Adobe Sign for Salesforce: Simple Sign

Simple Sign is an effortless component that allows community portal users to sign self-service agreements. You can easily add Simple Sign into any Salesforce Experience Cloud portal (such as customer, partner, or employee) or seamlessly embed it into other Lightning components.

The 'Simple Sign' feature is available for access from the following portals of a few different editions of the Salesforce community cloud:

  • B2C portal: community user login and community user login plus licenses are used by customers
  • B2B portal: partner community user license

Because community users are external users, their access to organizational data is restricted. By default, they are unable to access data generated by internal users.

To use Simple Sign for signing agreements on community portals, you must implement the following steps:


To access and use the Simple Sign functionality, you must verify the following:

  • Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce package version 21.0 or later is installed.
  • Ensure that Lightning is enabled within your Salesforce organization for the portal to work. To enable the Lightning interface, from the top menu, select Switch to Lightning. Otherwise, select your name, and from the drop-down menu, select Switch to Lightning Experience.
  • Ensure that Generate Sample Agreement Templates option is selected when linking Salesforce to Adobe Acrobat Sign.

  • If the templates were not generated during installation, or if you have upgraded from a previous version of the package to v19, go to the Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin tab and select Generate Sample Self Sign Agreement Template.
  • Verify that the Agreement Templates tab has the Test Community Agreement template.

Enable Chatter

To enable Chatter in your SFDC organization:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Platform Tools > Feature Settings > Chatter > Chatter Settings.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select the Enable checkbox.
  4. Select Save.

Enable Digital Experiences

To enable Digital Experiences:

  1. Navigate to Setup >  Platform Tools > Feature Settings > Digital Experiences > Settings.
  2. Select the Enable Digital Experiences checkbox.
  3. Provide a domain name for your experiences.
    If your account already has an established domain, you can use the same value for experiences.
  4. Select Save.
  5. On the dialog warning that your Domain cannot be changed once established, select OK.

Activate two CSP Trusted Sites

You must configure two CSP (Content Security Policy) Trusted Sites to allow the base URLs for your Adobe Acrobat Sign account. To do so:

  1. Get your Acrobat Sign account shard value as follows:

    1. Log in to your Adobe Acrobat Sign account.
    2. From the URL, copy the parameter just before the (possibly part (the shard value). 
      For example, the URL has a shard value of na1.
    3. Close the tab.

    Learn how to identify the Adobe Acrobat Sign account environment.


  2. Navigate to Setup > Settings > Security > CSP Trusted Sites and then select New Trusted Site.


  3. In the new Site Definition page that opens, fill in the required fields as follows:

    1. Trusted Site Name - Provide a name such as AcrobatSign
    2. Trusted Site URL - Enter the site URL https://secure.<shard>
      For example,
      If your account isn't updated to the domain, you may use instead.
    3. Select the  Active checkbox.
    4. Context - Select Experience Builder Sites for Context.
    5. Select CSP Directive Allow site for frame-src checkbox.
    6. Select Save.

  4. Navigate back to Setup > Settings > Security > CSP Trusted Sites and then select New Trusted Site.

  5. In the new Site Definition page that opens, fill in the required fields as follows:

    1. Trusted Site Name - Provide a name such as AcrobatSign2
    2. Trusted Site URL - Enter the site URL
    3. Select the Active checkbox.
    4. Context - Select Experience Builder Sites for Context.
    5. Select CSP Directive Allow site for frame-src checkbox.
    6. Select Save.
    Second CSP trusted site

  6. Verify the two CSP Trusted Sites.

    CSP Trusted sites

Clone the Community User Profile

To configure your user profiles to use the Adobe Acrobat Sign self-service portal, you must clone and edit one of the standard profiles. To do so:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Administration > Users > Profiles.

  2. For any of the standard Customer Customer profiles, select Clone.

    There are four Customer Community profiles, and you can use any of them to clone and create a user profile. Note the User License type of the profile that you clone.


