Share content during an Adobe Connect meeting

Use pods to share screen, documents, whiteboard, files, and more in your Adobe Connect meeting room and virtual sessions.

About sharing and the Share pod

Hosts, Presenters, and participants who are given appropriate rights, use the Share pod to display content to attendees.

When you share content in the Share pod, attendees see your pointer move in the Share pod window. All activities you perform in a shared window, application, or document are visible to attendees. The file formats supported in the Share pod are JPG, PNG, PPT, PPTX, PDF, MP3, MP4, and ZIP.

Content you can share:

  • Selected items on your computer screen, including one or more windows, one or more open applications, or the entire desktop. See Share your screen.

  • A document, such as a presentation, Adobe PDF file, a JPEG, or other file format. See Share a document or PDF.

  • A whiteboard with various writing and drawing tools. You can share a stand-alone whiteboard, or a whiteboard overlay that appears on top of other shared content. See Share a whiteboard.

The new HTML Share pod
The new HTML Share pod

Attendees can view all documents shared in the Share pod but cannot download them. To enable attendees to download documents, a host or presenter must share them through the File Share pod instead.

Currently, attendees who join a meeting using the HTML client can view your screen, windows, or open applications that you share in the Share pod. They can also view shared whiteboards and all supported files in the Share pod. Connect also supports native views of PDF, PPT, MP3, MP4, Presenter, Captivate, and Whiteboard in HTML client. In MP3 and MP4 videos, Hosts can hide the play bar for HTML Participants. Due to the Autoplay policy introduced in all browsers, HTML Participants must allow the playback of shared video and audio files.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

Install the Adobe Connect application for desktop

The stand-alone Adobe Connect application replaces the old add-in. It is compatible with Adobe Connect 9 and later versions. If you do not have the required Adobe Connect application or add-in installed, Adobe Connect prompts you to download and install it. You can install the latest Adobe Connect application (and other updates) from the Downloads and Updates page


Adobe Connect application is required to upload PPTX files. You can upload all the other supported file types using the browser.

Use Share pod to share content

The Share pod controls let Hosts and Presenters share content in various ways. You can maximize the pod to make contents larger.

When you share content in the Share pod, attendees see your pointer move in the Share pod window. All activities you perform in a shared window, application, or document are visible to attendees. The file formats supported in the Share pod are JPG, PNG, PPT, PPTX, PDF, MP3, MP4, and ZIP.

Change the content displayed in a Share pod

In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, select the menu options  select Share, and choose My Screen, Document, or Whiteboard. You can also share items that you recently shared.

Using My Screen option, hosts and presenters can choose to share their entire desktop, the open applications, or some or all of the currently open windows.

Using the Document option, Hosts and Presenters can share whiteboards, previously uploaded files, content from the content library, and content shared with them.

Options to share a document in the Share pod.
Options to share a document in the Share pod.

Display in Full Screen mode

You can maximize the pod to make contents larger or share in full screen mode. To display the Share pod at full screen size, click Full Screen in the upper-right corner of the pod. Click the button again to return to normal display size.


When you enable full screen mode, use Alt+Tab to go to the window that you want to share.

Hide the title bar of the Share pod

To prevent attendees from switching Share pod to full screen or change the view, hide the title bar. To hide the title bar of a Share pod, Hosts and Presenters can click the menu options   and select Hide


To access the menu options  , hover pointer at the top of the Share pod and the title bar is displayed.

Display changes in the presenter’s Share pod to all participants

If you choose to display changes in the presenter’s pod to all attendees, the presenter controls the pod size for attendees. For example, if the presenter sets the Share pod to Full Screen mode, the pod also fills the screen of attendees.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, click menu options  , and select Force Presenter View.

Turn off sharing but keep the Share pod open

  1. Click Stop Sharing in the Share pod.

Display recently shared content

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, click the menu options  . Then choose Share > Recently Shared, and select the shared document or whiteboard from the submenu.


    The submenu lists the five most recent documents. To see previously shared documents, choose Share > Document.

Use a pointer in a Share pod

When content is displayed in the Share pod, you can use a pointer to beckon users to focus on particular areas.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, click the Pointer .

