Fix missing plugin issues

Facing an issue where Illustrator is crashing on launch and displaying Error loading plugins dialog? 

Error message dialog for plugin issues
Error message for plugin issues

Fix common plugin issues with any of these solutions:
  • Update external plugins to their latest version and relaunch Illustrator. 
    If the problem persists, use the next solution. 
  • Repair Visual C++ DLL (Windows) 
    1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
    2. Right-click Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (2012-2017) and choose Repair.

Restart your computer and open Illustrator.

If the Illustrator still crashes, try these solutions

Re-create preferences

  1. Delete your existing preferences file. 

  2. Launch Illustrator. A new preferences file is automatically created when you launch Illustrator. 

Before you delete preferences, you must save a copy of the preferences.

Launch Illustrator as Administrator

  1. Create a new administrator account. To create a new administrator account, contact your system administrator or refer to the below articles:

  2. Log in to the new administrator account and restart Illustrator. 

Launch Illustrator in Safe Mode

Launch Illustrator in Safe Mode to diagnose the problem-causing elements for the crash, like fonts or files loading issues. Follow the steps in the safe mode dialog and fix the issues. 

Need more help?

Simply share the crash report or crash log with us.

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