  3. Provide an intuitive name for your cloned profile and then select Save.


  4. On the cloned profile page that opens, select Edit.


  5. On the Custom Edit page, scroll down to the Custom Object Permissions and enable all Adobe Acrobat Sign objects. You can select the Modify All check box or select only the required permissions for added security. 


Create an Account, Contact, and User for the community

You must create an Account, a Contact, and a User for the Community. 

An account owner must be associated with a Role to enable portal users. To associate a role with your Salesforce user, go to Setup > Administration > Users > Users. Then, from the list of users, select Edit for a user and then in the page that opens, open the Role drop-down menu > select a role > select Save.

To create an Account:

  1. Launch the Sales app from the App launcher.

  2. Open the Account drop-down menu and select +New Account.

  3. In the New Account page that opens, enter an Account Name value and then select Save.

    The account name should identify the account as an Adobe Acrobat Sign Portal account. The Account name is the only value that you need to provide here.


Configure the SFDC community page

  1. Navigate to SetupPlatform Tools > Feature Settings > Digital Experiences > All Sites.

  2. Select New.

  3. Select the Customer Service experience.

    The Customer Service experience is required for the Self-Service components.

  4. When the Customer Service page loads, select Get Started.

  5. On the page that opens:

    1. Enter a Name for the community. Optionally, you can add site-specific name to the URL, which is useful if you have multiple Communities
    2. Once the name is configured, select Create.

    A delightful graphics show runs while the Community is created. Once done, the Community page is displayed. 

    The name of the Community is displayed at the top of the window (highlighted in yellow).

    The site-specific string in the URL can be seen in the address bar (highlighted in teal).

Configure the Experience workspace to enable Users

  1. Navigate to Setup > Platform Tools > Feature Settings > Digital Experiences > All Sites.

  2. For your community, select Workspaces.

  3. On the My Workspaces page that opens, select Administration.

  4. On the Administration page for your community:

    1. From the left panel, select Settings and then select Activate for the Status indicator.
    2. From the left panel, select Members.
    3. From the Search drop-down menu, select All.
    4. From the Available Profiles list, select the custom profile that you created.
    5. Select Add to move the profile to the Selected Profiles list.
    6. Select Save.

Set the Profile Visibility settings for the Email setting of the community user to Public

  1. Open the Contact page for the user you are using to send on behalf of and then select Log in to Experience as User.

    Log in to experience as user

  2. From the top-right corner of the portal interface that opens, select the user name and then select My Settings from the drop-down menu.

  3. On the My Settings page that opens:

    1. In the Profile Visibility section, set the Email value to Public.
    2. Select Save.

Add the Adobe Simple Sign component to the Workspace

  1. Navigate to Setup Platform Tools Feature Settings > Digital Experiences > All Sites.

  2. For your community, select Workspaces.

  3. In the My Workspaces section of the page, select Builder.

  4. From the top-left of the page, select the Components icon, scroll to the bottom of the menu, and drag-n-drop the Adobe Simple Sign option on the page layout.

    Drop the component where ever you want the Adobe Sign agreements to be exposed

    Drag Simple Sign into the portal tempalte

    The page refreshes to show the added component on the page layout, and exposes the management panel for the component in the top right corner.

  5. From the management panel, select Agreement Template and then select Publish to make the portal available.


    After every change to the portal or settings, you must republish the portal.

Embed Simple Sign code into your Lightning components

You can embed the Simple Sign component in another lightning component using the following example code:

<echosign_dev1:SimpleSign templateId="a0L190000019xUrEAI" />

When embedding the component programmatically in another component, you can specify additional parameters:

  • agreementId: The Salesforce ID of the in-flight or draft agreement. Draft agreements should have send-on-behalf configured.
  • templateId: The Salesforce ID of the template governing the generated agreements.
  • pollingInterval: Time in milliseconds before each attempt to fetch the signing URL. The minimum value is 500, the maximum value is 50000, and the default value is 1000.
  • showSigningModal: If set to false, only the signingURL is returned without loading the e-sign page in an overlay modal. If set to true, the signingURL is returned, and the e-sign page is loaded in the overlay modal. The default value is true.

