Feature summary of InDesign (July 2024 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the July 2024 release of InDesign (version 19.5).

Extend your images with Generative Expand

Generative Expand intelligently fills in missing areas when you resize images. It analyzes surrounding pixels to seamlessly extend backgrounds or objects. This feature saves time by automating complex edits. Enhance your compositions effortlessly with realistic, cohesive expansions.


Currently, Generative Expand (Beta) is only available in the InDesign versions of English International and English North America.

Jump to any previous action with the History panel

The History panel tracks every change you make, allowing you to easily undo and redo multiple steps. It provides a visual timeline of your editing process for better control. This feature enhances flexibility when experimenting with different stages of your document. You can quickly revert to previous states or create a new document from any state.

Change text case in a few simple steps

You can easily change text cases with just a few clicks, ensuring consistency across your designs. This feature streamlines text editing, saving you time and effort. Enhance your workflow by adjusting text case quickly from the Text or GREP tabs of the Find/Change panel.

GUID support for UXP 3P Plugin developers

With the latest GUID support in UXP, InDesign third-party developers can now enable personalization, licensing, and usage analytics:

  • GUID support is provided for 3P plugins.
  • Developers can access it from the UXP Developer Tool (UDT) and CCD Marketplace.

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