Content support in HTML client

Connect displays only hybrid Captivate and Presenter content to HTML client users. As a meeting Host, if you upload new non-hybrid Captivate and Presenter content, Connect shows a warning message that the content will not be displayed to HTML users. If you reshare previously uploaded PPTs, Connect prompts to run the conversion process to make the content visible to HTML and Flash participants. If you reshare existing non-hybrid Presenter and Captivate content, a warning message informs that the content will not be visible to HTML participants.

New Presenter and Captivate content is supported for versions Presenter 11 and Captivate 9 onwards. As a Host, if you upload unsupported content versions, Connect displays an error message. If you reshare existing content in unsupported versions, Connect displays a warning message.

Share your screen

As a host or presenter in a meeting, you can share windows, applications, or your entire desktop. Your account administrator can restrict the applications and processes that you can share. As a participant in a meeting, to share your screen, a host must give you permission or promote you to a presenter or host. If users have a dual monitor setup, upon clicking Share My Screen, users get an option to share either of the two monitors. However, only one screen can be shared at a time.

When you share anything on your computer screen, actions you take in the shared region are visible to all participants in the meeting. Participants follow the progress of your cursor as you move it across your screen. When starting a screen share, the hosts and the presenters can enforce their settings for the participants. The Share pod can be opened in full screen mode for all attendees for a better viewing experience.


Hosts can show their cursors without sharing their screens. Choose Meeting > Preferences, and select a Host Cursors option.

The region or regions that you share must be visible on your desktop to be visible in the Share pod to other participants. Overlapping windows on the desktop appear as a blue crosshatched pattern in the Share pod. If you are sharing an application and showing the native cursor of the application, you can enable the Show Application Cursor option in the Screen Share tab in the Preferences dialog.

Adobe Connect: Screen Sharing

Adobe Connect: Screen Sharing

Optimize screen sharing quality

  1. Choose Meeting > Preferences > Share Pod > Screen.

  2. Use the slider to change the quality of the screen sharing session.

    • High- 8 fps
    • Standard- 6 fps
    • Medium- 4 fps
    • Low- 2 fps

    The Room Bandwidth Settings in Administrator > Compliance and Control > Share Settings to set the quality of screen share. Whatever value you choose here, the quality of the screen share reflects the same. 

    For example, if there are large delays before attendees see changes to a shared screen, reduce the Quality setting.

  3. (Optional) To disable previewing webcam feed before starting the feed, choose Video > Privacy > Disable Webcam Preview.

  4. (Optional) To highlight the video feed of the current speakers in the Video Pod, choose Video > Privacy > Highlight Active Speakers.

Share your screen (Host or Presenter)

  1. Do one of the following to open a Share pod:
    • Choose Layouts > Sharing.

    • Choose Share > Add New Share from the menu    at the top of the title bar. 

  2. Click the pop-up menu in the center of the Share pod, and drag and drop file to start sharing.


    If you are a participant, you have to wait for the presenter to start sharing.

  3. (Optional) To make the attendees watch the shared content in full screen mode, select Make Share Pod Full Screen for Attendees, at the bottom of the Start Sharing Screen window.

  4. Click the Share button at the bottom of the Start Screen Sharing window to begin sharing.

Share your screen (Participant)


If you are an attendee or you have joined through HTML client in a browser, you cannot share your screen.

  1. Ask a host to select your name in the Attendees pod and click Request to Share Screen.

  2. An alert appears on your screen that says “Begin Sharing Desktop?” Click Start.

  3. Click the Share button at the bottom of the Start Screen Sharing window to begin sharing.

Screen sharing options


These options are available only in the Application mode, and not the browser mode.

Full Screen

Shares the contents of your desktop. If you have more than one monitor connected to your computer, a desktop appears for each monitor. Choose the desktop that you want to share.

The Secure Desktop Sharing option appears only if the account administrator has restricted the applications and processes that you can share. The Desktop option allows you to share authorized contents on your desktop.


Shares an authorized application and all its related windows that are open and running on your computer. Choose the application or applications that you want to share.


Shares one or more authorized windows that are open and running on your computer. Choose the window or windows that you want to share.

Using the mini-control palette while sharing screen (in Standard view applications)


These options are NOT available in the browser mode.

