Adobe Photoshop Camera Learn & Support

Troubleshooting & help

Photoshop Camera is discontinued on iOS and Android devices and is no longer available for download. Adobe ended official support for existing users starting on January 19th, 2023. For additional information and assistance on the discontinuation of Photoshop Camera, see: Photoshop Camera | End of support FAQ.

Sign in to your Adobe account. Then click Change for Current password and follow the onscreen instructions. Forgot your password? Learn how to reset and change it.

Switching Creative Cloud plans is easy. Follow these step-by-step instructions to upgrade or change your plan.

Photoshop Camera is a free app. Addition storage is available through in-app purchase on iOS only.

If you cancel your membership, you still have access to Creative Cloud member free benefits and any files you saved to your device. You won't have access to apps or most services and your cloud storage will be reduced to 2 GB. Learn how to Cancel your Creative Cloud membership and understand the Adobe subscription terms.

Yes. Photoshop Camera is available on Android. 

To check the list of all devices that support Photoshop Camera, see Systems Requirements | Photoshop Camera.

Yes, you can work with Photoshop Camera on the iPad. However, we recommend using Photoshop Camera on smartphones for best results.

Yes. You can install and use Photoshop Camera on multiple devices. However, activation is limited to two devices per individual associated with the membership. If you want to install it on a third device, you need to deactivate it on one of your previous devices.

Learn more about activating and deactivating Creative Cloud apps.