Parameters follow these rules:

  • Either the agreementID or templateID should be specified. If both are specified, the agreementID will be used. If neither is specified, an error is returned.
  • When using an agreementID, the agreement must be in draft or out for signature status, with at least one recipient left to sign.
  • If the agreement is in the draft state, it will be sent out as is, and the signing URL will be shown.
  • If the agreement is in-flight, the signing URL will be fetched and shown.
  • If the agreement is completed, an error will be shown.
  • When using a templateID, Auto Send is enabled regardless.
  • If an agreementID is used, the Auto Send setting on the template is respected.
  • Simple Sign agreement templates must have a master object type of Contact.
  • Send on behalf of is strongly recommended because most community users are typically not licensed to send.

The component can also publish events to consumers. Here's an example of the event handler:

<aura:handler name="notifyError" event="echosign_dev1:ErrorEvent" action="{!c.onError}"/>

The following table lists the available events:

Agreement Sent

name="notifyAgreementSent" event="echosign_dev1:AgreementSentEvent" action="{!c.onAgreementSent}"

Agreement loaded from template

name="notifyAgreementLoaded" event="echosign_dev1:AgreementLoadedEvent" action="{!c.onAgreementLoaded}"

Signing page opened

name="notifySigningLoaded" event="echosign_dev1:SigningLoadedEvent" action="{!c.onSigningLoaded}"


name="notifyRecipientCompleted" event="echosign_dev1:RecipientCompletedEvent" action="{!c.onRecipientCompleted}"

No Signed

name="notifyRecipientNotCompleted" event="echosign_dev1:RecipientNotCompletedEvent" action="{!c.onRecipientNotCompleted}"

Error During any action

name="notifyError" event="echosign_dev1:ErrorEvent" action="{!c.onError}"

Configure the Agreement Template for Simple Sign

Grant access to Salesforce integration data

Our package's custom objects are initially set as "private" for external users by default. Community user permission sets provide access to custom objects and their fields, but not to records created by other users (both internal and external).

Within community portals, administrators have the following two options for setting up eSign flows:

  • Use our prebuilt components (self-sign and simple-sign).
  • Create your own flows using our Apex APIs. 

In both cases, admins often use agreement templates to enable community users to initiate or participate in eSign flows. For this to work, community users need read-only access to agreement templates and related resources, such as merge and data mapping objects, which are typically created by internal users.

The type of community user license determines how access can be granted:

  • Community User Login License: Admins can enable "ViewAll" for agreement templates and merge/data mapping objects through the community user profile to grant access.
  • Community User Login PLUS License and Partner Community User License: Enabling "ViewAll" access via the profile isn't possible. Admins need to use roles-based sharing rules to provide access.

Grant access to agreement templates and related objects

For community users to create agreements using agreement templates, they must be given "ViewAll" access to the Agreement templates and the associated Objects.

  • Agreement Template (echosign_dev1__Agreement_Template__c)
  • Merge Mapping (echosign_dev1__SIGN_Merge_Mapping__c)
  • Data Mapping (echosign_dev1__SIGN_Data_Mapping__c)

If Acrobat Sign Document Builder templates are used with Agreement template as a file attachment, the objects below need to be granted access to community users:

  • Document Builder Template (adobesign__Document_Template__c)

  • Object Field Mapping (adobesign__Object_Field_Mapping__c)

Simple Sign limitations

  • If the Template isn't set up with Only Sender Signs enabled, Community users will encounter an error stating no signing URL is available for them.

  • If the Template lacks the Enable Preview and Position Fields option, the agreement remains in a pre-send state, and no signing URL will load.

  • If the Template doesn't have the Enable hosted signature option, Hosted signatures won't be supported.

  • Simple Sign doesn't support delegation. Other recipients won't access the signing URL.

  • Simple Sign doesn't support Replace Signer (a form of delegation). New signers won't access the signing URL.

  • To access Notes and Attachments of a Salesforce object, admins must enable "Let customer users access notes and attachments" in Communities Settings.

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