उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

Create, apply, and redefine text styles

Use the Properties panel to create and apply text styles to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout your video project by applying the same style to multiple text elements.

Adobe Premiere Pro deeplink

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Follow along to learn how to use the Properties panel in few simple steps.

Utilizing linked styles for titles and track styles for captions empowers you to efficiently preserve parameters such as font choices and appearance within a designated style. By associating this style with all relevant instances, updates can be swiftly applied across the project with just a single click.


Graphic styles are called Linked styles, while captions are called Track Style. Caption styles always apply to the entire track, while for graphics, styles apply to text layers.

Create a style

  1. Select the text layer or caption in your timeline and navigate to the Properties panel.

  2. Stylize the text layer or caption using Text and Appearance controls.

  3. Select the plus icon at the upper-right corner of the Linked style or Track Style menu and select Create style.

  4. Name your style and save it to your desired location. You can select Save to Project to link the text layer or caption to the style, and it will show up in the dropdown.

    If you select Local Folders, it will save the style to a local folder, which can be reused in future projects through the style browser.

The UI shows the dialog to add new text style with Save to Project and Save to Local styles highlighted.
Save your styles to Local Styles and easily import them to be applied easily to other projects.

Apply a style

  1. Select the text layer or caption you wish to edit.

  2. Select the style you wish to apply from the dropdown list.

The text layer or caption track can be linked to the style using quick actions in the Properties panel.
The text layer or caption track can be linked to the style using the Properties panel.

Redefine a style

  1. Select one text layer or a caption block from the captions track you wish to edit.

  2. Make your desired changes and select the Redefine Style button next to the Linked Style or Track style dropdown to overwrite the style with the new changes.

  3. For captions, a Redefine Style dialog will ask you whether you wish to save your changes to all captions in the track (which does not change the style) or if you wish to overwrite the style with your changes.

The UI of the Essential Graphics panel with Redefine style highlighted.
Ripple your style changes to all instances with the Redefine Style button.

Style usage and navigation

A usage indicator tells you how many graphics or caption tracks use a style. Clicking on the indicator will navigate to the beginning of the caption track or the graphic. Each instance in the dropdown provides information about the following metadata in this format:

  • Captions: sequence name: caption track: caption track name 
  • Graphics: sequence name: video track: timecode: amount of layers in graphic using style
UI shows the indicator with placement sequence of the different text styles.
Use the indicator to navigate to the beginning of the selected caption or text graphic.

What parameters are part of the style when applying as a Linked style or Track style?

Most parameters from the Text section:

  • Font 
  • Font Style
  • Font Size
  • Paragraph Alignment
  • Tracking
  • Kerning*
  • Leading 
  • Baseline Shift*
  • Tab Width*
  • Faux Bold
  • Faux Italics
  • All Caps
  • Small Caps
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • Underline
  • Tsume 

All parameters from the Appearance section:

  • Fill 
  • Stroke including Stroke Styles 
  • Background including Background Styles 
  • Shadow 
  • Mask with Text 

All parameters from the Align and Transform section (captions only):

  • Zone
  • Position
  • Size

* only applies to text layers and not to captions.

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