उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders

  1. Creative Cloud User Guide
  2. Introduction to Creative Cloud
    1. Common questions | Creative Cloud
    2. Creative Cloud system requirements
    3. Creative Cloud file sync | Known issues
  3. Download, install, set up, and update
    1. Download Creative Cloud apps
    2. Open Creative Cloud apps
    3. Start workspace
    4. Update Creative Cloud apps
    5. Change the language of your Creative Cloud apps
    6. Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app
    7. Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps
    8. Fix errors installing Adobe apps
    9. How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
    10. Apps available for download
  4. Manage your account
    1. Convert a Creative Cloud trial to a paid membership
    2. Reset your Adobe password
    3. Change your Adobe plan
    4. Update credit card and billing address
    5. View, download, or email your Adobe invoice
    6. Fix a failed or missed payment
    7. Cancel Adobe trial or subscription
    8. Find support for free and discontinued products
    9. Sign in to your Adobe account
    10. Sign in to your company or school account
    11. Understand Creative Cloud subscription terms and refund policies
  5. Creative services
    1. Using Adobe Stock in Creative Cloud apps
    2. Using Adobe Fonts in Creative Cloud apps
    3. Upload your fonts to Creative Cloud
    4. Creative Cloud Market is no longer available
  6. Collaboration and storage services
    1. What are cloud documents
    2. Cloud documents FAQ
    3. Create or convert files to cloud documents
    4. Set up cloud documents to use offline
    5. Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
    6. Share your work for commenting
    7. Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
    10. Collaboration FAQ
    11. Sync your files using cloud storage
    12. Find how much cloud storage you have
    13. Set sync options
    14. Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
    15. Download Synced files and content
  7. Projects
    1. Project overview
    2. Create Projects
    3. Share Projects
    4. Create new folders and libraries
    5. Move folders and libraries
  8. Organize libraries
    1. Create groups in libraries
    2. Delete groups in libraries
    3. Delete elements in libraries
    4. Move elements in libraries
  9. Creative Cloud mobile apps
    1. Common questions | Mobile apps
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud for mobile
  10. Enterprise and teams
    1. Enterprise Learn and Support
    2. Teams Learn and Support
    3. Quick start guide for team members
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Inspect tool on Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    3. Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome browser extension
    4. Content Credentials Generative AI training and usage preference
    5. Connect accounts for creative attribution

Learn how to collaborate on folders and libraries with other users from your Adobe Creative Cloud account.


Starting December 11, 2023, new users and organizations will not be entitled to Creative Cloud Synced files. Starting February 1, 2024, Creative Cloud Synced files will be discontinued for personal accounts that existed before December 11, 2023 (learn more here). Starting October 1, 2024, Creative Cloud Synced files will be discontinued for business accounts associated with organizations that existed before December 11, 2023 (learn more here).

You can collaborate with other users and share a private folder from your Creative Cloud account with specified users. All invited users can then work co-operatively with read-only (locked) assets in a shared private folder. Collaborators can view, edit, rename, move, or delete contents of the shared folder if they've been granted the necessary access rights and permissions.

To share public links to files, folders, and libraries with others (share assets with read-only access), see Share files and folders.

Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries

You can share libraries with collaborators using the Creative Cloud website, Creative Cloud desktop and mobile apps, and Creative Cloud desktop app. For a list of Creative Cloud apps currently supporting libraries, see Creative Cloud Libraries.  

Note: Collaborators require an Adobe ID. If they don't already have an Adobe ID, they can create one when they accept the invitation.

Share libraries from your desktop app

Follow these steps to share a library from within a desktop application supporting Creative Cloud Libraries:

  1. Navigate to Window > Libraries. In the Libraries panel, and select a library from the pop-up menu.

  2. Open the drop-down list and choose Invite people....

    Collaborate on libraries
    Collaborate on libraries from within a Creative Cloud app

    This opens the library in the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  3. Provide email addresses and an optional message for one or more collaborators with whom you want to share the library.

  4. Choose whether you want to give the collaborators Edit permissions (Can edit) or View permissions (Can view). These permissions apply to all the collaborators whose email addresses you entered.

