Export to Panasonic P2 format

New export workflow now available! 

Premiere Pro 22.3 (released April 2022) introduces a streamlined new export workflow. Upgrade now to the latest version to try this out. For more information, see Export video.

Premiere Pro makes it easy to edit footage captured in Panasonic P2 format. Learn how you can export back into P2 format once you're done editing.

When you have finished editing a Panasonic P2 sequence you can export the sequence to a hard disk or back to a P2 card. You can also export individual clips to the P2 format.

The maximum file size for a clip stored in the P2 format is 4 GB. When Premiere Pro exports clips or sequences larger than 4 GB to P2 format, it exports them as groups of 4 GB spanned clips. For more information about clip spanning, see About spanned clips.

The workflow from P2 card to edit and back to P2 card is simple. Import the P2 clips into a project containing a 5.1-channel sequence. Map the source channels to their specified tracks. Place the clips into the sequence, or export them to P2. For more information, see Mapping source and output audio channels.


Exporting to P2 from stereo sequences, which are the default type used in the various P2 presets, produces files with two mono tracks. Premiere Pro preserves the sequence stereo panning. Exporting to P2 from sequences with 5.1-channel master tracks, Premiere Pro exports the sequence into files with two monaural channels, one for left and one for right stereo.

When you export clips or sequences to P2 media, Premiere Pro translates clip and XMP metadata into P2-standard fields. P2 viewers, cameras, servers, and decks can read these.

  1. Select the sequence or clip in a Timeline panel or Project panel.
  2. (Optional) If exporting from the Timeline, set a timeline marker, numbered “0” on the frame you want used as the P2 icon for the exported.

    If you do not set this marker, the P2 icon appears on the first frame of the sequence by default.

  3. Choose File > Export > Media.
  4. From the Format drop-down list, select P2 Movie.
  5. (Optional) Click in the File Name field, and type a new filename.

    This name is used as the value for the UserClipName element in the exported clip’s metadata XML file. The UserClipName value appears in the Name column of the Project panel when the clip is imported back into Premiere Pro. If you do not specify a name, the filename appears in the Name column. The name of the file is automatically generated in conformance with the Panasonic P2 MXF format.

  6. Click the Location link and browse to the location where you want to save the file. You can navigate to the root of the mounted P2 card or to your destination folder of choice, and click Save.

    If a P2 compliant file structure is present at the destination, Premiere Pro adds the exported clips to the existing folders. If the P2 compliant file structure is not present, Premiere Pro creates one at the destination.

  7. Define the section of the clip or sequence you want to export. In Export mode, drag the triangular current-time indicator to the desired in point, and click the Set In Point button. Drag the triangular current-time indicator to the desired out point, and click the Set Out Point button.

  8. Do one of the following:
    • Click Send to Media Encoder. Adobe Media Encoder opens with the encoding job added to its queue.

    • Click Export. Premiere Pro renders the asset immediately.

Premiere Pro adds the sequence or clip to the CONTENTS folder of the disk or P2 card. Premiere Pro adds the video MXF file to the VIDEO folder and the audio MXF file to the AUDIO folder. Premiere Pro adds the icon file to the ICON folder and the metadata XML file to the CLIP folder.

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