Last updated on Oct 16, 2024

Learn how to personalize the settings for the home experience on Adobe Express for Education.

Welcome screen

All education users who access Adobe Express for the first time will encounter the welcome screen and be prompted to select an account type, whether they were previously verified as a teacher or signed up through the self-service provisioning flow.  

Education role survey

The education role survey is a pop-up that follows the welcome screen where users select their role, allowing them a personalized experience. The user's home page experience will differ based on the role they select in the education role survey. The educator and student view are similar, to ensure cohesion with the Adobe Express home experiences, but key differences include tasks, templates, and access to educator-specific tabs.

Differences between the Adobe Express for Education home experiences

The user's home page experience will differ based on the role they select in the education role survey. They can choose among the following options:

  • Students: Students can access student-specific tasks under Suggested tasks and Quick actions. They won't be able to view Educator Resources or Educator Essentials tab.
  • Educators: Educators can access educator-specific tasks under Suggested tasks and Educator Essentials like rubrics, report cards, worksheets, Quick actions, and templates for educators.
  • Others: Users who select None of the above can access role-agnostic task lists and templates, Quick actions, Educator Resources, and Educator Essentials.

To switch roles, go to Settings > Account > Customizations > Edit to change your role selection.