See how you can request access to Global Admin Console.
The Global Admin Console acts as an organization's central management hub for Adobe resources. Global Administrators can create child organizations under their organization and assign System Administrators to manage them.
Resources can be distributed to child organizations for management and assignment to users in those organizations. Users and administrators in an organization do not have visibility to users, storage, or other resources outside their organization.
Key terms and concepts
Following are some key terms and concepts:
Navigation bar
Organizations View and modify your organization's hierarchy. Create and edit product profiles, user groups, admins, and policies. Learn more.
Product Allocation View and allocate products across organizations. Learn more.
Organization mapper Add existing organizations that you own, but are not part of your organization hierarchy into your organization hierarchy. Learn more.
Job execution Review pending change requests and status of running and completed changes. Learn more.
Organizations tab
An organization (org for short) is a structure used to manage Adobe products and users. The Admin Console lets administrators manage the deployment and configuration of products and users in their organizations. The Global Admin Console lets global administrators create, manage, and delete multiple orgs.
Refresh data Click to refresh all organization data to sync up your display with any changes made. If you have un-submitted edits, they will be reapplied to the reloaded data.
Review pending changes Click to review the pending changes and initiate them or discard them. Learn more.
Import/ export option Import or export organization hierarchy data. Learn more.
Open in Admin Console Open the selected organization in the Admin Console, if you are a System Admin or have another administrative role in that organization. The Global Admin or Global Viewer roles do not give you access to the Admin console.
Add child organization Create an organization and add it as a child of the selected organization. The length for the org's name must be between 4 and 100 characters, maximum length for pathname is 255 characters. Learn more.
Edit organization Edit the name or country/region of the selected organization. The length for the org's name must be between 4 and 100 characters, maximum length for pathname is 255 characters. Changing the country/region of an organization does not move already allocated resources for that organization.
Delete organization Delete the selected organization and return allocated resources to the parent organization. This operation cannot be undone. Learn more.
Revert changes Revert changes made to an organization and revert data to the unedited state. Only the changes that have not been submitted in the Job Execution can be reverted.
Reapply changes Reverse the last revert operation in the selected organization.
Search orgs Enter a partial string name to locate organizations. A filter is applied to limit displays to organization names that match the filter. In a hierarchical display, parents of organizations whose names match the filter would also be displayed.
Change hierarchy Allows you to change the parent of an organization in the hierarchy using drag-and-drop, moving the entire subtree with the parent. Learn more.
Get started Take a tour of the Global Admin Console, see how specific tasks can be done with an interactive tour, and share feedback with us.
To view and modify product profiles, user groups, administrators, and organization's policies, see Edit organizations.
System restrictions
The maximum depth for nesting organizations is five. So, a/b/c/d/e is allowed but a/b/c/d/e/f is an error.
For example, Acme Corp/ International Region/ Acme Europe/ Acme UK/ Acme London is allowed, but Acme Corp/ International Region/ Acme Europe/ Acme UK/ Acme London/ Acme Mayfair is an error.
Maximum pathname length (including all organizations) is 255 characters (including "/"). The maximum length for a single org name is between 4 and 100 characters.
The organization pathname is unique, but the organization simple name is only unique among its siblings. There may be organizations with the same simple name elsewhere in the org hierarchy.
IE 11 is not supported for Global Administration access. Use a different browser or a newer version of IE browser.
Select your organization
Organizations listed in the organization selector drop-down list are those you are explicitly a Global Admin of, that is, you were added to the administrators' list for that organization with a Global Admin or Global Viewer role. You are implicitly Global Admin (or Global Viewer) of all organizations below that point in the hierarchy, but those organizations are not listed in the org picker.
If you want them to be listed, add yourself as a Global Admin to the organizations you want to be listed. When you select an org in the organization selector, your administrative permissions are based on being a Global Administrator of the selected organization. You might also be listed as a Global Administrator of a parent organization higher in the tree which could give you more permissions. You must select that higher-level organization to get the additional permissions.
Execute jobs
Changes in the Global Admin Console are done in two phases, making changes to the organizations or allocating products as needed, then reviewing and executing these changes from the Job Execution tab.
