From the menu Notes > Add New Notes or choose Create New from the options menu in the upper-right corner on an existing note.
at the top of the title bar, selectLearn how to use the various Adobe Connect pods to collaborate better in your virtual meetings and remote sessions.
In a virtual session, the participants collaborate and share content. Adobe Connect enables collaboration in a myriad of ways, for example taking notes, chatting, question-answer sessions, polling, sharing content, and so on.
You can share many supported file types, documents, and presentations. You can also share your desktop screen, whiteboards, weblinks, and files. For more information, view Share content in a meeting.
Hosts and presenters use the Notes pod to take meeting notes that all attendees can view. The meeting notes remain visible in the pod throughout the meeting or until a presenter edits them or displays different notes. A host can hide the Notes pod, or switch to a different room layout that does not include the Notes pod.
When you type a message in the Notes pod in a particular layout, the same text appears in other layouts that contain the same pod. With the Add New Notes option, you can create a unique instance of a Notes pod that appears only in one layout.
Hosts and presenters can use the Notes pod in several ways:
Create a single, persistent note that is visible to attendees during the entire meeting.
Create multiple Notes pods to display different notes.
Share the contents of a Notes pod through email or export to a text file.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, view Working with compliance and control settings.
Create a Notes pod
A host can create and display multiple Notes pods, each with its own text. You can use different Notes pods for different layouts and meetings.
If necessary, rename, move, and resize the Notes pod.
Add a note to a Notes pod
As a host or presenter, click anywhere inside the Notes pod.
Type the text that you want to appear in the Notes pod.
Edit note text
A host, presenter, or participant with enhanced rights can edit the text in a Notes pod. (Check Assign enhanced participant rights.) All changes are immediately visible to attendees.
Click in the Notes pod to select the text that you want to edit.
Edit the text, or change size, style, and color using the options at the top of the pod.
Select which Notes pods to display
A host or presenter can choose which notes to display.
Do either of the following:
Choose Notes from the menu
at the top of the title bar.Select the note name you want to display, or click the menu
in a Notes pod, click Select Notes, and select the note name you want to display.
Rename a Notes pod
If you are a host, you can rename a Notes pod after creating it.
To re-name a note, double-click the name in the pod and type a new one.
Delete a Notes pod
Choose Manage Pods from the menu
at the top of the title bar. -
Do one of the following:
- To edit the name of any of the pods, select them from the list, and click Edit (
- To delete the pods, select them from the list, and click Delete (
- To locate all unused pods, click Select Unused. Any unused pods are highlighted in the list on the left. Click Delete (
) if you want to remove the unused pods.
- To edit the name of any of the pods, select them from the list, and click Edit (
Click Done to close the Manage Pods dialog box.
Insert Hyperlink in Notes
To insert a link, follow these steps:
Place the cursor at the appropriate location or select the required text.
From the toolbar on the top, click the Hyperlink icon
. The Insert Hyperlink in Notes dialog box opens.
Type text to Text field and URL address to URL Path field.
An illustration how to insert Hyperlink in Notes An illustration how to insert Hyperlink in Notes -
Click Done.
Insert Hyperlink in Notes option is only available for HTML clients.
Export notes to a text file or email
Hosts can export the contents of a Notes pod.
> Export in the upper-right corner.
Select Save As RTF to export the contents in a text file. Alternatively, select Email to send the contents to recipients over email.
Use the Chat pod or chat panel to communicate with other attendees during a meeting. If you have a question and don’t want to disturb the meeting flow, you can send a chat message to another
participant. For example, when you first enter a meeting room, you can introduce yourself by sending a chat message to everyone in the room.
You can use multiple Chat pods and chat panels simultaneously as a presenter
. Chat pods and panels can display content either to everyone or only to presenters (in the Host and Presenter Area).
Chat pod content persists in a meeting room until deleted. If you want to preserve the content for future use, send the content through email.
The chat panel can be turned on or off by the host. These chats can neither be preserved, nor they are recorded in the meeting session.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, view Working with compliance and control settings.
Use the Chat pod to compose a chat message and address it to a specific participant, all presenters at the meeting, or all attendees.
