Verify your Adobe Connect installation

Verify your Adobe Connect installation after running the installer and before deploying to ensure that all the components are working.

After you install Adobe Connect and before you deploy and configure it, it is recommended to verify the success of the installation and ensure that all components are working correctly. When you are ready to deploy Adobe Connect, see Deploying and configuring Adobe Connect.

To change the configuration settings entered in the installer, use the Application Management Console. To access the Console, choose Start > Programs > Adobe Connect Server > Configure Connect Server.

To debug, you can access the Adobe Connect 11.0 files in [extract_dir]\Connect\11.0.0\Disk1\InstData\VM\ folder. If the location is read-only, the log file is created in {user folder}\Local Settings\Temp\AdobeConnect folder. 

Log in to Adobe Connect Central

Adobe Connect Central is a web application that lets you administer the Adobe Connect server. If you can log in to Adobe Connect Central, the database and Adobe Connect Server can communicate with each other.

  1. Open a browser and enter the following URL: http://[hostname].

    The [hostname] parameter is the value you set for Adobe Connect Host in the Network Settings screen in the installer.

  2. Enter the user name and password for the account administrator you created in the installer.

    After you create extra users, you can log in to Adobe Connect Central with any user account.

Verify AEM installation

If you choose to install AEM Author and AEM Publish instances, verify their installation.

  1. Check if the AEM Author and AEM Publish server is available on the network. Check for all nodes within a cluster.

  2. Edit an event or an email template in Adobe Connect. Successful editing and saving of a template indicates that AEM instances are working as desired. For more information about editing templates, see Adobe Connect Events in the Using Adobe Connect guide.

Verify that Adobe Connect services are started

Adobe Connect Server runs as the following Windows services:

  • Adobe Connect Service

  • Adobe Connect Telephony Service

  • Adobe Media Administration Server

  • Adobe Media Gateway

  • Adobe Media Server (AMS)

  • Adobe Connect AEM-Author server

  • Adobe Connect AEM-Publish server

Verify that you can send email notifications

If you didn’t enter a value in the SMTP Host field in the Installer, Adobe Connect cannot send email notifications. If you entered an SMTP Host, do the following to verify that Adobe Connect can send email notifications:

  1. Click the Administration tab on the Adobe Connect Central home tab. Click the Users and Groups tab. Click New User.

  2. On the New User Information page, enter the required information. Use the new user’s email address. Make sure the email the new user account information, login, and password option is selected. In the New Password field, create a password of 4 to 16 characters.

  3. Click Next and under the Edit Group Membership heading, select a group, assign the user to the group, and click Finish.

  4. Allow enough time for the user to check for the email notification.

    • If the user receives the notification, Adobe Connect is functional and you can send email messages using your email server.
    • If the user does not receive the notification, ensure that the email address is valid, ensure that the email wasn't filtered as spam, and ensure that you configured Adobe Connect with a valid SMTP host and the SMTP service works outside Adobe Connect. For more help, contact Adobe Support at

Verify that you can use Adobe Presenter

To verify that you can use Adobe Presenter, publish a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to Adobe Connect and then view it.

  1. If you haven’t already done so, install Adobe Presenter on a desktop client machine on which PowerPoint is already installed.
  2. Launch a browser and open Adobe Connect Central using the FQDN of your Adobe Connect server (for example,
  3. Click Resources > Getting Started.
  4. On the Getting Started page, click Publish Presentations > Install Adobe Presenter.

  5. Run the installer.
  6. If you don’t have a PowerPoint presentation, create and save a presentation of one or two slides.
  7. Open the Adobe Connect Publish wizard by selecting Publish from the Adobe Presenter menu in PowerPoint.
  8. Select Connect and enter the information for your server.
  9. Log in with your email address and password, and follow the steps in the Publish wizard. Make sure that you are enrolled in the Authors group (Administration > Users and Groups in Adobe Connect Central).

    When you complete the steps in the Publish wizard, Adobe Presenter uploads your PowerPoint presentation to Adobe Connect.

  10. When the compilation is complete, go to the Content tab in Adobe Connect Central and search for your presentation.
  11. Open your presentation and view it.

Verify that you can use Training (if enabled)


Adobe Connect Training is an optional feature that must be enabled in your license.

  1. Go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central.

    If the Training tab is visible and accessible, Training is functioning. Make sure that you are enrolled in the Training Managers group (Administration > Users and Groups).

Verify that you can use Meeting (if enabled)


Adobe Connect Meeting is an optional feature that must be enabled in your license.

To verify that Adobe Connect Meeting is functional, you must be enrolled in the Meeting Hosts group or the Administrators group.

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central as a user who is enrolled in the Meeting Hosts group or the Administrators group.
  2. Click the Meetings tab and select New Meeting.
  3. On the Enter Meeting Information page, enter the required information. For the Meeting Access option, select the Only Registered Users and Accepted Guests May Enter the Room option. Click Finish to create the meeting.
  4. Click the Enter Meeting Room button.
  5. Log in to enter the meeting as a Registered User.
  6. If the Adobe Connect application window appears, follow the instructions to install it.

    If the meeting room opens, Adobe Connect Meeting is functional.

Verify that you can use Events (if enabled)


Adobe Connect Events is an optional feature that must be enabled in your license.

  1. Log in to Adobe Connect Central as a user who is enrolled in the Events Managers group or the Administrators group.
  2. Go to the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.

    If this tab is visible and accessible, Adobe Connect Events is functioning.

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