You can sign out and back in or even refresh the page without losing edits. Unexecuted changes are discarded after 30 days. However, pending changes are cleared if you close the browser tab or window.
Two users working on the same organization do not see changes made by each other until those changes are executed and the other user refreshes their display. Unexecuted persisted changes may conflict with executed changes. If there are conflicts, they are reported at execution time, or in cases where data is refreshed due to sign out/ sign in or browser refresh, at data reload time.
As a Global Administrator, you can review the list of changes and initiate the execution, or continue to make changes. To execute the changes, do the following:
Sign in to the Global Admin Console.
Navigate to the Job Execution tab. Review the pending changes, if any, and click Submit Changes to execute them.
The job starts executing, and the status appears as pending until the execution is complete. Adobe recommends having only one job in execution at a time. If an error occurs while executing a job, changes not successfully applied must be reentered.
If an allocation takes over 12 hours to process, the job is marked as failed and any subsequent pending tasks are not executed.
To cancel a running job, click Cancel Running Job.
Canceling a running job stops the job at the end of the current step. It does not stop the job immediately in the middle of a step. Some steps may take minutes or hours to complete, so a job may be in the canceling state for some time.
Job history
To view the jobs executed in the past 30 days, do the following:
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Job Execution tab, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click Recent Jobs.
- Job commands are listed as they were when they were submitted. Subsequent renames or deletions to not affect display of commands.
- Errors and warnings are displayed with each command.
Create an organization
As a Global Administrator, you can create child organizations of any organization in the hierarchy. You can set the name, country, user groups, products, product profiles, administrators, and policies for the new organization.
When a new child organization is created, the following are automatically inherited from the immediate parent:
- Organization's policy settings (including locks if present)
- The list of system administrators (controlled by Inherit System Admins on creation policy). The following can prevent system administrators from being inherited:
- Lack of domain trust
- User type restrictions (Add Adobe ID/ Enterprise ID/ Federated ID users policies). Learn about the policy details.
- Access to FederatedId or EnterpriseId users from domains to which the parent org has access. This makes the domain users in the parent available in the child org. Inheritance of user access is controlled by Inherit users from directories managed by the parent organization policy.
- Sharing policy, password policy, and security contacts (controlled by Inherit asset sharing settings when child organization is created policy)
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, select the organization you want to add a child organization to.
Click , the Add Child Organization button.
Specify a name and the country of the organization.
The organization's simple name must be between 4 to 100 characters, maximum length for pathname is 255 characters.
Click Save.
Click Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
Delete an organization
As a Global Administrator, you can delete child organizations. The delete operation cannot be undone, and the root organization cannot be deleted. The resources allocated to the deleted organization are returned to its parent. Also, before an organization is deleted, its parent becomes the parent of its child organizations, if it had any.
An organization can be deleted only if the following criteria are met:
- There are no Sign accounts, Adobe Stock purchases, or storage repositories in the organization.
- There are no claimed domains in the organization.
- There are no instantiated products in the organization.
- There are no Experience Cloud products which can include instantiations in the organization.
Deleting an organization impacts your users. Ensure that there is no access or information that will be lost when an organization is deleted.
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, select the organization you want to delete.
Click , the Delete Organization button.
Click Ok in the Delete Organization pop-up screen that appears.
Click Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
Change the parent of an organization
As a Global Administrator, you can reparent an organization in the organization hierarchy using the Change hierarchy button.
Changing the parent of an organization has the below impact:
- Reparenting an organization moves the entire subtree rooted at the reparented organization with it. The pathnames of the reparented organization, and its children are updated to reflect their new location.
- Organization policies of moved organizations are updated so that any locks on policies are held by an organization in the new hierarchy.
- Changing the position of an organization in the hierarchy can change the global administrators for that organization. Global administration roles are inherited down the hierarchy so any Global Administrators of the new parent organization automatically become Global Administrators of the moved organization. Likewise, Global Administrators can lose their role on the moved organization if they had that role by virtue of them being a Global Administrator of the old parent. The inherited Global Administration roles are not listed in the Admins pane of the organization.