By default, everyone can view the chat messages. The hosts and presenters can add more tabs to do a private chat by clicking Add a tab
at the top of the Chat Pod. You can choose among Hosts, Presenters, or any attendee.At the top of the Chat pod, tabs appear that let you view different conversations.
At the top of the Chat pod, tabs let you view different conversations. At the top of the Chat pod, tabs let you view different conversations. -
Click the text box in the Chat pod and compose your message.
Do one of the following:
Click Send
at the right of the text box.
Press Enter or Return.
Your name, the addressee's name, and message appear in the Chat pod.
Use sound alerts for new chat messages
The Chat pod can generate a sound to alert a user if two chat messages are more than five seconds apart. This option is available individually for each Chat pod and is specific to a meeting room. It's remembered across all the meeting sessions of a meeting room.
Clear messages from a Chat pod
Chat pod messages are persistent and are available in different instances of the same meeting room. When an empty Chat pod is required in a meeting, a Host can irreversibly clear all messages for all attendees. Hosts can also hide a Chat pod and create a new pod. You cannot retrieve the cleared chat messages.
In the upper-right corner of the Chat pod, click
Select Clear Chat.
Disable private chat between participants
By default, two participants can chat privately. As a host or presenter, you can disable this option and prevent private chat.
> Preferences.
Select Chat Pod from the list on the left.
Deselect Allow participants to chat privately.
Use chat notifications for presenters and hosts
If you're a host or presenter, chat notifications let you communicate with your audience while presenting. The meeting window is minimized or maximized to full-screen, concealing the Chat pod. If an attendee sends a message while you're presenting, a notification appears in the lower-right corner of the screen. You can view the sender’s name and the first few words of the message in the notification window. By default, chat notifications are enabled. However, you can disable the display of notifications during presentations.
> Preferences.
Select Chat Pod from the list on the left.
From the pop-up menu, choose either Disable or set a time duration to display each notification.
Format chat text
In the upper-right corner of the Chat pod, click
icon, and select any of the following:
Text Size
Changes size in your view only.
Chat Color
Changes your text color in the view of all participants, making your remarks stand out.
Show Timestamps
For hosts only, displays the date and time of chat entries.
Go Full Screen
Occupies the full computer screen.
If you are an attendee, you have the following formatting options when you click
- Text Size
- My Chat Color
Email and save chat messages
Hosts and presenters can email a chat history for future reference.
While you are logged into a meeting room, all the messages you send and receive remain in your Chat pod. To preserve the chat history, a host or presenter can send out the contents of the Chat pod in an e‑mail message.
The host has the privilege to request e-mail chat from 'Everyone' tab, 'Hosts' tab, 'Presenters' tab and any private chat in which he has been participating.
The host is able to view all transcripts from the entire chat history under different headers:
- Transcript from Chat with Everyone
- Transcript from Chat with Hosts
- Transcript from Chat with Presenters
- Transcript from Chat with XYZ
In the upper-right corner of the Chat pod, click
From the menu, select Email Chat.
Reverse the order of reading messages by a screen reader
For users that use JAWS or some other accessibility tool, they can read the messages in the reverse order by selecting Reverse order of messages. Messages in the Chat pod are read starting from the latest to the first, instead of the other way round.
Use the Chat panel to compose a chat message and address it to a specific participant, all presenters at the meeting, or all attendees. The host can select or deselect the Enable Chat Panel for this room option as per their requirements.
Chat panel isn’t part of the recording. You can use this panel for informal chat.
From the meeting menu, select Preferences.
This opens Preferences panel. -
Go to Chat and select the option for Enable Chat Panel for this room.
By default, this option remains enabled.Click Done.
In the meeting room, select Open chat panel.
On the right side, chat panel opens, and you can start chatting with everyone, hosts, presenters, or individual participants.
Select Close chat panel to close the chat panel from your screen.
Disable chat panel for Connect account
By default, chat panel is enabled for all Connect accounts, but as an admin, you can also disable it from Connect Central Modernization (CCM).
From CCM, go to Admin>Compliance and Control>Pod Management.
Select Disable Chat Panel.
Every pod interacts uniquely with chat panel. While working with chat panel, you may notice the following behavior of chat panel while interacting with different pods.