Hosts and Presenters who share their screen can share, collaborate, and take some in-meeting actions directly from a Mini-Control palette displayed only for the user sharing the screen. You can use a new set of tools in a redesigned palette to move to either side of the screen.

Back to Connect room

Returns to the main room without having to stop the screen share.


When sharing an application, window, or desktop, the host can see a preview that shows what participants see in their Share pod.


Controls the meeting volume using the slider. This controls the telephony bridge, VoIP audio, and the chat sounds. To mute, drag the volume slider all the way to the left.


Allows you to connect to a microphone. If the meeting does not have a telephony built-in and is not connected to a microphone, it would use the computer’s internal microphone, by default. However, if connected to an audio bridge, the telephony icons are also displayed. You can quickly mute and unmute by clicking on the icon.


Allows to access your webcam and view the other participants' camera. The host also has the ability to start sharing, pause the meeting, and stop sharing.

Attendee list

Displays the attendee list. The host can drag-and-drop the participants to change their roles.


Allows the host to view the chat sent by any participant. However, the host cannot initiate the chat using the palette. If the host receives any new chats, the chat icon displays a red dot. You can click the icon to view all the chats.


When clicking on the chat icon, chat will be opened in Chat Panel if Chat Panel is enabled for the meeting room. Otherwise, it will be opened in available Chat pod.

For more information about Chat Panel, view Send public or private chat messages in chat panel.


Allows to view and take action on the in-meeting notifications. If you have any new notifications, for example, start or stop recording, any new user waiting for the access, etc. the bell icon displays a red dot. You can click the icon to view all the notifications.

Pause sharing & annotate

Pauses your current screen share and allows using whiteboard tools to annotate the screen. The host can then resume or stop sharing the screen from the palette itself.

Resume/stop sharing
Resume/stop sharing

Manage the screen share from the System Tray

An Adobe Connect icon appears in your system tray (Windows) while you are sharing your screen. Click on this icon to view a menu where you can access the available options, like pause sharing and annotate, choosing which window to share and stop sharing.

Share screen in Compact mode using the MiniControl (in Standard view applications)

Hosts and Presenters who share their screen, can share, collaborate, and take some in-meeting actions directly from a Mini-Control that opens in the Compact mode. The palette is displayed only for the user sharing the screen.

The various options to switch to the MiniControl.
The various options to switch to the MiniControl.

A. Use the icon in the top bar of the Share pod B. Use the notifier in the upper right corner of the meeting room C. Use the option in the context menu of the Share pod 

The presenter can take multiple actions from the MiniControl and can access some pods, like the Chat pod and the Attendees pod. If a pod is not available in the meeting room, its icon in the MiniControl is disabled. The presenter can also see the in-meeting notifications in the palette.

Screen share control panel with notifications.
Screen share control panel with notifications.

You can perform the following actions from the palette, depending on your access permissions:

  • Switch to the traditional meeting room by clicking Switch to Meeting Room in the upper right corner of the MiniControl.

  • Start and stop screen sharing and preview your screen being shared.

Start, stop, and preview screen sharing.
Start, stop, and preview screen sharing.

  • Pause and annotate the screen being shared.

  • Control the camera, speaker, and microphone options in the meeting room. View the webcam feeds available in the meeting room in Grid or Filmstrip layout and switch the primary feed.

  • Access and use the Attendees pod.
Screen share Attendees pod.
Screen share Attendees pod.

  • Access and use the Chat pod.
Screen share chat control.
Screen share chat control.

  • View and take action on the in-meeting notifications.
Act on the in-meeting notifications from the control panel.
Act on the in-meeting notifications from the control panel.

You can disable the MiniControl from the Meeting Preferences. In the Meeting Preferences, select Screen Share, and deselect Enable MiniControl panel for Screen Share. By default, this option is selected.

Share control of your screen

While screen sharing, you can transfer control of the shared desktop, window, or application to another host or presenter.

  1. Start sharing your screen.
  2. A host or presenter clicks Request Control on the Share pod title bar.
  3. You see a request message in the upper-right corner of the meeting room window. Do one of the following:
    • Click Accept to grant control of your screen.