- Reparenting also affects the available products in the moved organizations. When possible, product allocations are updated so they come via the new parent location.
- If product allocations cannot be updated to come from the new parent, the products are removed along with product profiles of those products. Users can lose access as a result of this operation. For the product to be available in the new location, the closest common ancestor of the old and new locations must have the product available.
If products are removed as a result of reparenting, users lose access to those products.
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, click Change hierarchy to enable reparenting the organizations.
Click Ok in the pop-up screen that appears.
To reparent, drag the child organization on top of the desired organization.
Click Save when you are done reparenting your organizations.
Click Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
Once the job is complete, you can navigate to Product Allocation and change the grant values to reflect the change in allocation of product resources.
Add existing organizations using the Organization Mapper
As a Global Administrator, you can add existing organizations that are not currently part of your Global Admin Console hierarchy to the organization hierarchy.
You can also add team organizations to the org hierarchy. Team orgs do not participate in product allocation or product usage rollup, and management of team organizations in the Global Admin console is limited. You can add them to the org hierarchy to keep track of them and have visibility into the products they purchased. Team organizations cannot have child organizations below them and do not have many of the features of enterprise organizations.
Learn more about the limitations on product allocation.
You can only add child organizations to root organizations that are based on the same storage model. So, child organizations based on the user storage model can only be added to root organizations based on the user storage model. And, child organizations based on the enterprise storage model can only be added to root organizations based on the enterprise storage model.
The Organization mapper tab shows:
- In step 1, a dropdown with a list of possible parent organizations under which you can add a child. These are organizations that you are a Global Administrator of.
- In Step 2, it shows you a list of child orgs that can be added under the parent you selected in Step 1. These are organizations that you are a system administrator of and that are not already a child of another organization.
When an organization is added to Global Administration, products in the organizations that are added using Organization mapper remain as purchases, Product Allocation numbers stop rollup at these organizations.
Sign in to the Global Admin Console, and navigate to Organization Mapper.
Select a parent organization from the drop-down list.
These are the organizations for which you are directly added as a Global Administrator. In the drop-down list, if you don't see an organization you want to use as the parent, select one higher up in the hierarchy. Once the Organization mapper operation is complete, you can use Change hierarchy to move the new organization down in the tree to have the parent you want to use.
Click Review Pending Changes. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
After executing the changes, you can repeat the above steps to add additional child organizations to your organization hierarchy.
Once an organization is in the hierarchy, you can adjust organization policies, administrators, or other settings by navigating to the Organizations tab.
Export and import organization structure
As a Global Administrator, you can export the organization hierarchy. You can download a JSON, CSV, or XLSX representation of the entire organization hierarchy, or a subset of it. You can then use this data to analyze or make modifications.
Similarly, you can import potentially modified data. When uploaded, the new data is compared with current data and any changes are applied to the organization hierarchy.
This section is about the export and import functionality available on the Organizations tab of the Global Admin Console. For details on export and import functionality on the Product Allocation tab, see Export and import product allocation data.
Export the organization structure
The export format chosen impacts the structure of the exported data.
- CSV format allows exporting only one kind of data at a time. When exporting product profiles in CSV format, the profiles and resources are combined into one table. There are multiple entries for the product profile, one for each resource.
- XLSX format results in each organization detail displaying in a separate sheet.
Records are connected between the different object types by a reference id. In some cases, there may be multiple rows for a particular object, such as in the case of Resource objects when there are a set of values associated with a given resource.
- JSON format is the most flexible. It can take advantage of structural relationships between exported objects. For example, products in an organization appear directly in the organization element. The same fields are exported in all three formats but some values are redundant in the JSON format.
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, use the organization picker to select the organization hierarchy where you want to perform the export. Data for all organizations in the hierarchy is exported.
and select Export. -
In the Export dialog box, select what to export and a format to export the data in.
Click Export.
The export file can take several minutes to generate. Once complete, to download the report, navigate to the Global Admin Console > Insights > Export Reports. Learn more about the Export Reports feature.
