Troubleshoot GPU related issues

Issue: Pink and green pixels appear on media files

While GPU Acceleration feature is enabled, pink and/or green pixels could appear on your media file as shown below.


Update the driver version of your Graphic card. For more information see, Update Graphic card driver version.

Issue: Choppiness during playback

During playback, you could encounter performance issues that might require you to render the project.

Solution 1

Update the driver version of your Graphic card. For more information see, Update Graphic card driver version.

Solution 2

Disable the GPU acceleration feature if you encounter this issue by following these steps:

  1. Open Preferences > General.

  2. Uncheck the GPU Acceleration checkbox shown in the image below. Click OK.

  3. Close and relaunch PRE.

Issue: Performance issue with HEVC media

During playback, you could encounter performance issues while using HEVC media that might require you to render the project.

Solution 1

Update the driver version of your Graphic card. For more information see, Update Graphic card driver version.

Solution 2

Disable the GPU acceleration feature if you encounter this issue by following these steps:

  1. Open Preferences > General.

  2. Uncheck the GPU Acceleration checkbox shown in the image below. Click OK.

  3. Close and relaunch PRE.

Issue: Performance issue with Instant Movie

You might encounter performance issue or chopiness during playback while using Instant Movie.

Solution 1

Update the driver version of your Graphic card. For more information see, Update Graphic card driver version.

Solution 2

Disable the GPU acceleration feature if you encounter this issue by following these steps:

  1. Open Preferences > General.

  2. Uncheck the GPU Acceleration checkbox shown in the image below. Click OK.

  3. Close and relaunch PRE.

Update Graphic card driver version

Updating your graphics driver can fix many issues, such as crashing, incorrectly rendered images, and performance problems. Get driver updates directly from the video card manufacturer:


Graphics drivers are updated via operating system updates.


Windows update won't always give you the latest and greatest drivers. You must go directly to your card manufacturer’s website to check for driver updates:

  • Be sure to choose the correct driver. Notebook drivers sometimes have a different name than similar desktop drivers.
  • Some video adapter manufacturers have other software that requires updating in addition to the video driver. Read the update instructions carefully, and contact the video adapter manufacturer directly if you don't understand the instructions.

After installing the updates, relaunch Premiere Elements and retry the steps that caused the issue.

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