Install or upgrade Adobe Connect 9.7

Install or upgrade Adobe Connect 9.7 and related components like Events module, AEM, telephony adaptors, and database.

The article provides instructions to install, configure, and deploy Adobe Connect 9.7 and the associated components. For instructions for the other versions of Adobe Connect, see the installation guide of other versions at

Adobe Connect 9.7 is distributed as a patch that can be added only on an existing Adobe Connect 9.6 system.

  • To upgrade an existing Adobe Connect 9.x (x = 0 - 6) installation, upgrade it to the latest Adobe Connect 9.6 before deploying Adobe Connect 9.7 patch. To upgrade to v9.6, see this article.
  • To create a fresh installation, install Adobe Connect 9.6 using the installer, apply the latest patches available for version 9.6, and then deploy version 9.7 as a patch. To install v9.6, see this article.

If an existing Adobe Connect 9.x instance does not have AEM license and you want to upgrade it to an Adobe Connect 9.7 instance with an AEM license, then upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.6.2 with an AEM-enabled license and then apply the Adobe Connect 9.7 patch.

The workflow for a new installation is illustrated in the following flowchart.

Adobe Connect 9.7 installation workflow
Adobe Connect 9.7 installation workflow

The various upgrade paths are illustrated in the following flowchart.

Adobe Connect 9.7 upgrade paths and workflow
Adobe Connect 9.7 upgrade paths and workflow

Deploy Adobe Connect 9.7 patch


Deploying this patch requires some downtime of your Adobe Connect instance.

The systems targeted by the patch are below.

Host type Service/application Updated Stopped Restarted
License ACS/HM Y Y Y
AEM Author
Adobe Connect CQ-Author Y Y Y
AEM Publisher Adobe Connect CQ-Publish Y Y Y
Adobe Connect App
Adobe Connect Service
Adobe Connect App
Adobe Media Server
Adobe Connect App Adobe Media Administration Server
Adobe Connect App Adobe Connect Telephony Service
Adobe Connect App (TS) Arkadin TA
Adobe Connect App (TS) InterCall TA N Y Y
Adobe Connect App (TS) MeetingOne TA N Y Y
Adobe Connect App (TS) Premiere TA N Y Y
Download Adobe Connect Addin (Win)
Download Adobe Connect Addin (Mac)

To deploy Adobe Connect 9.7 either as a fresh installation or as a patch on an existing Adobe Connect instance, follow these steps.

  1. For a fresh installation, install Adobe Connect 9.6 by following the instructions at Install Adobe Connect 9.6 using the installer.

    To upgrade an existing Adobe Connect instance, upgrade to version 9.6 by following the instructions at Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.6 using the installer.

  2. To upgrade to the latest patch of version 9.6.2, follow the instructions at the on-premise patch files for Adobe Connect 9.

  3. Stop the Adobe Connect services. Stop the AEM Author and AEM Publisher instances using Service Panel.

  4. Create the following backups:

    • Copy the AEM folder of AEM Author instance from [AEM_install_dir]\CQ-Author\crx-quickstart.
    • Copy the AEM folder of AEM Publish instance from [AEM_install_dir]\CQ-Publish\crx-quickstart.
    • Back up the Adobe Connect database.
    • Back up appserv, comserv, jre, tomcat, and TelephonyService folders.
    • Back up the configuration files at \appserv\common\AddInInfo.xml and \TelephonyService\conf\telephony-settings.xml.
  5. To update the Adobe Connect database, execute update_9_7_0_0.sql file on the database.

  6. Copy the patch file update_9.6.2_9.7.0_licensed_signed.exe to the server on which Adobe Connect service is deployed. Double click the EXE file. Confirm the root directory where Adobe Connect is installed.

  7. If you are using the Arkadin telephony adaptor, do the changes to the Arkadin telephony adaptor as described here.

  8. Start the Adobe Connect services. Verify if the changes are reflected in the version.txt file at Replace with your domain.

  9. Repeat steps 1-6 for each server in the cluster.

  10. After starting the server, go to license settings in Adobe Connect console and update the Adobe Connect 9.7 license.


    You can download the license file from the URL provided on the console.

  11. Upgrade AEM Author and AEM Publish Servers.

    1. On the AEM server, log in as an Administrator.
    2. Stop the AEM Author slave service, if present.
    3. Access the AEM Author master package manager at http://[servername]:[portnumber]/crx/packmgr/index.jsp. Delete the existing file and the existing AEM Social package named
    4. Delete the AEM Social package from /apps/connect/install/ using CRXDE Lite at http://[servername]:[portname]/crx/de/index.jsp.
    5. Upload the new ConnectEventApp.jar file available as part of the patch archive.
    6. On the AEM Author master instance, access http://[servername]:[portnumber]/crx/packmgr/index.jsp and install AEM Social package, named
    7. When installing, select the Merge values for Access Control Handling and click Install.
    8. Repeat the above 1-6 steps for the AEM Publish instances.
    9. Stop the AEM Publish instance service and the AEM Author master service.
    10. To install AEM Social package on AEM Publish servers, repeat the above steps.
    11. Restart the AEM Author master service and AEM Publish instance and ensure that you are able to log in to AEM master server after the service restart.
    12. Start the AEM Author slave service, if present.
    13. Start the service of AEM Publish instances.
  12. To verify the installation, follow the steps at Verify your Adobe Connect installation.

Upload a new license file after migration

After migrating an Adobe Connect installation, upload your license.txt file as follows:

  1. Log in to the Adobe Connect Server.
  2. Launch the Application Console Manager by accessing http://[servername]:8510/console/ in a web browser.
  3. Click License Settings.
  4. Click the Browse button and select the license.txt file. Click Save.

Roll back the patch


A rollback is possible only if the backup steps in the section Deploy Adobe Connect 9.7 patch are completed.

To roll back the Adobe Connect 9.7 patch, follow these steps. The steps restore your instance to Adobe Connect version 9.6.2.

  1. Stop the Adobe Connect services.
  2. Stop AEM Author and AEM Publish instances using the Service Panel.
  3. Delete the existing appserv, comserv, jre, tomcat, and TelephonyService folders.
  4. Restore appserv, comserv, jre, tomcat, and TelephonyService folders from the backup.
  5. Restore Adobe Connect database instance from the backup.
  6. Copy the AEM Author folder at \[AEM_install_dir]\CQ-Author\crx-quickstart from the backup.
  7. Copy the AEM Publish folder at \[AEM_install_dir]\CQ-Publish\crx-quickstart from the backup.
  8. Restart the Adobe Connect services.
  9. Restart the AEM Author and AEM Publish instances.

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