On the Lightroom on the web homepage, select All Photos.
Learn how to control colors and tonality in photos using Profiles.
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Profiles allow you to control how colors and tonality are rendered in your photos. Applying a profile on your photo doesn't change or overwrite the value of other edit control sliders. Therefore, you can edit your photos as you like and then choose to apply a profile to your edited image.
Select an image to open it in detail view, and then select Edit .
Within the Profile dropdown, select Browse All Profiles to view all the profiles.
Select Color or Monochrome from the dropdown list to view the Profiles available in the Profiles tab. Select Color or Monochrome from the dropdown list to view the Profiles available in the Profiles tab. नोट:When you import photos, Adobe Color and Adobe Monochrome profiles are applied by default to color and black-and-white photos.
Expand any profile group in the Profile panel, such as Favorites, Basic, Artistic, B&W, Modern, or Vintage, to view and select the desired profile for your photo.
Adjust the profile intensity using the additional Amount slider provided when you apply any of the Artistic, B&W, Modern, or Vintage profiles.
Select Share .
You can view the profile to preview its effect in your photo. Select the profile to apply it to your photo.