InDesign Server November 2024 release notes

Welcome to the November 2024 release of Adobe® InDesign® Server (version 20.0). This document contains late-breaking product information, updates, and troubleshooting tips not covered in the InDesign Server documentation.

Minimum system requirements

For an updated list of system requirements, see System requirements | InDesign Server

License agreement

Internet connection, Adobe ID, and acceptance of license agreement required to activate and use this product. This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services. Adobe services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms of use and Adobe’s online privacy policy ( Applications and Services may not be available in all countries or languages and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or membership charges may apply.

Additional install/uninstall scenarios

InDesign Server needs to be activated before it can be used. If the computer is online, activation is done automatically when you install. 

Using admin console


  • If you're moving from serial number-based installation to Admin Console, reinstall the InDesign server and remove the previously installed version.


  • Installation using Admin Console may not be optimal with virtual environments, hence it's not recommended.

To install earlier versions of InDesign Server using Admin Console, see Create packages using Admin Console for instructions.


 If you activated previous versions of InDesign Server with a serial number, contact your Adobe representative to request an upgrade to the latest version.

Customer care

Customer Service

Adobe Customer Service provides assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other non-technical issues. To find out how to contact Adobe Customer Service, visit for your region or country and click Contact.

Support Plan Options and Technical Resources 

If you require technical assistance for your product, including information on complimentary and fee-based support plans and troubleshooting resources, more information is available at To contact customer care, visit

Free troubleshooting resources include Adobe’s support knowledgebase, Adobe Support Advisor, and more.  We are continually making additional tools and information available online to give you flexible options for resolving issues as fast as possible.

Installation and Activation Support

For installation and activation support, contact if you cannot find answers on our Help site.

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