Adobe Connect for mobile 2.6 release notes

Know the updates and improvements, the known issues, and limitations of Adobe Connect for mobile 2.6 for Android and iOS.

Host, share, collaborate, and train from anywhere, anytime, with Adobe Connect Mobile -- bringing nearly all Adobe Connect capabilities to the palm of your hand for true mobility (iOS and Android).

What's New

  • Support for MP4 playback on iOS 10
  • Autoplay enabled for media in custom pods
  • Improved support for PNG files on iOS
  • Reduced echo using headsets on iOS
  • Improved security iOS – all content transfer now requires SSL
  • Improved security Android – SSL Certificate Validation required for WebViews
  • Bug fixes

System Requirements

See the system requirements and recommendations on the website.

Adobe Connect Meeting:

  • Adobe Connect 2.6.0 requires Adobe Connect Server version 8.2 or later.
  • Some features are not enabled in Adobe Connect meetings if the server is previous to version 9.4.2 (required for Custom pods).

Google Android: Android 4.4 or later

Apple iOS: iOS 8.1.2 or later

Resolved Issues

  • Support for MP4 playback on iOS 10: Resolved an issue that prevented MP4 videos from playing.
  • Autoplay enabled for media in custom pods: Previously, the media in custom pods required the user to click play but not any more.
  • Improved the support for PNG files on iOS.
  • Reduced the echo when using headsets on iOS: In some scenarios and with certain brands of headsets, significant echo occured previously.

Known Issues

Adobe Connect on devices provide most of the meeting functionality and pods available on desktop version. However, some features and pods are not supported.

Issues on all the platforms:

  • When content is shared in a Share pod, the pod may not display the entire content intermittently.
  • When a meeting session is re-connected after a disconnection, the session may be overwritten or renewed. This results in an inaccurate report of total meeting session minutes attended by the user.

Issue on iOS: Audio broadcast using Universal Voice is not heard when Adobe Connect for mobile is running in the background.

Issues on Android: 

  • When using Chat pod on tablets, the chat entry field is covered by the on- screen keyboard. You can still type and submit the chat messages.
  • After a Host accepts a guest in a meeting, at times the guest cannot enter the meeting.
  • If you mute the phone in the mobile application, move the application in the background, and then return to the app, you cannot unmute the phone. Also, your meeting session ends.

Mobile Client Help and Limitations

See Adobe Connect Help and FAQs for the scope and the limitations of the mobile offering.

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