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Create web galleries and PDFs

Applies to Adobe Bridge CC November, 2016 (version 7.0) and earlier releases

Create web galleries and PDFs using the Adobe Output Module


Beginning with the October 2017 release of Bridge CC, the following updates have been made:

  • A new Output workspace has been introduced to generate PDF contact sheet natively in Bridge. For help documentation, see Create a PDF contact sheet in Output workspace.
  • The Adobe Output Module (AOM) plug-in (explained in this article) is no longer supported and the functionality to create web galleries has been discontinued in the latest version of Bridge.
  • The Adobe Output Module (AOM) plug-in works only with Bridge CC November, 2016 (version 7.0) and earlier releases. 

The Adobe® Output Module is a script that comes with Adobe Bridge. You can use it to create HTML and Flash® web galleries that you upload to a web server. You can also create PDF contact sheets and presentations with the Adobe Output Module. The Adobe Output Module is available through the Output workspace.

The Adobe Output module plug-in for generating PDF contact sheets/presentations and Web Galleries is not shipped with Bridge. You can manually download and install the Adobe Output Module and workspace for Bridge following the directions in the following document: 

How to install Adobe Output Module in Bridge

A web photo gallery is a website that features a home page with thumbnail images that link to gallery pages that display full-size images. Adobe Output Module provides various gallery templates, which you can select and customize using the Output panel.

  1. Select the images you want to include in the gallery and choose Window > Workspace > Output. Then, click the Web Gallery button at the top of the Output panel.


    If the Output space is not listed, open Adobe Bridge Preferences (Ctrl + K on Windows or Command + K on Mac OS), select the Startup Scripts panel, and select Adobe Output Module.

  2. Choose a gallery from the Template menu and specify a thumbnail size from the Style menu. Then, customize the appearance of the gallery using the options in the following drawers:

    Site Info

    Specify information that appears on every page of the gallery, including a title, a description, and contact name and email address.

    Color Palette

    Options vary depending on selected template. Choose colors for different elements of the gallery, such as text, header text, background, and borders.


    Options vary depending on selected template. Specify the size of images and thumbnails, the quality of the JPEG images, transition effects, layouts, and whether to include filenames on HTML gallery images.

    Image Info

    (Airtight galleries only) Include a caption, based on image metadata, on gallery images.

    Output Settings

    (Airtight galleries only) Specify the size and quality of JPEG gallery images.

  3. (CS5 only) Click Refresh Preview to view the gallery in the Output Preview panel in Adobe Bridge. Click Preview In Browser to preview the gallery in your default web browser.


    Gallery previews display up to 20 files, but the complete gallery is saved and uploaded.

  4. (Optional) Save custom settings for reuse by clicking the Save Style button .

  5. To upload your gallery via FTP, open the Create Gallery drawer. Enter an FTP Server address, User Name, Password, and Folder destination. Then, click Upload.


    When typing the server path, use slashes for designating directories. Check with your web hosting provider to verify the path for accessing your public folder on the web server.


    Adobe Bridge adds characters to the text you enter in the Password field after you click or press Tab to go to another field. Adobe Bridge adds these characters for security reasons.

  6. To save your gallery on your hard drive, open the Create Gallery drawer and specify a Save Location. Then, click Save.

Create a PDF contact sheet

Using the Adobe Output Module, you can create PDF contact sheets of one or more images. For contact sheets of multiple images, all images in the layout are a uniform size. By specifying playback options, you can also create a PDF to use as a full-screen or slideshow presentation.


You can also use the Contact Sheet II plug-in. In Adobe Bridge, choose Tools > Photoshop > Contact Sheet II. For more information, see Print photos in a picture package layout in Photoshop Community Help.

  1. Select the images you want to include in the PDF file and choose Window > Workspace > Output. Then, click the PDF button at the top of the Output panel.


    If the Output space is not listed, open Adobe Bridge Preferences (Ctrl + K on Windows or Command + K on Mac OS), select the Startup Scripts panel, and select Adobe Output Module.

  2. Choose an option from the Template menu. Then, customize the PDF using the options in the following drawers:


    Specify page size, orientation, output quality (in ppi); JPEG image compression quality; background color; and optional permissions.


    Image-placement and image-spacing options.


    Print the filename under each image and page numbers in a header or footer.

    Header, Footer

    Enable headers and footers and specify their positioning and type.


    Options for how the PDF plays onscreen in Adobe Acrobat® or Adobe Reader®.


    Add a text or graphical watermark to each page or each image. Customize the text font, size, and color. Customize the text or graphic’s scale, opacity, offset, and rotation.

  3. Click Refresh Preview to preview the PDF in the Output Preview panel.


    The Output Preview panel displays only the first page of the PDF.

  4. (Optional) Save custom settings for reuse by clicking the Save Template button .

  5. To automatically open the PDF in Acrobat or Reader after you save it, select View PDF After Save at the bottom of the Output panel. Otherwise, click Save.

Adobe Output Module preferences

  1. In the Startup Scripts pane of Adobe Bridge preferences, select Adobe Output Module to enable the Output panel.

  2. In the Output pane of Adobe Bridge preferences, specify the following:

    Use Solo Mode For Output Panel Behavior

    Allows only one drawer of options in the Output panel to be open at a time.

    Convert Multi-Byte Filenames To Full ASCII

    Removes multibyte characters from filenames when generating a gallery. Use if your FTP server doesn’t accept multibyte characters.

    Preserve Embedded Color Profile

    Preserves a color profile that is embedded in the image, if possible. If the profile is not supported in JPEG, Adobe Output Module converts the profile to sRGB.

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