Authenticate to Acrobat Sign and navigate to your Manage page.
- Users accessing Acrobat Sign via the Adobe Admin Console should navigate to their Documents page.
While users may not delete an agreement, they can hide them from view, allowing the user to thin out the lists of records on their Manage page.
Unhiding an agreement is relatively easy, so users should be comfortable hiding anything that impedes their activities, knowing they can reclaim the visibility of those assets as needed.
The below process only removes the agreement from the user's view. It does not delete the agreement from the system (as GDPR tools do), nor does it remove the agreement from the view of other users entitled to see it. A hidden asset is only hidden for the user that hides it.
Authenticate to Acrobat Sign and navigate to your Manage page.
Select the agreement you want to hide.
Select the Hide Agreement button in the right rail of Actions.
The system will challenge you to verify that you want to remove the agreement from your view.
Complete the process by selecting the Hide button.
Your page should refresh with the agreement hidden from your default view.
Authenticate to Acrobat Sign and navigate to your Manage page
Click the Filters button and check the Display hidden content box:
Apply the filter. The page refreshes, showing all of the hidden agreements for the user.
Additional filters can be applied:
Select the agreement. This opens the Actions rail to the right of the agreement.
Select Unhide Agreement.
When challenged, select Unhide.
Your page refreshes with the agreement no longer visible because the agreement is no longer hidden. (Your current view has the "Hidden Content" filter applied.)
Select the X on the Hidden content filter to remove it, restoring your view to the unfiltered content of your Manage/Documents page.