYx-90-stg.operatingconfig
Asnp            : TlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4e302MDA0NmRhOC0wZTE1LTQwNDktYjFmNy1mM2UxMGViODQxZDc.asnp

        "asnpData" :
                "adobeCertSignedValues" : null,
                "customerCertHeaders" :
                                "header" : "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",
                                "signature" : "{{customerSignature1}}"
                                "header" : "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",
                                "signature" : "{{customerSignature2}}"
                "customerCertSignedValues" : null,
                "templateId" : "TlRjd01USTVOVFV0TkdReU5DMDBabUpqTFdFNE5HRXRPVFpqWmpObU16QmxZbVl4e302MDA0NmRhOC0wZTE1LTQwNDktYjFmNy1mM2UxMGViODQxZDc"
        "branding" :
                "name" : "SKD Branding name"
        "deploymentMode" : "FRL_CONNECTED",
        "id" : "f27682d7-1b10-4f1c-a243-5e52580a9966",
        "nglAppId" : "Photoshop1",
        "npdId" : "NTcwMTI5NTUtNGQyNC00ZmJjLWE4NGEtOTZjZjNmMzBlYmYx",
        "npdPrecedence" : 90,
        "profileRequestPayloadParams" :
                "appParams" :
                "deviceParams" :
        "profileServerUrl" : ""

How to view the Package License ID on the Admin Console

To view the Package License ID (that corresponds to the NpdId)

  1. Sign into the Admin Console and go to the Packages tab.

  2. (Optional) If you have the NpdId and need to find the corresponding package on the Admin Console.

    In the Search box, enter the NpdId of the package that you got from running the Licensing Toolkit command, above.


    The search is case-insensitve. Also, you can make a partial search. Which means that you don't need to enter the entire NpdId when searching.


    In the list of packages, click the package. The details of that package are displayed on the right.

    The Package License ID on the Admin Console corresponds to the NpdId on the Licensing Toolkit commands described above.

    Package details


    The Package License ID is only available for packages created on or after 7/24/2021.

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