- While screen sharing from Share pod, when clicking on the chat icon, chat will be opened in Chat Panel if Chat Panel is enabled for the meeting room. Otherwise, it will be opened in available Chat pod. For more details related to screen sharing, view Screen sharing options.
- When selecting attendee from Attendee pod for a private chat, if chat panel is enabled for meeting room, chat will be opened in chat panel. Otherwise, it will be opened in available chat pod.
- Chat panel will not be visible live when switching on prepare mode.
You can use a Q&A pod to answer questions posed by attendees. When a presenter answers a question, the question and answer appear as pairs in the Q&A pod.
Hosts can give participants enhanced rights, letting them answer questions as well. View Assign enhanced participant rights.
Here are some examples in which the Q&A pod is helpful:
During a large meeting, questions are added to a queue on the Q&A pod while the speaker presents. After completing the presentation, the speaker reviews the messages, applies a filter, and begins answering the questions.
A meeting moderator answers logistical questions but forwards technical inquiries to an engineer, who is presenting.
A meeting moderator returns certain replies to the sender only. Replies that are relevant to all attendees are sent to everyone in the meeting.
View the Q&A pod as participants do
By default, Hosts and Presenters view the Q&A pod with extra controls, but you can quickly view questions with answers as participants do.
On the title bar of the Q&A pod, click either of the following:
Presenter View displays extra filtering and assignment controls visible only to hosts and presenters.
Participant View displays the simple list of questions and answers that participants view and the ones received from individuals.
Move the Q&A pod presenter view to Host and Presenter Area
In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click
Choose Move Presenter View to Host and Presenter Area.
To return the Q&A pod to the Share area, in the Presenters Only Area, disable Move Presenter Area.
Submit a question in the Q&A pod
In the Participant View
of the Q&A pod, type your question in the text box at bottom.
You can add clickable hyperlinks in questions.
To the right of the text box, click Send
, or press Enter.
Answer questions using the Q&A pod
Select an incoming question from the list.
Type your answer in the text box at the bottom of the pod.
Click one of the following buttons in the lower-right corner of the Q&A pod:
Reply to Everyone
Sends the answer to all meeting attendees.
Reply Privately
Sends the answer only to the attendee who sent the question.
Reply privately or everyone in the group Reply privately or everyone in the group
When answering questions, you can include clickable hyperlinks in the answers.
Assign a question to a specific presenter
You can assign questions to presenters with specific expertise, including yourself, preventing others from answering.
In the Presenter View of the Q&A pod, select the question from the Incoming Messages list.
Select a presenter name from the Assign To pop‑up menu.Piezīme.
Presenters can reassign questions to other presenters or choose None to cancel assignment.
Show questions with different statuses
As a host or presenter, you can add a filter to the queue of questions in a Q&A pod to view specific questions while hiding others. You can also forward a question to another presenter to answer.
In the Presenter View
of the Q&A pod, click the pop‑up menu from the title bar.
Select one of the following:
All Questions
Displays all questions that you have received, starting either with a new pod or from the last time the pod was cleared.
Open Questions
Displays all unanswered questions not assigned to anyone.
Answered Questions
Displays all questions that have been answered.
Questions Assigned to Me
Displays only unanswered questions that have been assigned to you. A question answered by someone else, can still be reassigned to a user and then shows in their list.
Delete individual questions
You can delete questions to clean up the Presenter View. (Deleted questions and associated answers remain in the Participant's View.)
In the Presenter View
of the Q&A pod, select a question.
Click Delete (
Clear all questions
To remove all content from the Presenter and
do the following:
In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click click
Select Clear All Questions.
Hide attendee names for questions
By default, attendee names appear next to submitted questions and provided answers. Hosts and presenters can hide those names in Participant View.
In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click
> Preferences.
In Q&A pod preferences, deselect Show Submitter Name or Show Presenter Name options or both.
Save or email Q&A contents
In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click
Choose Export, and then select either Download or Email.
The Download button downloads the entire content in a .txt file. On choosing the Email option, the entire content is shared through email on your registered id.
Send message from the Q&A pod
From the Presenter view of the Q&A pod, you can send a message to specific attendees or groups. This message appears in the participant view of the Q&A pod and is visible only to the specified attendees or groups.
