Opt-out Reader X or XI upgrade to Reader

Why upgrade to Acrobat Reader

More powerful than other PDF software, Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free, trusted standard for viewing, printing and annotating PDFs. And now, it’s connected to Adobe Document Cloud — so it’s easier than ever to work with PDFs on computers and mobile devices.

Upgrading to Acrobat Reader is free. See What's new in Acrobat Reader.

How to opt-out of upgrade to Acrobat Reader?

When you see a prompt to upgrade your Adobe Reader X or XI to Reader, you can follow the prompt to decide whether you want to upgrade to Reader or opt-out of the upgrade.

  1. When you open a document in Adobe Reader XI, an in-app prompt is displayed below the toolbar as shown in the screenshot below. Choose Opt-out from the Upgrade drop-down menu.

    In-app notification for upgrade or opt-out

    Alternatively, if you see the following toast notification for upgrading your Reader XI to Reader, click anywhere in the notification pop-up.

    Notification for upgrading your Reader to Reader

  2. The Adobe Reader Updater dialog box is displayed.

    Choose an appropriate option from the drop-down:

    • Upgrade: Upgrade your Reader to the latest Reader.
    • Remind me later: Shows the notification after seven days.
    • Opt-out: Don't upgrade and stop showing the notification to upgrade to Reader.
  3. Click OK.

  1. You see one of the following toast notifications for upgrading your Reader X to Reader.

  2. Click anywhere in the notification pop-up. The Adobe Reader Updater dialog box is displayed.

    Choose an appropriate option from the drop-down:

    • Upgrade: Upgrade your Reader to the latest Reader.
    • Remind me later: Shows the notification after seven days.
    • Opt-out: Don't upgrade and stop showing the notification to upgrade to Reader.
  3. Click OK.

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