Note:The JSON files are exported in a zip format. You can open them using a zip utility or the operating system's zip features.
After downloading the file, you can manipulate the data, and then import it back. The updates imported appear in the Global Admin Console as though you have manually edited the data.
Import the organization structure
All import operations are performed on the updated copy of the organization hierarchy. If you have any pending changes, the import changes will be added on top of the pending changes in the hierarchy.
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, use the organization picker to select the organization hierarchy where you want to perform the import.
Click and select Import. Depending on the size and complexity of the import file, processing can take from a few seconds to several minutes.
Click Select a file, and choose a JSON, CSV, or XLSX file to be uploaded. For CSV, only one organization detail can be imported at a time and it does not support importing Products.
The imported changes appear as though you have manually edited the data.
Click Close.
Click Review Pending Changes. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
Before executing the changes, the pending actions are displayed in the same manner as when edits are made manually in the Global Admin Console.
Export and import schemas
While importing data using a CSV file, the fields can appear in any order but must always match their header row.
While importing data, you must specify an operation for each element. The operation can be any one of the following:
- Update: indicates an edit.
- Create: indicates to creating a new object (For example, organization, user group, or administrator).
- Delete: indicates deletion of an object (For example, organization, user group, or administrator).
Input records with no or blank operation field are ignored.
Field Name | Description | Notes |
id | Organization Id. When adding a new organization this can be empty or set to a placeholder identifier, for example, new_org_1. The placeholder identifier is used in cases where other imported entries need to refer to this organization. After creation, an actual org id will be assigned and replace all uses of the placeholder org id. |
Can be set to a temporary value when operation=create |
name | Organization simple name. Min length 4, max 100. Names can contain UTF-8 characters up to 3-bytes, 4-byte characters are not supported. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
countryCode | Country or region code | Must be set when operation=create, can be updated when operation=Update |
type | Type of organization | Read only |
parentOrgId | Parent org id. Blank for root org. When updating, significant restrictions apply including that new parent be in same hierarchy and have the products that are present in the org. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
adminCount | Number of administrators | Read only |
domainCount | Number of domains | Read only |
userCount | Number of users | Read only |
userGroupCount | Number of user groups | Read only |
admins | Set of admin objects representing administrators for this org | May be missing if not selected for export. It displays in a separate tab in XLSX files. |
domains | Set of domain objects representing domains in this org | |
products | Set of product objects representing products in this org | |
productProfiles | Set of product profile objects representing product profiles in this org | |
userGroups | Set of user group objects representing user groups in this org | |
orgPolicies | Structure representing policies and their values | |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. | Always blank on export. |
Import requirements:
- For update or delete, orgId must refer to an existing organization in your
- If you are creating a new org, you can leave the orgId field blank or set it to a unique id that you can make up, such as new-1, or new-2. This provides an id that can be used to refer to the to-be-created org.
- Country code should be valid.
- orgId for Update and Delete operation should already be present in the organization hierarchy.
- orgId marked as Delete should not be selected as a parentOrgId for organizations with Update or Create operation.
- Child organizations at same level and of the same parent should not have same orgNames.
- For creating an org or updating an org name, the org's name must not match the name of an existing child of the same parent.
Field Name | Description | Use |
orgId | Reference to organization in which the admin resides. | Used as a reference to find containing or associated objects. |
firstName | Admin user first name. First and Last name for Adobe ID users can be replaced with a user-supplied value when the user accepts the invitation. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
lastName | Admin user last name | |
Admin user email address. This is a primary key for the user and must be unique. | ||
countryCode | Country or region code where user operates. Only applies to Federated and Enterprise Id types. |
userType | One of "Adobe ID", "Enterprise ID", or "Federated ID". | Read only |
groupId | Group id of group this user is an admin of. Relevant for user group and product profile admins only. | |
licenseId | Product license id of the product this user is admin of. Relevant for product admins only. | |
domain | Domain name of user if not using email domain | |
userName | User name of user if not using email address | |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Import requirements:
- orgId, email, adminType and userType must contain valid values.