  5. Select Invite to send out the collaboration invites.

    Your collaborators receive an email message inviting them to join the collaboration. Existing Creative Cloud members also receive a notification via the Creative Cloud desktop app and website.

Share libraries using the Creative Cloud website

To share libraries using the Creative Cloud website, sign in to the Creative Cloud website.

  1. In Your libraries, go to the Libraries tab, if not already selected.

  2. Hover over the library you want to share and select it. This displays the in-context menu containing the Share option. Select Share > Invite.

    Share libraries using the Creative Cloud website

  3. In the Invite to dialog, provide email addresses and an optional message for one or more collaborators with whom you want to share the library.

  4. Choose whether you want to give the collaborators Edit permissions (Can edit) or View permissions (Can view). These permissions apply to all the collaborators whose email addresses you entered.

    • Can edit: Collaborators can edit, rename, move, and delete the contents of the library.
    • Can view: Collaborators can only view the contents of the library and comment on them.
  5. Select Invite to invite the collaborators with whom you want to collaborate.

    Share your library and invite collaborators
    Share your library and invite collaborators

  6. Creative Cloud sends out the collaboration invites.

    Your collaborators receive an email message inviting them to join the collaboration and informing them whether they have edit or view permissions. Existing Creative Cloud members also receive a notification via the Creative Cloud desktop app and website.

Manage collaborators

You can easily manage collaborators for a shared folder. In the Invite To pop up dialog, do the following:

  • To change permissions, select the drop-down list next to a user's name. Then select Can view /Can edit as per your requirement.
  • To remove a user, select the drop-down list next to their name. Then select Remove.

Share libraries using Creative Cloud desktop app

You can also use Creative Cloud desktop app to share libraries. Follow these steps to invite collaborators to your library.

  1. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the   icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)

  2. Go to the Files tab and select Your libraries in the left sidebar.

    Creative Cloud desktop window showcasing the 'Files' and 'Your Libraries' options that appear on the left-hand-side of the screen
    This will open Your libraries panel, where you can view/edit your saved assets.

  3. Select the More options icon … for the library you want to share. Then select Invite people...

    Creative Cloud desktop window showcasing the 'Invite' option under 'Your Libraries'
    This will give you the option to invite collaborators.

  4. Add email address of the collaborator and select the level of access to be given (Can view and Can edit) from the drop-down list.

    You can also add a message with the invitation.

    Invite Collaborators section within the Share Libraries window within the Creative Cloud Desktop App
    Select Invite to edit and extend an invitation to collaborators.

  5. Select Invite.

    The collaborator(s) receive an email with the link to view, edit, and collaborate on files in your library.

Collaborate on folders

  1. Select the folder. Select the Share icon and then choose Invite.

    Share Creative Cloud files

  2. In the Invite To dialog, enter an email address. To invite multiple collaborators, enter a list of email addresses separated by a comma or semicolon.

  3. Choose whether you want to give the collaborators Edit permissions (Can edit) or View permissions (Can view). The permissions apply to all the collaborators whose email addresses you entered.

    • Can editCollaborators can edit, rename, move, and delete the contents of the folder.
    • Can view: Collaborators can only view the contents of the folder and comment on them.
  4. Select Invite.

    Your collaborators receive an email invitation stating whether they've been invited to view the shared folder or edit it. Existing Creative Cloud members also receive a notification via the Creative Cloud desktop app and the Creative Cloud website.

    Note: Collaborators require an Adobe ID. If they don't have one already, they can create one when they accept the invitation.

Manage collaborators

You can easily manage collaborators for a shared folder. In the Invite To pop up dialog, do the following:

  • To change permissions, select the drop-down list next to a user's name. Then select Can view /Can edit as per your requirement.
  • To remove a user,  select the drop-down list next to their name and then select Remove.

View prototypes and design specs shared with you

The prototypes and design specs received for review are shown in the Shared with you section of the Creative Cloud website.

Shared with you

To view only the prototype files, select the View icon in the upper right, and then choose Prototypes & Specs.

View prototypes shared with you

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