Preflight libraries (Acrobat Pro)

About preflight libraries

Preflight profiles, fixups, and checks are now well-organized in Libraries. Libraries can be useful to get customized sets of profiles, checks, and corrections. They can be useful in the following ways:

  • Create an extensive library for required workstations or partners.
  • A smaller set of functions can be clubbed within a single library for specified group.
  • Workflows for a specific process can be put in a single library.
    For example, digital printing and publishing functions such as offset, digital, printing, large format and, much more can be grouped within a single library.
Preflight Libraries

Manage libraries

You can create, edit, delete, import, and export preflight libraries using Manage Libraries option.

  1. Choose Tools > Print Production, and then click Preflight in the right-pane.

  2. Click the Libraries drop-down list at the top.

  3. Click Manage Libraries. The Manage Libraries dialog box is displayed with a list of default libraries.

Manage Libraries dialog box

A. Adding a new library B. Duplicate an existing library C. Edit a selected library D. Protect/ lock a selected library E. Unprotect/ unlock a selected library F. Export a selected library G. Import a library H. Delete a selected library 

Add new library

  1. Choose Tools > Print Production, and then click Preflight in the right-pane.

  2. Click the Libraries drop-down list at the top.

  3. Click Manage Libraries.

  4. To add new library, click the button.
    The Preflight: New Library dialog box is displayed.

    Preflight: New Library dialog box

    A. Name of the library B. Library description C. Lock library to protect from changes D. Change color of the library background E. Initial library profile 

  5. Specify a name and an appropriate description of the library.

  6. Select the Color and the Initial set of Profiles for the library. The library can be locked to protect from further changes if required.

  7. To save the new library, click OK.

Switch libraries

  1. Click the Libraries drop-down list at the top.

    Switch library from libraries drop down list

  2. Select the library of your choice.

    Select library

Customize or modify library

  1. In the Preflight dialog, click the Libraries drop-down list at the top.

  2. Select Manage Libraries.

  3. In the left pane, select Profiles (labeled 1).

    Manage libraries dialog box

  4. Select a library from the drop-down list in the middle pane (labeled 2 and 3).

  5. Select the profile in the right pane, and click the blue arrow button (labeled 4).

  6. Click Save to confirm the changes made.

  7. Click OK.


    Perform the above steps for Checks (labeled 5) and Fixups (labeled 6) if required.

Import or export preflight libraries

Preflight libraries can be shared with other users. To exchange a library, you have to package it for import and export. The package includes all profiles, checks, fixups, and properties for the selected library.

Export library

  1. In the Preflight dialog, click the Libraries drop-down list at the top.

  2. Select the library to be exported.

  3. In the same Libraries drop-down list, select Export Library.

  4. Specify the name and the location where the library is to be exported.

  5. Click Save.

Import library

  1. In the Preflight dialog, click the Libraries drop-down list at the top.

  2. Click Import Library.

  3. Locate the preflight library file (.kfp file) to be imported.

  4. Click Open. The imported library is displayed in the Libraries drop-down list.

Search all libraries

  1. In the Preflight dialog, click the Search All Libraries button.

    Search All Libraries

  2. Enter the search term into the Find field.
    Preflight will search all libraries for profiles, checks, and fixups matching the entered term. You can see all the profiles if you do not use any search term.

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