    • Click Decline to deny control of your screen.

Request control of a shared screen

Hosts and presenters can request control of the screen. They can take control once they receive the necessary permissions.

  1. Click the Request Control button on the Share pod title bar.

    If the request is accepted, a message informs you that you have been granted control of the screen. The Request Control button becomes a Release Control button. You can now take control of the shared screen.

Release control of a shared screen

  1. Click Release Control on the Share pod control strip to return control of the shared screen to the original Host or Presenter.

Change the view of a shared screen

If another presenter is sharing a screen with you, you can scale the screen to fit entirely within the Share pod. In addition, you can zoom in for a clearer image.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, choose Change View, and then select either Scale To Fit or Zoom In.

Screen sharing on a browser

Hosts and presenters joining from browsers in Immersive A/V Experience-enabled rooms can share their screen without requiring the Adobe Connect desktop application. 


The mini-pallete isn't available when you start screensharing from browser.

Share the entire screen

On the Share pod, click Screen. You can see the following options:

Share screens
Share screens

The number of screens depends on the number of monitors/display devices that you are connected to. Select any screen and click Share. 

Share an application

When you click Window, you can see the list of all active applications that you can share over the browser.

If you are on a macOS, you must provide permissions to the browser to access all the applications. Navigate to the System Preferences and grant access to all the applications. See the section below.

Share a browser tab

When you click the browser tab option, you can see a list of all browser tabs that are open for a particular screen. Choose the tab that you want to share.

Grant permission to browsers on macOS

  1. If you click Share for the first time, a dialog appears prompting you to open the system preferences.

    Microsoft Edge


    Google Chrome

  2. Click Open System Preferences and grant the necessary permissions for sharing the screen. 

  3. If you click Deny and then try to share the screen via the browser, you cannot share the screen. In addition, you would not see any confirmation or message for the same.

Screen sharing settings

An Administrator can disable screen sharing from the browser. 

In Administrator > Compliance and Control > Share Settings, the screen sharing feature can be disabled.

When the option is enabled and a participant tries to share the screen on the browser, there is a prompt that asks the participant to launch Adobe Connect, and then share the screen via the application. 

Share system audio

While presenting or sharing the screen, you can share system audio in a meeting room 
if joined through the browser (Chrome/Edge on Windows, Chrome on Mac) or the Desktop Application. While sharing from browser, Windows users can share the entire system audio or from a browser tab, Mac users can only share audio from a browser tab. For Mac users who share from Desktop Application, share system audio option is only available if joined from MacOS version 13.0 and above.

  1. From the share screen panel, open the Screen options from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select Screen with System Audio

    share screen with system audio

  3. Select the desired screen and then select the Share system Audio option.

    Share system audio in chrome

  4. Click on Share to apply and share your screen along with audio.


While sharing from browser, this feature is only available in Chrome and Edge on Windows OS and only in Chrome on Mac OS.

Share a document

As a host or presenter, you can share documents that have been uploaded to the Content library, or share documents directly from your computer. Sharing documents from the Content library has the following advantages over sharing your screen:

  • Better and higher fidelity viewing experience for participants.

  • Lower bandwidth requirement for presenters and participants.

  • More navigation options with the Adobe Presenter sidebar.

  • Pre-loading and organizing documents in the meeting room.

  • Easier presentation when multiple presenters are involved.

If you turn off sharing, change the content in a Share pod, or close the Share pod, the document is still part of the meeting room. It can be displayed again. To edit a shared document, edit the source document and reload it into the meeting.

Adobe recommends

Sharing Documents

Teaching and Learning Center at UOIT

PDF files in Desktop application

In the Content library, PDF files are stored as is. When shared in a meeting room, PDF files are converted to SWF files to enable synchronized navigation and whiteboard capabilities.

From the Share pod, hosts and presenters can download PDF files. Participants can download PDF files if hosts and presenters click the Sync button to turn off display synchronization.

PDF Portfolios and PDF files that are password protected cannot be converted into SWF files, preventing them from being shared in Adobe Connect. In addition, certain PDF features are not supported when sharing PDF files in Adobe Connect. In some cases objects within the PDF are either dropped, or only a simple image preview is displayed.