In the upper-right corner of the Q&A pod, click
Choose Send a Message to. To send a message to specific attendees or groups, select Send message and then select appropriate attendees or groups to send the message.
Send message to Everyone or individual(s) Send message to Everyone or individual(s) -
The message has a different format that distinguishes it from the regular Q&A messages that are visible to all attendees.
Indicates message to specific attendees or groups Indicates message to specific attendees or groups
Hosts and presenters can use the Poll pod to create questions, or polls, for participants and to view the results. Only hosts and presenters control poll management and how polls appear to meeting participants. Hosts can also cast votes.
Polls are useful during a meeting if you want instant feedback on what is being presented. Polls can also be used at the end of a meeting to find out if participants felt the meeting, content, and presenters were high quality.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, view Working with compliance and control settings.
Create a poll
If the Poll pod is not displayed, click
and select Poll > Add New Poll.
In the upper left of the pod, choose Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers, or Short Answer.
Enter a question into the Poll pod. Then enter one or more answers if your choice is Multiple Choice or Multiple Answers. If your choice is Short Answer, you need not enter any answer.
Click Open Poll.
Close the answer period for a poll
On the top of the title bar, click End Poll. (Results are sent to Adobe Connect server).
To restart, click Reopen the poll
Edit a poll
If you edit an open poll, current results are lost.
Click Edit on the title bar of the Poll pod.
Edit the text.
Click Open Poll.
View poll results
As a host or presenter, you can view poll results. These results are updated in real time as participants continue to cast or change their votes.
In the upper-right corner of the Poll pod, click
Select Results Format, and choose a display option: Show as %, Show as Number, or Show as Both. The overall responses appear in the Poll pod. To view responses from the individual participants, click View Votes.
Show poll results to participants
By default, only hosts and presenters can view poll results, but you can show them to all participants by doing the following:
On the title bar of the Poll pod, select Broadcast Results.
Navigate among polls
You can create multiple polls and navigate among them quickly and easily.
In the upper-right corner of the Poll pod, click
Choose Select Poll, and select a poll name.
Clear poll answers
In the upper-right corner of the Poll pod, click
Select Clear All Answers.
Remove or delete polls
Hosts can either hide a poll for a meeting instance or delete it completely. The polls you create in a meeting room are persistent and are available across all instances of the meeting. To re-use a poll in a later meeting, hide the pod and clear the results before re-using.
Follow these steps to delete a poll:
Choose Manage Pods from the menu
at the top of the title bar.
To edit the name of any of the Polls, find the name in the list of polls, and click Edit (
To delete an individual poll in the Polls pod, find the name in the list of pods, select it, and click Delete (
To select all unused polls, click Select Unused, and then click Delete (
Click Done to close the "Manage Pods" dialog box.
Quizzes are an excellent learning tool. Use the Quiz pod to engage and accelerate the learnings of your team. It helps in team building and creates a better understanding of specific subjects. You can add and open different quizzes at the same time. For example, if you are conducting two training sessions on the same day, the team can play two quizzes at the same time.
Quiz pods are available in the host and presenter area of the meeting room. As a host, you can set a timer for the quiz and extend it based on requirements. The host can also check the status of each participant’s submission.
As a participant, you can view your result, answers amd leaderboard after submitting the quiz. Quiz pod allows participants to attempt the quiz multiple times.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, view Working with compliance and control settings.
Create a quiz
A host can create and update the quiz pod. You can use different types of questions as per the assessment required.
- From the menu
Quiz pod appears in a small window.
at the top of the title bar, select Quiz> Add new Quiz.
Add a quiz to a Quiz pod
Select the type of question.
- Multiple choice
- Multiple answer
- Fill in the blank
- True or False
Add the question.
Click on Publish.
Multiple choice
Add multiple choice questions in Quiz pod.
Add the question.
Add the options.
Click on +Add option to add more options.
Select the correct answer by selecting the bullet.
Click on Add another question to add more questions.
You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type.Piezīme.If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.
Click on Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
Multiple answer
Add multiple answer questions in Quiz pod.
Add the question.
Add the options.
Click on +Add option to add more options.
Select the correct answer(s) by selecting the bullet.
Click on Add another question to add more questions.
