उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

Use Generative AI features from Acrobat Home

Know how to use generative AI features from Acrobat desktop and Acrobat online Home

In Acrobat Home, under the Recommended tools for you section, you can now use the AI Assistant to interact with your documents. Choose Select files and select one or multiple files to start a conversation with your documents and extract insights.

Select multiple files
Select multiple files

The Generative AI tools also appear one at a time next to the Recommended tools for you section of Acrobat Home. To start using a generative AI tool, select the respective call-to-action. 

Try Acrobat generative AI tools from Acrobat Home
Acrobat desktop

In Acrobat online, the generative AI tools appear one at a time in the Explore what's new section of Acrobat Home. To start using a generative AI tool, select a file and then select the generative AI tool.

Acrobat online

Alternatively, in Acrobat Home, select All tools, then select AI Assistant or Generative summary tool.

Acrobat desktop

Acrobat online

If prompted, select Get started to continue.

Use generative AI features in Acrobat Reader

If you are signed in to Acrobat Reader, you can access the generative AI features from Home. The Generative AI tools appear next to the Recommended tools for you section. To start using a generative AI tool, select the respective call-to-action. 


The generative AI features in Acrobat Reader are being rolled in phases and aren’t available to all users.

Access the generative AI tools from Acrobat Reader Home

Similarly, when you open a document, you can access the generative AI tools from the global bar, navigation pane, the All tools menu, and the context menu.

Access the generative AI tools when you open a document

If prompted, select Get started to continue.

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