The following objects are dropped in Adobe Connect:

  • Comment text (only the sticky note icon is shown)

  • Attachments

  • Bookmarks

  • Audio clips (only the play button icon is shown)

The following objects retain a simple image preview (an image representing the object) in Adobe Connect:

  • Forms

  • 3D objects

  • Multimedia objects (audio, video, and SWF files)


When shared in the shared pod, PDF files in HTML application, by default, open in the synchronized mode.

Download PDF

By default, participants cannot download PDFs from the File Share pod. This feature is only enabled by the host or presenters.

  1. With the PDF displayed in a Share pod, click the Sync navigation with participants button at the upper-right corner to disable synchronization.

    Turn off sync navigation with participants
    Turn off sync navigation with participants

  2. Once disabled, the participants will then view an option to download the content with "Save as" from the menu options    in the upper-right corner of the Share pod.

    Save options
    Save options

Print PDF

As a host or presenter, you can also print PDFs that have been uploaded to the Content library.

  1. With the PDF displayed in a Share pod, click the Draw button  at the upper-right corner to turn it on.

    Turn on Draw button
    Turn on Draw button

  2. Once turned on, the participants will see an option to print from the menu options   in the upper-right corner of the Share pod.

    Print options
    Print options

Share documents

As a host or presenter, you can share the supported file types from the Content library or your computer. The Content library is available in Adobe Connect Central. In a meeting, you can share GIF content from the Content Library. However, GIF format is not supported when you share content by browsing to your local file system using the file picker dialog.


You create presentations from PowerPoint presentations using Adobe Presenter. Adobe Connect does not support progressive-scan JPEG files.

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Drag and drop the file to start sharing in an empty Share pod.

    • In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, click the menu options  and choose Share > Document.

  2. Select one of the following:


    Displays whiteboards created for the current meeting.

    Uploaded Files

    Displays content uploaded for the current meeting.

    Click Browse My Computer to upload content for the current meeting. The document is added to the Uploaded Content folder for the meeting in Adobe Connect Central. An administrator can move the document to the Shared Content folder to make the document available for other meetings.

    My Content

    Displays content in your user folder in Adobe Connect Central.

    Share History

    Displays content in other user folders in Adobe Connect Central. To view the content in another user’s folder, you must have View permission from that user.


    File types supported With the new CEF application, only JPG or JPEG file types are shown by default with the Browse My Computer function.

    We are working on this and will release a fix shortly with all the other file formats supported in the updated CEF application.

    Shared Content

    Displays content in Adobe Connect Central that is available to all account holders with the appropriate permissions.

  3. Select the document that you want to share, and click OK.

    The selected document appears in the Share pod. The document name appears in the title bar of the pod.

Turn off display synchronization for documents

By default, Adobe Connect synchronizes display of documents so that attendees see the frame that the presenter sees. A host or presenter can use the Sync button to turn off synchronization. This functionality lets attendees go through presentations or PDF documents at their own pace.


The Sync button appears only when you have multi-frame content loaded in the Share pod.

  1. With content loaded in the Share pod, click the Sync navigation with participants  at the upper-right corner to disable synchronization. Controls for presentation playback appear at the bottom of the Share pod.

Share a presentation

For hosts or presenters who share a presentation in the Share pod, special controls are available for navigating and displaying the presentation. A presentation layout has the following areas:


The main part of the window, which displays the presentation slides.


Presentation sidebar

Area on the right of the browser window that shows the name of the presentation, Outline, Notes, and Search tabs. If you cannot see the sidebar, click Show Side Bar at the lower left of the presentation.


Presentation control bar

A bar at the bottom of the presentation that gives you control over the presentation playback, audio, attachments, and screen size. The bar is visible to hosts only, unless a host chooses to display it to participants. (To see all presentation toolbar options, load the presentation file to the Content library from Adobe Presenter. If you load the PowerPoint PPT or PPTX file directly into the Share pod from your computer, not all presentation toolbar options are visible. Deselect Sync navigation with participants  at the upper right corner of the presentation. 