- countryCode must be valid.
- If the user already exists and is being updated, the userType must match the user.
- Check for duplicate email addresses in the org.
Exports and imports of product profiles consist of two parts: the product profile details, and a set of resources associated with the product profile. These resources identify services which can be configured, usually just to enable or disable them.
- The resource objects are nested within the product profile in JSON format.
- When using CSV or XLSX with product profiles, the profiles and resources are combined into one table. There will be multiple entries for the product profile, one for each resource.
- The "selected" field in the resource controls whether the service is enabled.
- When importing product profiles, there must be a Create or Update operation on the product profile itself and on any resource objects that are to be updated or created.
Field Name | Description | Use |
productProfileId | Identifier of product profile Placeholder value can be used on create so that other objects can reference the new profile. |
Can be set to temporary value when operation=create |
productProfileName | Name of product profile. It cannot be a duplicate of other product profiles or user groups in the same org. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
productProfileDescription | Text description of the product profile | |
licenseId | License Id reference to the product | Used as a reference to find containing or associated object |
orgId | Organization that contains the user group | |
notifications | True or false to indicate if email notification should be sent to users when they are added or removed from this product profile | Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
resources | Array of resources associated with this product profile. The resources field is only present for JSON format. For CSV and XLSX format, resources are represented with the following additional fields: resourceName, resourceId, resourceDescription, icon, selected, quota, resourceType. For details on these fields, see Products and Resources. If the product profile has more than one resource, there will be multiple rows present, one for each resource. The other fields will have the same values for each resource. |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Import requirements:
- productProfileId, licenseId and orgId must have valid values.
- When creating a product profile, the productProfileName must be a valid name and must not duplicate another product profile name or user group name in the same organization.
- The quota field must have a valid value for the unit type. This is numeric or "unlimited" when resourceType=QUOTA or blank otherwise.
- The notification field must be true or false.
- For CSV and XLSX imports, validate productProfileId, all its entries must have the same orgId, licenseId, and productProfileName.
- Validate duplicate productProfileName in the input file and the org.
- Profiles to be updated and deleted must be present in the org.
- Resources to be updated and deleted (deactivated) must be present in the profile.
- For profiles to be created, ensure the following:
- The orgId should be a new org or an existing org.
- The licenseId should be a new product or an existing product.
- Validate the resources for the profile.
Resources in product profiles:
Field Name | Description | Use |
resourceName | Name of the resource | Read only |
resourceId | Identifier of the resource | Read only |
resourceDescription | Text description of the resource | Read only |
icon | URL to image for resource | Read only |
selected | For a configuration entry, whether the feature is enabled. This field is present in JSON only. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
quota | Quantity of primary resource that can be given out to users via this product profile. This field is present in JSON only. |
resourceType | If present, value is SERVICE. It indicates this resource represents a service that can be enabled or disabled based on the value of the selected field. This field is present in JSON only. |
Read only |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Import requirements:
Operation field on resources is ignored when the product profile to which they belong have operations set as Delete or Create.
- No resource should be marked for deletion, it is an invalid operation.
- For product profiles to be created, the number of resources should match the source product profile's number of resources.
- For resources with Update operation, the resource must be present in the product profile.
Field Name | Description | Use |
userGroupId | Identifier of user group Placeholder value can be used on create so that other objects can reference the new user group. |
Can be set to temporary value when operation=create |
userGroupName | Name of user group | Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
userGroupDescription | Text description of user group | |
userCount | Number of users in user group | Read only |
profiles | Array of product profile ids that the user group is associated with. XLSX has one row per value with same values for other fields. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
orgId | Organization that contains the user group | Used as a reference to find containing or associated object. |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Import requirements:
- orgId must refer to an existing org or an org being created in the same import.
- userGroupId must refer to an existing group for update or delete, and can be an id you define for new user groups.
- For update or create, userGroupName must not be blank and must not duplicate another user group or product profile name in the same org.
- Ensure userGroupName is not duplicate in the input file and the org.
- userGroups to be updated or deleted must be present in the org.
