Request IP address from recipients for the audit report


By default, the Acrobat Sign audit report does not record the IP addresses of the events recorded by the various parties.

However, if IP address information is valuable to your organization, you can enable the collection of that data at the account or group level.

How it's used

Any agreement sent from a group with the Request IP address from signers feature enabled will automatically collect that data in the audit report. No further user interaction is required.

  • IP addresses are collected for all events, not just signatures.
  • IP addresses are exposed on the audit report only, and are not available in the agreement activity log.
Request IP Address - Audit report

How to enable/disable

IP address collection is available to all tiers of service.

To enable/disable the collection of IP addresses, navigate to Account Settings > Signature Preferences > Additional Settings

Enable Request IP addresses from signers and save the configuration.

Request IP Address controls


Collecting IP addresses is an embedded feature of the agreement at the time it is sent. Updating the setting enables (or disables) the functionality for all new agreements immediately, but does not apply to previously sent agreements

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