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

Use the presentation Outline tab

Most presentations have an Outline tab on the sidebar. The Outline tab lists the title and duration of each slide. You can use the Outline tab to display information and to move to a specific slide in the presentation. The current slide is highlighted with a glow color, which you can change in the theme. You can choose to display the highlight outline to all attendees or to hosts and presenters only.

  1. Click the Outline tab in the sidebar at the right.

  2. To move to a slide in the presentation, click its title in the Outline tab.
  3. To show the full slide title, move the pointer over the title.

Use the Presentation Thumb tab


This feature is not supported in HTML browser.

Presentations can have a Thumb tab on the sidebar. The Thumb tab shows a small picture of each slide, the slide title, and the slide duration. The current slide is highlighted with a glow color, which you can change in the theme. You can use the Thumb tab to see the contents each slide quickly and to move to a specific slide in the presentation.


If you upload your presentations directly from your computer and into a meeting, the Thumb tab is not displayed. Adobe recommends adding presentations to a meeting from the Content library.

  1. Click the Thumb tab in the sidebar at the right.
  2. To move to a slide, click its title in the Thumb tab.
  3. To show the slide title, move the pointer over the title.

View Presentation slide notes

When creating a presentation in PowerPoint, you can enter notes for individual slides. If any slide notes exist, they can be displayed in the presentation. Slide notes appear on the right side of the presentation window. You cannot change the size of the slide Notes tab.

  1. Click the Notes tab in the sidebar on the right side.

    The complete notes text is displayed. The text is not formatted and cannot be edited directly on the tab.

Search for text in a presentation

  1. Click the Search tab in the sidebar on the right side.

  2. Type the text to search for directly into the text box.
  3. Click Search.

  4. Search results are displayed below the text box. Click any slide title in the results list to display that slide.

Presentation toolbar options

You can control the presentation appearance and playback by using the toolbar at the bottom of the presentation. (To see all presentation toolbar options, load the presentation file in the Content library from Adobe Presenter. If you load the PowerPoint PPT or PPTX file directly into the Share pod from your computer, not all presentation toolbar options are visible. Delsect Sync navigation with participants  at the upper right corner of the presentation.


Pauses and resumes play of the current slide.


Moves to the previous slide in the presentation.


Moves to the next slide in the presentation.

Slide progress bar

Shows and controls the playback location within the current slide. The position marker moves as the slide plays. You can drag the marker arrow forward or back in the current slide to change your playback location. You can also click a specific location on the progress bar to move the slide marker position and slide playback there.

Current slide number

Shows the number of the currently displayed slide and the total number of slides (for example, 2/10).


Shows the status of the current slide, such as Playing, Stopped, No audio, or Presentation complete.


Shows the current slide time and the total slide time as the slide plays (for example, 00.02/00.05).

Audio volume

Shows the volume level that is set for the slide.


Displays a small window showing any attachments (for example, documents, spreadsheets, images, or URLs) that have been added.

Show/Hide sidebar

Shows or hides the sidebar.

Share a whiteboard

A host or presenter (or a participant with the necessary rights) can use a whiteboard to create collaborative text, drawings, and annotations in a meeting.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

Using Whiteboards in Adobe Connect 9

Provide drawing rights to participants

Hosts and Presenters can let any participant draw on whiteboard by granting the drawing rights in three ways.


Participants cannot turn on the Drawing mode for Share pods with these rights. Only Hosts and Presenters can enable the Drawing mode.

  • To provide drawing rights to individuals, select the name from the Attendee list and from the pop up menu, select Drawing. Deselect the option to revoke the rights.
Enable drawing rights for individuals from the Attendees pod.
Enable drawing rights for individuals from the Attendees pod.

  • To provide drawing rights in a specific whiteboard to all the participants, select Allow Participants to Draw from the pod's context menu. Deselect the option to revoke the rights in the whiteboard, for all the participants.
Enable drawing rights in a Share pod for all participants.
Enable drawing rights in a Share pod for all participants.

  • You can grant universal drawing rights to all participants in all pods, from the in-meeting Preferences dialog. This preference is remembered for every session using the meeting room.
Enable drawing rights for everyone in a meeting room.
Enable drawing rights for everyone in a meeting room.

