User Credentials Not Found Error after upgrading to Adobe Digital Editions 1.5 or later


After upgrading to Adobe Digital Editions 1.5 or later, you are unable to open some or all of your eBooks and you receive the following error:

  • Internal error - document already failed.



This issue appears to be caused by a failure in the process of moving your books from anonymous activation to Named activation. This happens during the migration process that occurs when you first install Digital Editions 1.5 or later. Adobe Support will continue to investigate this issue.


Windows Troubleshooting Steps

Disclaimer: The following solution involves the Windows System Registry. Editing or manipulating the registry incorrectly can result in serious system damage, which may require reinstallation of the operating system. If you are not comfortable editing the registry then it's best to take your machine to a professional. If you choose to proceed it is essential to create a complete system backup and a Windows System Restore Point before proceeding. Adobe Systems cannot be held responsible for damage resulting from this information.

  1. Quit Adobe Digital Editions (if it is open).
  2. Click Start > Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then press Enter.
  3. Navigate to the following registry key:

  4. Right-click the ADEPT key, and choose Delete.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  6. Quit the Registry Editor.
  7. Restart Adobe Digital Editions. You will be asked to re-authorize. Follow the authorization prompts. Be certain to use the correct AdobeID and password to authorize.
  8. Reopen your books to be certain they do not show continued errors.

Macintosh Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Quit Adobe Digital Editions (if it is open).
  2. Delete this file:

    <drive>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Digital Editions/activation.dat
  3. Restart Adobe Digital Editions. You will be asked to re-authorize. Follow the authorization prompts. Be certain to use the correct AdobeID and password to authorize.
  4. Reopen your books to be certain they do not show continued errors.

Contact Adobe Technical Support

If the above troubleshooting does not allow you to recover your books, please open a Technical Support web case at

We are asking customers to provide the following information to help us determine the cause of this issue. The more of this information you can provide (especially about your ebook activations) the better Adobe Support can assist you:

  1. Your AdobeID (but not your password).
  2. (Windows only) A specific exported registry key. This key will have to be exported and attached to the case. If you have trouble attaching the key information please mention that to the support agent who works the case. They'll provide detail on how to attach the information. To get the registry key information use the following steps:
    1. Choose Start > Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
    2. In the Registry Editor, choose Edit > Find.
    3. Find and select this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adept.
    4. Right-click the Adept folder, and then select Export.
    5. Save the exported .reg key to the desktop.
    6. Attach the .reg key to the webcase.
  3. Capture the Adobe Digital Editions error log.
    1. To turn on error logging, press Control+Shift+T (Windows) or Command+Shift+T (Mac OS X).
    2. In the dialog, select the Enable Error Logging option.
    3. Approve the dialog.
    4. After turning on error logging, restart Digital Editions.
    5. Retry the books that are not opening correctly.
    6. Attach the error log files to the case. There are two files, both in the My Digital Editions folder. (On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\My Digital Editions).

      For more details see

  4. In addition, please copy and paste these questions into your webcase, and provide as much information as possible.

    • OS (Original or upgrade):
    • Browser:
    • CPU type:
    • Network connection (dial-up, broadband, cable, dsl):
    • Was the book downloaded with:
      • Acrobat/Reader 6 Easy Activation
      • Acrobat/Reader 6 Named Activation
      • Acrobat/Reader 7 Easy Activation
      • Acrobat/Reader 7 Named Activation
    • ADE version 1.0 or 1.5 or a later version?
    • Did this happen during upgrade to the new version 1.5 or later?
    • Did you originally use Acrobat Reader 7 or Digital Editions to download the DRM protected books?
    • User permissions level (Admin, managed user, etc.):
    • URL to the book:
    • Steps to reproduce the problem (if not already provided):
    • Results (if not already provided):
    • Expected results:
    • What type of activation do you have?
      • Easy Activation: If you have neither an Adobe account nor a Microsoft Hotmail account, you have Easy Activation. Otherwise you have Named Activation'
      • If you have at least 2 computers are able to read the same ebook on both computer, you have Named Activation.
      • If you are not certain which type of activation you have, do the following:
        • Open your browse and go to If you remember seeing this web page and logging in to the site before, you have Named Activation. If you have visited this site before then you have Named Activation.
  5. If possible, try to copy the problematic ebooks to a second machine, then activate that machine and check if the books show the same behavior. This may not be an option for you, but if possible it could help diagnose the issue.

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