You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type.Piezīme.If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.
Click on Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
Fill in the blank
Add fill in the blank question in Quiz pod.
Add the question.
Add the options.
With the help of highlighter , select the answer in the question statement. Correct answer by-default is marked in option A.
Piezīme.The sequence of the answers gets changed automatically for all participants once the quiz is live.
Click on +Add option to add more options.
Click on Add another question to add more questions.
You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type.Piezīme.If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.
Click on Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
True and False
Add true or false questions in Quiz pod.
Add the question.
Select the correct answer. (True/False)
Click on Add another question to add more questions.
You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type.Piezīme.If you are changing the type of question after adding the options, it retains the options in case of multiple choice, multiple answers and fill in the blank question.
Click on Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
Add the question.
Padoms:Participants will be provided an answer field with a limit of 2000 characters.
Select Add another question to add more questions.
You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type.Piezīme.If you change the question type after adding the options, the options are preserved for multiple choice, multiple answers, and fill in the blank questions.
Select Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
You can also add questions in bulk by importing the quiz. The quiz file to import will be in GIFT or .csv format.
Select Import Quiz to import the quiz in the given file format.
You can download a sample .csv file for your reference.
Select Add all questions.
Click on Add another question to add more questions.
You can change the type of question from the above drop-down for question type. -
Click on Show all questions to view all questions on the same page. You can change the sequence of the questions by dragging them up and down. Click on delete to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
The maximum limit of questions in an imported file is 10.
Hosts can export the quiz of a Quiz pod.
From the quiz menu , select Export quiz.
In Export quiz dialog box, choose the format you want to export the quiz.
Select Confirm.
The quiz is downloaded in the selected format.
Edit quiz
Once the quiz is published, admin can add or delete the questions listed in the quiz pod.
Click on menu Edit quiz.
, select -
Click on Add another question to add more questions.
Change the sequence of the questions by dragging up and down. Click on delete
to remove any question from the quiz.
Click on Settings to edit the settings of the same quiz pod.
Click on Publish to start the quiz.
Close/Reopen Quiz
Once the quiz is live, you would be able to close and reopen the quiz.
Click on Close quiz now to close the quiz immediately.
Once quiz is close, click on Re-open quiz as per requirement.
Settings for quiz pod
To set timer, results, and randomizing questions, admin can change these settings while creating or editing the quiz.
If the quiz is live, admin can’t change the settings for the pod.
Set time limit
Enable this toggle to set a time limit for the participants. From the drop-down, select minutes and seconds for the quiz. Maximum time limit is for 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
Admin can extend the time while quiz is live.
Click on the timer when the quiz is live.
Select Extend time by 30 sec.
Timer gets extended till maximum time limit the quiz.
Randomize question order
Enable this toggle to change the sequence of the questions. All the participants would receive same set of questions but in different random sequence.
Randomize option order for all questions
Enable this toggle to change the sequence of options in the set of questions. All the participants would receive same set of questions but the options available would have different random sequence.
Reveal correct answers after quiz submission
Enable this toggle to reveal the correct answers to the participants once they have submitted the quiz.
This option is available in settings before publishing the quiz.
Show result as,
Select this to show results in percentage form.
Select this to show results in marks form.
You can select any one of them to show the results to participants.
Answer a quiz
As a participant, answer the questions added to the quiz.
Click on Start quiz.
Select the answer to the question, click on Next for next question.
Click on Previous to go back to previous question. -
Click on Submit answers.
Scorecard appears on screen. -
Click View my answers to check the submitted answers.
Multiple attempts
As many times admin is reopening the quiz, participants can participate in the quiz.
View your reportcard
As a participant, once you submit your answers, a summary of the quiz along with reportcard appears in the quiz pod.
Check the leaderboard
View the leaderboard after submiting your answers in the same quiz pod.
- Click on Leaderboard, to check the scores of all the participants of the quiz.
Leaderboard is only visible when host allows to make the results public.
View reports
As an admin, you can check summary and reports for the quiz.
Go to Connect Central, click on Meetings.
Click on User Meetings> Your account> Meeting folder.
Click on Reports.
Check reports by attendees, by sessions, by questions, and by quiz.
Click on Download Report Data to download report sheet in your system.