Create and display a whiteboard

A whiteboard allows hosts or presenters to create text, shapes, insert some symbols, and draw freehand drawings in real time during a meeting. By providing drawing rights to some or all the participants, meeting hosts can facilitate better collaboration. Users can zoom in and pan the whiteboard for a better experience.

You can use a whiteboard in two different ways in a Share pod:

  • A stand-alone whiteboard allows presenters to create content on a white background.

  • An overlay whiteboard allows presenters to create content over an existing document in a Share pod, adding annotations to and drawing on the document. You can lay a whiteboard over presentations, JPG, and PDF documents.

    If you turn off sharing, change the content in a Share pod, or close the Share pod, the whiteboard is still part of the meeting room. It can be displayed again.

Overlay and controls available in an Adobe Connect whiteboard.
Overlay and controls available in an Adobe Connect whiteboard.

A. Show/Hide whiteboard overlay B. Make full screen C. Pod options and help D. Drawing tools E. Zoom controls F. Access various pages of a Whiteboard 

Create a stand-alone whiteboard in a blank Share pod

  1. In the Share pod, choose Share My Screen > Share Whiteboard.

Add an overlay whiteboard in a Share pod

  1. With the document displayed in a Share pod, do one of the following:
    • Select Draw from the menu options   in the upper-right corner of the Share pod. View Whiteboard drawing tools.

    • If you share an application, in the upper-right corner of the application window, click the arrow next to the Stop Sharing button. Then select Pause and Annotate.

    • If you are sharing your entire desktop, click the Adobe Connect icon in the system tray (Windows) or icon bar (Macintosh) and select Pause and Annotate.

Display an existing whiteboard

  1. Select Pods > Share > [name of whiteboard].

A stand-alone whiteboard contains multiple pages that you can move between during a presentation.

  1. In the center of the Share pod, click the left or right arrow. Page numbers are displayed alongside the arrows.

Whiteboard drawing tools

Whiteboard drawing tools
Whiteboard drawing tools

A. Select objects or pan while drawing B. Markers tool C. Text tool D. Draw shapes and symbols E. Undo changes F. Redo changes G. Delete the selected objects H. Arrange an object relative to other objects 

The tools available to create text and drawings on the whiteboard are displayed below.

Whiteboard marker tools and their samples.
Whiteboard marker tools and their samples.

A. Marker B. Highlighter C. Pen D. Pencil 

Drawing shapes and symbols in a Whiteboard.
Drawing shapes and symbols in a Whiteboard.

A. Select a shape or a symbol to draw B. Set border C. Set line thickness D. Set fill color E. Set opacity of the shape 

Selection tool

Selects a shape or area of the whiteboard. Click a shape to select it. Drag on the whiteboard or content to create a selection rectangle that selects all the shapes within the rectangle. The selection rectangle has eight control points for resizing the selected shape or shapes. Shift-drag a corner control point to maintain the aspect ratio when you resize. Select and drag a shape to move it. To add a shape to the selection, Shift-click the shape.

Marker tool

Its width and alpha decrease with the speed of the stroke.

Highlighter tool

Creates a free-form thick marker line. You can customize stroke color and stroke weight by using the color picker and stroke weight. Its alpha decreases with the speed of the stroke but the width increases.

Pen tool

Its width and alpha remain constant with stroke width, except at a bend, at the start, and at the end. The tool is sensitive towards the speed of the pointer movement.

Pencil tool

Creates a free-form line. You can customize stroke color and stroke weight by using the color picker and stroke weight pop-up menu. Its width and alpha increase with the speed of the stroke. The tool is sensitive towards the speed of the pointer movement.

Text tool

Creates a floating multiline text field. You can customize fill color, font face, and font size by using the color picker, font pop‑up menu, and font size pop‑up menu. Drag to create a text area where you can type.

Shapes tool

Click and hold to choose from rectangles, ellipses, lines, arrows, and more. Use the options to the right of the tool to customize appearance. Drag to expand the shape. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to create even width and height for shapes, or snap lines every 45°.


Undoes the previous action. You can undo the following actions: drawing a shape, moving a shape, resizing a shape, clearing the whiteboard, and changing a shape’s property. There is no limit to the number of times that you can perform this operation in the pod.


Repeats the previous action.