- Profile to be removed from user group must be present in the user group. Update operations cannot be performed on the profile of a user group.
- For user groups to be created, ensure the following:
- The orgId should be a new org or an existing org.
- The licenseId, if applicable, should be a new product or an existing product.
- The productProfileId should be a new product profile or an existing product profile.
The domain information provides read-only information about domains available in each org. This data is not editable.
Field Name |
Description |
Use |
orgId |
Reference to org in which this domain is listed |
Used as a reference to find containing or associated objects. |
domainName |
Name of the domain, for example, |
Read only |
directoryName |
Name of the directory in which the domain is listed |
Read only |
directoryType |
One of Federated ID or Enterprise ID. |
Read only |
domainStatus |
Read only |
In XLSX files, there are two sheets- one for products and one for the resources. In JSON, resource objects are nested in the product object.
Field Name | Description | Use |
licenseId | id which identifies the product. Each product has a unique license id in the org in which it is listed. The license id for the same product will be different in different organizations. When adding a new product this can be empty or use a placeholder identifier, for example, new_product_1. The placeholder identifier is used in cases where other imported entries need to refer to this product instance. After creation, an actual license id is assigned that replaces all uses of the placeholder license id. |
Can be set to temporary value when operation=create |
productName | Name of the product | Read only |
productDescription | Text description of the product | Read only |
allowOverallocation | Boolean indicating whether overallocation of this product instance is allowed. Overallocation refers to the ability to grant more quantity to a child org than you have been granted. |
Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
icon | URL of product icon | Read only |
sourceLicenseId | License id of product instance in org from which this product was allocated. Value is null if this instance is not an allocated product, instead is a purchased product. | Can be set when operation=Create |
productId | Identifier of product. | Read only |
orgId | Identifier of organization containing this product instance | Used as a reference to find containing or associated object. |
redistributable | Boolean indicating whether this product has resources that can be granted to child organizations. | Read only |
resources | object containing a set of resource objects representing the resources and settings in this product | |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Import requirements:
- For create, licenseId must be a unique id that you create.
- For update, licenseId must be the id of an existing product in the org specified.
- orgId must refer to an existing org or one that is being created in the same import operation.
- For create, sourceLicenseId must refer to an existing product or the id you defined for a product being created in the same import operation.
- licenseId and sourceLicenseId should not be same for products with Create operation.
- Validate organizations of products, the organization should be a new one or should already be present in the organization hierarchy.
- For Update and Delete operation, product should already be present in the organization hierarchy.
- licenseId marked as Delete should not be used as a sourceLicenseId of products with Create and Update operation.
- For products with Create operation, validating that the sourceLicenseId should be present in the parent organization.
Resources for products:
Resource objects can appear in products and in product profiles.
Field Name | Description | Use |
resourceName | Name of the resource | Read only |
resourceId | Identifier of the resource | Read only |
resourceDescription | Text description of the resource | Read only |
icon | URL to image for resource | Read only |
productName | Name of product this resource is part of. | Read only |
licenseId | License id (product instance) of the product this resource is part of. | Used as a reference to find containing or associated object. |
grantedQuantity | Granted quantity of this resource: amount of resources this organization has available to use locally or allocate to child organizations. | Can be set or updated when operation=create or operation=update, respectively |
unit | Name of the unit of grant quantity. | Read only |
currentQuantity | Current usable quantity in this org. This is the grantedQuantity less resources allocated to child orgs. This is the value that is displayed in the Admin Console for this product/resource. | Read only |
provisionedQuantity | Quantity actually provisioned: can be less than grant or current, can be less than currentQuantity if some limitation is in place. | Read only |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Import requirements:
Operation field on resources is ignored when the product to which they belong have operations set as Delete or Create.
- No resource should be marked for deletion, it is an invalid operation.
- For products to be created, the number of resources should match the source products number of resources.
- For resources with Update operation, the resource must be present in the product.
More like this
Once the organization hierarchy is set, you can edit the organizations and allocate products to the organizations. If you still don't have access to the Global Admin Console, submit a support case using your Admin Console to request the same.