Latest Adobe Connect 9 Meeting Add-ins


This article applies to Adobe Connect versions that supports Adobe Connect add-in. Starting Nov 2017, Adobe introduced the new Adobe Connect application for desktop that replaces the old Adobe Connect add-in for Adobe Connect version 9.x and later. If you are on Adobe Connect version 8 or earlier, you can continue to use Adobe Connect add-in.

The latest version of Windows Add-in is 11.2.369.0. This version fixes the following issues, since the last forced version of Windows Add-in ( that was released with Adobe Connect 9.0.2. The latest version of Mac Add-in is 11.2.361.0. This version fixes the following issues, since the last forced version of Mac Add-in ( that was released with Adobe Connect 9.0.3. Issues specific to Windows or Mac are of coursed fixed only in their respective Add-ins.

  • 3215650: Video Pod freezes when layout changed or video pod resized when using osprey 230 video card
  • 3349986: Pointer Arrow leaves behind artifacts when making offline  recording
  • 3374091: Blank stream published with osprey 260e card using when published from Flash Player 11.5 or with high video resolution (640*480)
  • 3372150: Changing the camera selection, hangs the camera feed on subscriber end on Mac
  • 3431727: Correct Flash Player version not displayed
  • 3445460: Mac Add-in crashes when one shares application and switches back to Add-in application
  • 3507154: Browser display issue after stopping application sharing on Windows 8
  • 3550353: Widescreen video mode issue with Logitech C910 webcam
  • 3555046: Inverted image coming when sharing camera with Sorenson codec on Mac

Since this latest Add-in is unforced, to install it, uninstall any older version and then either manually install it from Downloads & Updates Page. Or, start an action in meeting that requires Add-in, like screen sharing. Use the latest Windows Add-in with Adobe Connect 9.0.2 or later. Use the latest Mac Add-in with Adobe Connect 9.0.3 or later.

Forced Add-in version means the minimum Add-in version required. So already running the forced Add-in version and starting screen sharing doesn't update Add-in to the latest version.



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