Delete Selected

Deletes items selected with the Selection tool.

Arrange menu

Using the options available in the Arrange menu, you can move the objects to the front or the back relative to the other objects in the whiteboard.


If your company has a licensed Adobe Connect account, you can use custom images for shapes. 

To save your whiteboard content locally, you can either print a whiteboard or export the contents in a local file.

  • In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, click the menu options  , and select Print.
  • Click the menu options  and select Export Snapshot > Save As PNG, to create a local snapshot.

In the Meeting Preferences or the Whiteboard Preferences, you can provide rights to meeting participants to export a PNG snapshot of a whiteboard. In the Meeting Preferences, in Share Pod settings, click Allow articipants to export check box.

  • Click the menu options   select Export Snapshot > Send Snapshot, and provide an email address to send a PNG snapshot via email.

Share files

Hosts and presenters can upload files to share with meeting attendees either from their computers or from the Content library. Unless a host changes a participant’s status, participants cannot upload files. Participants who want to upload files can request a host to change their attendee role or to grant enhanced rights for the File Share pod.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.


The maximum size of a file that you can share using the File Share pod is 102.4 MB. Currently, you cannot share files that exceed this size limit.

Upload a file

  1. If you do not have a Share pod in your meeting room, click Share > Add New Share from the title bar.

  2. In the new Share pod, either drag-and-drop your file or browse your computer using the File Explorer. Navigate to the file, and click Open.

Download a file

Meeting attendees can download files from the File Share pod to their computers.

  1. In the File Share pod, select the files to download.
  2. Click Save as.

    A browser window opens with the Save to My Computer dialog box. (If this window does not appear, adjust the browser’s pop-up blocker settings.)

  3. Click the Click to Download link.

  4. Click Download. Navigate to the desired location, and click Save.

  5. When the downloading process is complete, click Close.

  6. Close the browser window that opened in step 2.

Download all files

To quickly download multiple files, meeting attendees can download all files simultaneously from the File Share pod, instead of downloading one by one.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the File Share pod, click the menu options  .

  2. Click Download All.

    A browser window opens with the Save to My Computer dialog box. (If this window does not appear, adjust the browser’s pop-up blocker settings.)

  3. Click the Click to Download link.

  4. Click Save. Navigate to the desired location, and again click Save.

  5. When the downloading process is complete, click Close.

  6. Close the browser window that opened in step 2.

If you are using the HTML client, choose Download All after clicking the Menu icon. The shared files are downloaded as a ZIP file.

Rename a file

This operation changes only the label that appears in the File Share pod; it doesn’t change the actual filename.

  1. In the File Share pod, select the file that you want to rename.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the pod, click the menu options  .

  3. From the pop‑up menu, select Rename Selected.

  4. Type the new name, and click OK.

Remove a file

  1. In the File Share pod, select the file that you want to remove.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the pod, click the menu options  .

  3. From the pop‑up menu, select Remove Selected.

Share web URLs

During meetings, hosts or presenters may want participants to view websites. You can use the Web Links pod to force attendees’ browsers to open a designated URL. Participants who want to add links ask the host to change their attendee role.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

  1. If you do not have a Web Links pod in your meeting room, click Web Links > Add New Web Links from the from the menu   at the top of the title bar.

  2. Click Add Link either from the center of the screen or from Pod options menu   from upper right to add websites to a Web Links pod.

  3. Type name of the website to Text field and URL address to URL Path field.

    An illustration of how to add Web Link
    An illustration of how to add Web Link

  4. Click Done.


The full list of links appears for both hosts and participants.

Display a web page to all attendees

  1. Select a link in the Web Links pod, or enter a URL in the below text box.

  2. Launch link for all attendees - When the host clicks the launch link, the URL opens in a new instance of the web browser on your screen and each attendee's screen.

    Launch Link for all attendees
    Launch Link for all attendees


The weblinks launched by hosts may not open for the attendees with pop-up blockers enabled in their web browsers 

  1. Double-click a URL name in the Web Links pod.
  2. Type the new name in the URL Name box.

  3. Click OK.
  1. Select one or more links in the Web Links pod.
  2. To remove the Web Link, click Remove ().

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