Get started with Adobe RoboHelp

Download RoboHelp and start exploring.

Develop responsive help systems, generate knowledgebase content, and more with RoboHelp.

Download and install RoboHelp

Useful resources

Get to know the app

Create a project

Create a project

Work with topics and folders

Work with topics and folders

Format your content

Format your content

Having trouble getting started?

Forgot your Adobe ID or password?

Your Adobe ID is the email address you used to start a trial or purchase an Adobe app or membership. Find solutions to common Adobe ID and sign-in issues. 

Can I install RoboHelp on another computer?

You can install RoboHelp on up to two computers. To install it on a third computer, you must deactivate it on one of your previous machines. Learn more about activating and deactivating Adobe apps. If you need five or more licenses, consider purchasing a volume licensing plan.

How can I create and distribute the Adobe RoboHelp package through the Adobe Admin Console?

Pre-defined templates are available in the Admin Console to create packages for Adobe RoboHelp. For more details, see Adobe Templates for Packages.

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